Declare @Xmlresponse as XML
Set @Xmlresponse = CAST (@response as xml);
---- Check the response
Declare @Status as int
Set @Status = @Xmlresponse.exist('declare namespace ns1="";
declare namespace ns="http://AADC_GETCUSTOMERFULLDETAIL/";
---SELECT @Status [Status]
------ Shred the XML response and extract the status description value
IF (@Status = 1)
--// BillID node exists so the transaction was successful and we can extract the Status Description for example
---- Extract StatusCode
;with xmlnamespaces('' as ns, default 'http://AADC_GETCUSTOMERFULLDETAIL/')
Select T.X.value('(ns:StatusCode/text())[1]', 'varchar(10)') as StatusCode
from @Xmlresponse.nodes('/UserDetail') as T(X);
---- Insert into tracker table
--INSERT INTO [dbo].[IVR_CCB_Webservices_Tracker] ([WS_Desc], [Date], [Result], [xmlResult])
-- ('CreateBillRouteFaxService', Getdate() ,'Success', @response)
----Insert Response WS in Table BillFax_log
;with xmlnamespaces('' as ns, default 'http://AADC_GETCUSTOMERFULLDETAIL/')