
时间:2015-03-08 09:08:25

标签: python linux daemon

我正在做一个带有覆盆子pi的小型服务器机房监控系统。几小时/几天后,检查温度和湿度是否在绿色范围内的python守护程序会停止。它每隔2秒在一个配置文件中加载一个while循环,其中定义温度和湿度间隔,然后检查当前值是否在范围内。 这是python守护进程的代码(checkSensorData.py):

import time

from tools import Tools
from sensorData import SensorData
from monlog import MonLog
from daemon import runner

CONF_FILE = "/home/pi/sys-conf/sys.conf"

class CheckSensorData():

    def __init__(self):
        self.stdin_path = "/dev/null"
        self.stdout_path = "/dev/null"
        self.stderr_path = "/dev/null"
        self.pidfile_path = "/tmp/checkSensorData.pid"
        self.pidfile_timeout = 5
        self.temp_status = -1 # temperature status (0 => to low, 1 -> ok, 2 -> to high)
        self.humd_status = -1 # humidity status (0 => to low, 1 -> ok, 2 -> to high)

    def run(self):
        self.monlog = MonLog()
        self.sd = SensorData()
        while True:
            conf = Tools.loadConf(CONF_FILE)

    def check(self, conf):
        temperature = self.sd.getTemperature()
        humidity = self.sd.getHumidity(temperature)
        if temperature > float(conf["max_temperature"]) and self.temp_status!=2:
            self.monlog.warning("Temperature is too high: "+str(temperature)+" °C")
            self.temp_status = 2
        elif temperature < float(conf["min_temperature"]) and self.temp_status!=0:
            self.monlog.warning("Temperature is too low: "+str(temperature)+" °C")
            self.temp_status = 0
        elif temperature >= float(conf["min_temperature"]) and temperature <= float(conf["max_temperature"]) and self.temp_status!=1:
            self.monlog.info("Temperature is ok: "+str(temperature)+" °C")
            self.temp_status = 1
        if humidity > float(conf["max_humidity"]) and self.humd_status!=2:
            self.monlog.warning("Relative humidity is too high: "+str(humidity)+" %")
            self.humd_status = 2
        elif humidity < float(conf["min_humidity"]) and self.humd_status!=0:
            self.monlog.warning("Relative humidity is too low: "+str(humidity)+" %")
            self.humd_status = 0
        elif humidity >= float(conf["min_humidity"]) and humidity <= float(conf["max_humidity"]) and self.humd_status!=1:
            self.monlog.info("Relative humidity is ok: "+str(humidity)+" %")
            self.humd_status = 1

checkSensorData = CheckSensorData()
daemonRunner = runner.DaemonRunner(checkSensorData)


def getLines(filename):
    with open(filename, "r") as file:
        return file.readlines()

def loadConf(confFile):
    lines = Tools.getLines(confFile)
    conf = {}
    for i in range(len(lines)):
        line = lines[i].strip(" \n")
        if line!="" and line[0]!="#":
            data = line.split(":")
            conf[data[0]] = data[1]   # conf[key] = value
    return conf


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