
时间:2015-03-12 01:09:19

标签: r dataframe data.table posixct




visit_date   region    location     media      component     result
1990-08-20   LAKE      555723       water       Mg            *Nondetect
1999-07-01   HILL      432422       water       Ca            3.2
2010-09-12   LAKE      555723       water       pH            6.8
2010-09-12   LAKE      555723       water       Mg            2.1
2010-09-12   HILL      432423       water       pH            7.2
2010-09-12   HILL      432423       water       N             0.8
2010-09-12   HILL      432423       water       NH4          112


visit_date   region    location     media      component     result        pH
1990-08-20   LAKE      555723       water       Mg            *Nondetect  *Not recorded
1999-07-01   HILL      432422       water       Ca            3.2         *Not recorded
2010-09-12   LAKE      555723       water       pH            6.8         6.8
2010-09-12   LAKE      555723       water       Mg            2.1         6.8
2010-09-12   HILL      432423       water       pH            7.2         7.2
2010-09-12   HILL      432423       water       N             0.8         7.2
2010-09-12   HILL      432423       water       NH4          112          7.2

我试图在这里使用这个方法 - R finding rows of a data frame where certain columns match those of another - 但遗憾的是没有得到我想要的结果。相反,pH柱是我预先填充的值-999NA,而不是该特定访问日期的pH值(如果已收集)。由于结果数据集大约为500k记录,因此我使用unique(tResult$pH)来确定pH列的值。

在这里尝试。 res是原始结果data.frame和component将是pH结果子集(pH样本来自主要结果表)。

keys <- c("region", "location", "visit_date", "media")

tResults <- data.table(res, key=keys)
tComponent <- data.table(component, key=keys)

tResults[tComponent, pH>0]

我尝试在原始数据框架上使用matchmergewithin但未成功。从那时起,我已经为组件(本例中的pH)生成了一个子集,我将结果列复制到新的&#34; pH&#34;专栏,认为我可以匹配键并更新新的&#34; pH&#34;主结果集中的列。

由于并非所有结果值都是数字的(值为*Not recorded),我尝试使用像-888这样的数字或其他可以替代的值,因此我可以强制至少将结果和pH值列为数字。除了POSIXct个值的日期,其余列为character列。原始数据框架是使用StringsAsFactors=FALSE创建的。




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

#df1 is your first data set and is dataframe

library(zoo) # locf function

setDT(df1)[,pH:=na.locf(phtem,na.rm = FALSE)]
    visit_date region location media component     result phtem  pH
1: 1990-08-20   LAKE   555723 water        Mg *Nondetect    NA  NA
2: 1999-07-01   HILL   432422 water        Ca        3.2    NA  NA
3: 2010-09-12   LAKE   555723 water        pH        6.8   6.8 6.8
4: 2010-09-12   LAKE   555723 water        Mg        2.1    NA 6.8
5: 2010-09-12   HILL   432423 water        pH        7.2   7.2 7.2
6: 2010-09-12   HILL   432423 water         N        0.8    NA 7.2
7: 2010-09-12   HILL   432423 water       NH4        112    NA 7.2

#如果您不需要,可以删除\ nttem。



   visit_date region location media component     result  pH
1: 1990-08-20   LAKE   555723 water        Mg *Nondetect  NA
2: 1999-07-01   HILL   432422 water        Ca        3.2  NA
3: 2010-09-12   LAKE   555723 water        pH        6.8 6.8
4: 2010-09-12   LAKE   555723 water        Mg        2.1 6.8
5: 2010-09-12   HILL   432423 water        pH        7.2 7.2
6: 2010-09-12   HILL   432423 water         N        0.8 7.2
7: 2010-09-12   HILL   432423 water       NH4        112 7.2