遇到重载矩阵乘法的问题" *"操作者

时间:2015-03-06 15:45:55

标签: c++ oop c++11 matrix



a1 a2 * b1

这样可行(抱歉,我没有足够的声望点来发布图片,但将其视为1x2矩阵* 2x1矩阵)。

a1 * b1 b2



#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
class dymatrix
    friend ostream & operator << (ostream &os, const dymatrix &om);
    friend istream & operator >> (istream &is, dymatrix &om);
    int rows;
    int columns;
    double *matrix;
    dymatrix(){cout<<"Default constructor called"<<endl; columns = 0; rows=0; matrix=0;}
    ~dymatrix(){cout<<"Destructor called"<<endl;delete[] matrix;}  
    dymatrix(int inrows, int incolumns) //Parametrised objects, matrix database is defined here to store data.
        rows = inrows;
        columns = incolumns;
        matrix = new double [inrows*incolumns];
        for (int i=0; i<inrows*incolumns; i++) 
    int lengthr() const {return rows;}  //Returns number of rows.
    int lengthc() const {return columns;}   //Return number of columns.
    dymatrix &operator=( dymatrix &arr); //This is the assignment member function.
    dymatrix(dymatrix&);    //This is the deep copy member function.
    dymatrix operator*(const dymatrix& arr)const ;  //Overloading "*" operator.

    double & operator[](const int n)    //Overloading "[]" operator, this is important !!!
        if(n<0 || n>=rows*columns)
            cout<<"Error: trying to access matrix element out of bounds"<<endl;
    return matrix[n];
    int index(int j, int i) const //This member function returns the position of each index.
        if (j > 0 && j <=rows && i > 0 && i <=columns)
        //cout<<"i is "<<i<<" j is "<<j<<endl<<endl<<"row is "<<rows<<" columns is "<<columns<<endl;
            return (i-1)+(j-1)*columns;
        else {cout<<"Error, out of range"<<endl<<"i is "<<i<<" j is "<<j<<endl<<endl<<"row is "<<rows<<" columns is "<<columns<<endl; exit (1);}
    double & operator()(int j, int i) const {return matrix[index(j,i)];} //The operator () returns the position of j and i in 1D array.
    }; //Class End.

&#34; 索引&#34; member函数将矩阵内每个元素的位置返回到一维数组中:

int index(int j, int i) const //This member function returns the position of each index.
        if (j > 0 && j <=rows && i > 0 && i <=columns)
        //cout<<"i is "<<i<<" j is "<<j<<endl<<endl<<"row is "<<rows<<" columns is "<<columns<<endl;
            return (i-1)+(j-1)*columns;
        else {cout<<"Error, out of range"<<endl<<"i is "<<i<<" j is "<<j<<endl<<endl<<"row is "<<rows<<" columns is "<<columns<<endl; exit (1);}
    double & operator()(int j, int i) const {return matrix[index(j,i)];}  //The operator () returns the position of j and i in 1D array.

这是我重载乘法&#34;的部分。 *&#34;我班外的操作员:

dymatrix dymatrix:: operator * (const dymatrix &arr) const //Overloading "*" operator.
    if (columns != arr.rows)
        cerr<<"SIZE DO NOT MATCH, YOU FAIL"<<endl; exit(1);
    dymatrix new_matrix(rows,arr.columns);
    for (int j = 1; j <= rows; j++)
        for (int i = 1; i <= arr.columns; i++)
            for (int k = 1; k <= columns; k++)
                new_matrix.matrix[index(j,i)]= new_matrix.matrix[index(j,i)]+ matrix[index(j,k)]*arr(k,i);
                cout<<"new_matrix = "<<new_matrix<<endl<<endl;
    return new_matrix;

这里给出了int main:

int main()
    dymatrix a1;
    cin >> a1;  //Define the rows of the matrix
    cout << a1<<endl<<endl;
    dymatrix a2;
    cin >> a2;
    cout << a2<<endl<<endl;
    dymatrix resu_a3;
    resu_a3 = a1*a2;
    cout<<"Multiplication = "<<resu_a3<<endl;
    return 0;

因此,我在运行代码后得到的错误消息是我自己在&#34; 索引&#34;中编写的错误消息。成员函数:




#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
class dymatrix
    friend ostream & operator << (ostream &os, const dymatrix &om);
    friend istream & operator >> (istream &is, dymatrix &om);
    int rows;
    int columns;
    double *matrix;
    dymatrix(){cout<<"Default constructor called"<<endl; columns = 0; rows=0; matrix=0;}
    ~dymatrix(){cout<<"Destructor called"<<endl;delete[] matrix;}  
    dymatrix(int inrows, int incolumns) //Parametrised objects, matrix database is defined here to store data.
        rows = inrows;
        columns = incolumns;
        matrix = new double [inrows*incolumns];
        for (int i=0; i<inrows*incolumns; i++) 
    int lengthr() const {return rows;}  //Returns number of rows.
    int lengthc() const {return columns;}   //Return number of columns.
    dymatrix &operator=( dymatrix &arr); //This is the assignment member function.
    dymatrix(dymatrix&);    //This is the deep copy member function.
    dymatrix operator*(const dymatrix& arr)const ;  //Overloading "*" operator.

    double & operator[](const int n)    //Overloading "[]" operator, this is important !!!
        if(n<0 || n>=rows*columns)
            cout<<"Error: trying to access matrix element out of bounds"<<endl;
    return matrix[n];
    int index(int j, int i) const //This member function returns the position of each index.
        if (j > 0 && j <=rows && i > 0 && i <=columns)
        //cout<<"i is "<<i<<" j is "<<j<<endl<<endl<<"row is "<<rows<<" columns is "<<columns<<endl;
            return (i-1)+(j-1)*columns;
        else {cout<<"Error, out of range"<<endl<<"i is "<<i<<" j is "<<j<<endl<<endl<<"row is "<<rows<<" columns is "<<columns<<endl; exit (1);}
    double & operator()(int j, int i) const {return matrix[index(j,i)];} //The operator () returns the position of j and i in 1D array.
}; //Class End.
    dymatrix::dymatrix(dymatrix &arr)   //This is the copy constructor for deep copying.
        matrix = 0; rows = arr.lengthr(); columns = arr.lengthc();
        if (rows*columns >0)
            matrix = new double [rows*columns];
            for (int i =0; i < rows*columns; i++) 
                matrix[i] = arr[i];
    dymatrix & dymatrix ::operator = (dymatrix &arr)
        if(&arr == this) return *this; // no self assignment
        delete[] matrix; matrix=0; rows=columns=0;
        columns = arr.lengthc();
            matrix=new double[rows*columns];
            // Copy values into new array
            for(int i=0;i<rows*columns;i++) matrix[i] = arr[i];
    return *this; // Special pointer!!
    istream & operator >> (istream &is, dymatrix &om)   //Overloading ">>" operator here to
        cout<<"Please enter the number of rows you want"<<endl;
        is >> om.rows;  //Inputting number of rows.
        cout<<"Enter the number of columns you want"<<endl;
        is >> om.columns;   //Inputting number of columns.
        cout<<"Enter matrix"<<endl;
        om.matrix = new double [om.rows*om.columns];    //Making a dynamic array here to put the data in.
        for (int j = 1; j <= om.rows; j++)
            for (int i = 1; i <= om.columns; i++)
                is >> om.matrix[om.index(j,i)]; //Putting in the data into this dynamic array for each element.
        return is;
    ostream & operator << (ostream &os, const dymatrix &om)  //To output the matrix in an standard matrix way
        for(int j= 1; j<=om.rows; j++)
            for (int i = 1; i <=om.columns;i++)
                os << om.matrix[om.index(j,i)]<<"\t";   //Similar method used in istream.
        return os;

    dymatrix dymatrix:: operator * (const dymatrix &arr) const //Overloading "*" operator.
        if (columns != arr.rows)
            cerr<<"SIZE DO NOT MATCH, YOU FAIL"<<endl; exit(1);
        dymatrix new_matrix(rows,arr.columns);
        for (int j = 1; j <= rows; j++)
            for (int i = 1; i <= arr.columns; i++)
                for (int k = 1; k <= columns; k++)
                    new_matrix.matrix[index(j,i)]= new_matrix.matrix[index(j,i)]+ matrix[index(j,k)]*arr(k,i);
                    cout<<"new_matrix = "<<new_matrix<<endl<<endl;
                    cout<<"k "<<k<<endl<<" arr.columns is "<<arr.columns<<endl<<"columns is "<<columns<<endl<<endl;
        return new_matrix;

int main()
    dymatrix a1;
    cin >> a1;  //Define the rows of the matrix
    cout << a1<<endl<<endl;
    dymatrix a2;
    cin >> a2;
    cout << a2<<endl<<endl;
    dymatrix resu_a3;
    resu_a3 = a1*a2;
    cout<<"Multiplication = "<<resu_a3<<endl;
    return 0;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


new_matrix.matrix[index(j,i)]= new_matrix.matrix[index(j,i)]+ matrix[index(j,k)]*arr(k,i);

问题在于index(j,i)真的是this->index(j,i),而不是您期望的new_matrix.index(j,i) ......


new_matrix(j,i) += matrix[index(j,k)]*arr(k,i);
