如何在单元测试中使用sinon / proxyquire或node.js中的依赖注入来模拟twilio

时间:2015-03-07 00:32:20

标签: node.js sinon proxyquire


controller user.js

var smsClient = new twilio.RestClient(config.get('twilio_account_sid'), config.get('twilio_auth_token'));

module.exports = {
  checkCode: function(phone){
        var code = getNewCode();
            from: config.get('twilio_phone_number'),
            to: phone,
            body: 'Your code :' + code
        }, callback);


var twilioMock = //what goes here??
var smsSpy = sinon.spy(twilioMock.sms.messages, 'create');
var User = proxyquire('../models/user', { 'mongoose': mongooseMock, 'smsClient': twilioMock }); 

... some describe and it statements ...
twilioMock.sms.messages.should.have.been.calledOnce()  //this is where I don't know what I should be checking

// or is this the right way? 

1 个答案:

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I am answering this very late but this might help someone.

I haven't used proxywire but it seems very similar to rewire (just by looking at your code). You should try the following:

var twilioMock = new twilio.RestClient(config.get('twilio_account_sid'), config.get('twilio_auth_token'));

I am more used to rewire. npm i rewire --save-dev. Using rewire you may try the following: (concept remains the same)

In your test:

var rewire = require('rewire');
var twilioMock = new twilio.RestClient(config.get('twilio_account_sid'), config.get('twilio_auth_token'));
var userController = rewire('./path_to_user.js') // notice use of rewire

    this.smsClient = twilioMock; // `this` is available within your tests
    userController.__set__('smsClient', this.smsClient);

it('should something', sinon.test(function(){
    var smsSpy = this.spy(this.smsClient.sms.messages, 'create');