
时间:2015-03-12 21:06:34

标签: javascript jquery autocomplete


var displayNum = 10;
var pointer = displayNum;

function DelegateSearch(txtBox)
    $("#" + txtBox).attr("placeholder", "Search by Last Name");

    $(".ajaxcompanyRefreshImage").attr("src", "/images/refresh.jpg");

    $("#" +txtBox).parents().find('.ajaxcompanyRefreshImage').click(function () { $("#" +txtBox).autocomplete("search"); });

    $("#" +txtBox).dblclick(function () { $(this).autocomplete("search"); });
    $("#" +txtBox).autocomplete({
        change: function (event, ui) {
            if ($(this).val() == '') {
        close: function (event, ui) {
            return false;
        select: function (event, ui) {             
            var addr = ui.item.value.split('-');

            var label = addr[0];
            var value = addr[1];
            value += addr[2];

            if (label == null || label[1] == null  ||(label.length < 1 && value == '' && value.length < 1)) {

                $(this).autocomplete("option", "readyforClose", false);
            else {
                if (value[1]!= 0) {
                    $(this).autocomplete("option", "readyforClose", true);
                    delegateSearchPostBack(value, label, txtBox);

            return false;
        response: function (event, ui) {

            var more = { label : "<b><a href='javascript:showmoreNames();' id='showmore'>Show more Names...</a></b>", value: '' };
            ui.content.splice(ui.content.length, 0, more);
        open: function(event, ui) {

        search : function (event, ui) {
            if ($(this).val().length < 3) {
                return false;


        source: function (request, response) {
                url: "/ajax/ajaxservice.asmx/GetDelegateListBySearch",
                data: "{ prefixText: " + "'" +request.term + "'}",
                dataType: "json",
                type: "POST",
                contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                dataFilter: function (data) {
                    return data; },
                minLength: 2,
                success: function (data) {
                    pointer = displayNum;
                    response($.map(data.d, function (val, key) {
                        return {
                            label: DelegateSearchMenulayout(key, val),
                            value: val

                error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {}


function DelegateSearchMenulayout(key, val) {

var net = '';
var userData = val.split('-');

var table = "<table width=350px' style='border-bottom-style:solid;' class='menutable'>";
table += "<tr><th width='300px'></th>";
table += "<tr><td><b>" + userData[1] + "" + userData[2] + "</b></td></tr>";
table += "<tr><td>" + userData[4] + " - " + userData[3] + "</td></tr>";
       table += "</table>";

    return table;

function delegateSearchPostBack(userName, userId, txtBox) {   
$("#" + txtBox).autocomplete("destroy");
$("#" + txtBox).val(userId +"-" + userName );
pointer = displayNum;    
__doPostBack(txtBox, "");

function showmoreNames() {
$(".menutable").each(function (index) {
    if (index >= pointer) {
    else {

if ($(".menutable").length <= pointer) {
    $("#showmore").attr("href", "javascript: function () {return false;}");
    $("#showmore").text("End of Users");
else pointer += displayNum;

默认显示10个名称。如果列表更长,&#34;显示更多名称&#34;单击显示时,将显示另外10个名称。使用最初的10个名称,JQuery工作正常。当我点击外部或按ESC时,名称列表将消失。但是如果列表更长,当我单击“显示更多名称”时,会显示更长的列表,但是单击ESC或单击列表外部,它不会消失!我怎样才能做到这一点? 我尝试了以下解决方案: how to make the dropdown autocomplete to disappear onblur or click outside in jquery? 但是使用这个解决方案,当我点击Show More时,列表就消失了!

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

 $(document).bind('click', function (event) {
        // Check if we have not clicked on the search box
        if (!($(event.target).parents().andSelf().is('#showmore'))) {

以上工作。我对文档进行了额外检查,点击选项是否显示更多&#39;点击。有id =&#39; showmore&#39;。因此检查用户是否没有点击它。