任何人都可以向我解释我是如何解决这个问题的吗? 它在excel 2003中运行良好,但在2010年我收到了这个错误:
有人可以指导我朝正确的方向发展吗? 应该做什么尺度高度,确保复制到单词对象中的所有文本都是可见的 - 如果我将scaleheight设置为1,则msoFalse不是这种情况。
Sub Embed_WordDocument_To_sheet()
Dim oWD As Document ' Word Document Object (Use Microsoft Word Reference)
Set ws = Worksheets.Add
Set wsFactark = Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set oOLEWd = ws.OLEObjects.Add( _
ClassType:="Word.Document", _
oOLEWd.Name = "EmbeddedWordDoc"
oOLEWd.ShapeRange.LockAspectRatio = msoFalse
oOLEWd.Width = 375
oOLEWd.Height = 10 ' bliver ligegyldig når du har gjort det som står i nederste kommentar.
oOLEWd.Top = ws.Range("C3").Top + 2 ' +2 for ikke at overstrege border-linjen
oOLEWd.Left = ws.Range("C3").Left + 5 ' samme
' PROBLEM - "The relativetooriginalsize argument applies only to a picture or an OLE object." !!!
oOLEWd.ShapeRange.ScaleHeight 1, msoTrue ' msoFalse works, msoCTrue doesn't
oOLEWd.Placement = xlFreeFloating
' Assign the OLE Object to Word Object
Set oWD = oOLEWd.Object
wsFactark.Cells(I + 4, 13).Copy
oWD.Paragraphs(oWD.Paragraphs.Count).Range.PasteAndFormat (wdFormatOriginalFormatting)
With oWD.PageSetup
.TopMargin = 0
.BottomMargin = 0
.LeftMargin = 0
.RightMargin = 0
.PageHeight = 1584 'max
.PageWidth = 1584
End With
oOLEWd.Height = selection.Application.UsableHeight
oOLEWd.ShapeRange.Line.Visible = msoFalse
If oOLEWd.Height > 400 And oOLEWd.Height < 800 Then
ws.Range("B3").RowHeight = 400
ws.Range("B4").RowHeight = oOLEWd.Height - 400 + 20
ElseIf oOLEWd.Height > 800 And oOLEWd.Height < 1000 Then
ws.Range("B3").RowHeight = 400
ws.Range("B4").RowHeight = 200
ws.Range("B5").RowHeight = 200
ws.Range("B7").RowHeight = oOLEWd.Height - 800 + 20
ElseIf oOLEWd.Height > 1000 And oOLEWd.Height < 1200 Then
ws.Range("B3").RowHeight = 400
ws.Range("B4").RowHeight = 200
ws.Range("B5").RowHeight = 200
ws.Range("B6").RowHeight = 200
ws.Range("B7").RowHeight = 200
ws.Range("B9").RowHeight = oOLEWd.Height - 1000 + 20
ws.Range("B3").RowHeight = oOLEWd.Height
ws.Range("B4:B11").RowHeight = 0
End If
ws.Range("B12").RowHeight = 10
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:0)
这可能会起作用(至少在我的系统上 - Excel 2010):
Sub M_snb()
ActiveSheet.OLEObjects.Add , "G:\example.docx", True, False, , , , Columns(3).Left, Rows(3).Top
End Sub
Sub M_snb()
With CreateObject("Word.document")
.Windows(1).Visible = True
.ExportAsFixedFormat "G:\OF\new.pdf", 17
.Close -1
End With
End Sub