
时间:2015-03-08 06:15:47

标签: actionscript-3


        //cache = "\nWELCOME TO THE LOTTERY GAME\n\n\n\t• Play\nRules\nSettings\n"
        //text = "\t• Play\nRules\nSettings\n"

        var start:int = cache.indexOf(text); //output: start == 31
        var end:int = cache.lastIndexOf(text); //output: end == 31 <- unexpected value

end应该是cache.length - 1 = 54。怎么了?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


s = "abcab"


var end:int = cache.lastIndexOf(text) + text.length;

答案 1 :(得分:0)


你应该知道String.indexOf()String.lastIndexOf()之间的唯一区别是搜索的感觉,第一个函数是从左边开始(从位置0的字符开始),第二个函数是从从右边(来自位置string.length - 1的字符)并且它们都将返回搜索字符串的第一个字符与调用字符串相比的位置(如果它当然存在)。


var parent_string:String = 'hello world';
var parent_string_length:int = parent_string.length;

var child_string:String = 'world';
var child_string_length:int = child_string.length;

// h e l l o _ w o r l d
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

trace(parent_string.indexOf(child_string));     // gives : 6, it's the position of "w"
trace(parent_string.lastIndexOf(child_string)); // gives : 6, it's the position of "w"


String.indexOf():找到&#34; child_string&#34;的第一个索引in&#34; parent_string&#34;从左边开始:

// h e l l o _ w o r l d
// ->          *
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

for(var i:int = 0; i < parent_string_length; i++)
    var char:String = parent_string.charAt(i);
    var substr:String = parent_string.substr(i, child_string_length);

    trace(i + ') ' + char + ' : ' + substr + ' == ' + child_string + ' : ' + (substr == child_string));

    if(char == child_string.charAt(0)){ // if we find the first char of "child_string" in "parent_string"

        if(substr == child_string){
            trace('the first index of "' + child_string +'" in "' + parent_string + '", starting from the left, is : ' + i);


0) h : hello == world : false
1) e : ello  == world : false
2) l : llo w == world : false
3) l : lo wo == world : false
4) o : o wor == world : false
5)   :  worl == world : false
6) w : world == world : true
the first index of "world" in "hello world", starting from the left, is : 6

String.lastIndexOf():找到&#34; child_string&#34;的第一个索引in&#34; parent_string&#34;从右边开始:

// h e l l o _ w o r l d
//             *       <-
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

for(i = parent_string_length - 1; i > 0; i--)
    char = parent_string.charAt(i);
    substr = parent_string.substr(i, child_string_length);

    trace(i + ') ' + char + ' : ' + substr + ' == ' + child_string + ' : ' + (substr == child_string));

    if(char == child_string.charAt(0)){ // if we find the first char of "child_string" in "parent_string"
        if(substr == child_string){
            trace('the first index of "' + child_string +'" in "' + parent_string + '", starting from the right, is : ' + i);


10) d : d == world : false
9) l : ld == world : false
8) r : rld == world : false
7) o : orld == world : false
6) w : world == world : true
the first index of "world" in "hello world", starting from the right, is : 6
