
时间:2015-03-12 10:13:26

标签: c# asp.net .net vb.net linq

我在VB ASP.Net项目中使用linq来填充搜索结果。使用intersect来比较查询的单词列表和字符串。我将字符串拆分到空格上以确保两个集合正在交叉。但VB没有意识到这一点并抛出以下错误。

An exception of type 'System.MissingMemberException' occurred in Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll but was not handled in user code

Additional information: Public member 'Count' on type 'String' not found.


MatchCount = keywords.Intersect(IIf(IsNothing(t.TripName), t.tbl_Subject.SubjectName & " in " & t.tbl_City.CityName, t.TripName).ToLower().Split(" ")).Count() / IIf(IsNothing(t.TripName), t.tbl_Subject.SubjectName & " in " & t.tbl_City.CityName, t.TripName).Count


Dim name as string = IIf(IsNothing(t.TripName), t.tbl_Subject.SubjectName & " in " & t.tbl_City.CityName, t.TripName)
MatchCount = keywords.Intersect(name.ToLower().Split(" ")).Count()

编辑: - 整个,原创(不是我写的)选择陈述

toReturn.AddRange(results.Select(Function(t) New SearchResult() _
                      With {
                            .MatchCount = keywords.Intersect(If(IsNothing(t.TripName), t.tbl_Subject.SubjectName & " in " & t.tbl_City.CityName, t.TripName).ToLower().Split(" ")).Count() / If(IsNothing(t.TripName), t.tbl_Subject.SubjectName & " in " & t.tbl_City.CityName, t.TripName).Count, _
                            .UID = t.TripID, _
                            .Title = IIf(t.TripName Is Nothing, t.tbl_Subject.SubjectName & " in " & t.tbl_City.CityName, t.TripName), _
                            .Description = t.DescriptionLong.ToString().Replace("<p>", "").Replace("</p>", "").Replace("<b>", "").Replace("</b>", "").Replace("<strong>", "").Replace("</strong>", "").Replace("<i>", "").Replace("</i>", "").Replace("<em>", "").Replace("</em>", "").Replace("<br>", "").Replace("<br />", ""), _
                            .ImageURL = IIf(t.ImageSub04 Is Nothing, t.tbl_City.ImageThumb, t.ImageSub04),
                            .URL = "/" & t.tbl_Subject.SubjectWebName & "/" & t.tbl_Country.CountryWebName & "/" & _
                                        IIf(t.TripWebName Is Nothing, _
                                        t.tbl_City.CityWebName, _
                                        t.TripWebName) _
                                        & "_trip/",
                            .IsCity = keywords.Contains(t.tbl_City.CityName) Or keywords.Contains(t.tbl_Country.CountryName)
                         }).OrderBy(Function(sr) sr.IsCity).ThenByDescending(Function(sr) sr.MatchCount))

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



因为,正如我的问题所说,它在一个选择陈述中,所以我不能   存储变量



Dim sResults = From res In results
               Let longTripName = String.Format("{0} in {1}", res.tbl_Subject.SubjectName, res.TripName)
               Let trip = If(res.TripName, longTripName)
               Let tripWords = trip.ToLower().Split(" "c)
               Let matching = keywords.Intersect(tripWords).Count()
               Let matchCount = matching / trip.Length
               Let title = " this is your task "
               Let description = " this is your task "
               Let imageURL = " this is your task "
               Let url = " this is your task "
               Let isCity = True ' also your task '
               Select sr = New SearchResult With {
                   .MatchCount = matchCount,
                   .Title = title,
                   .Description = description,
                   .ImageURL = imageURL,
                   .URL = url,
                   .IsCity = isCity
               Order By sr.IsCity, sr.MatchCount Descending


此外,由于您正在使用Split(" ")进行编译,因此您应该真正更改为Option Strict On。我想你会得到很多编译器错误然后这是一件好事,因为它会向你展示你必须解决的问题。在这里,您必须使用Split(" "c)