使用Dropbox API将文件直接传输到远程FTP服务器,无需下载中间文件

时间:2015-03-06 15:30:36

标签: php ftp dropbox data-stream

我在Dropbox上有大型设计文件(最多500 MB),我正在构建一个工具,在我们基于PHP的在线项目管理程序中以编程方式将单个文件传输到供应商的FTP服务器。由于文件大小的原因,我不想将文件下载到服务器,然后由于速度和存储空间问题将该文件上传到FTP服务器。

我可以使用以下Dropbox API调用:

getFile( string $path, resource $outStream, string|null $rev = null )
Downloads a file from Dropbox. The file's contents are written to the given $outStream and the file's metadata is returned.


ftp_fput ( resource $ftp_stream , string $remote_file , resource $handle , int $mode [, int $startpos = 0 ] )
Uploads the data from a file pointer to a remote file on the FTP server.


如何使用ftp_fput的$ ftp_stream资源连接getFile的$ outstream资源?

1 个答案:

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花了半天时间试验这个,最后让它发挥作用。解决方案涉及使用PHP data://方案在内存中创建流,然后倒回该流以将其发送到FTP服务器。这是它的要点:

// open an FTP connection
$ftp_connection = ftp_connect('ftp.example.com');

// get the file mime type from Dropbox, to create the correct data stream type
$metadata = $dopbox->getMetadata($file) // $dropbox is authenticated connection to Dropbox Core API; $file is a complete file path in Dropbox
$mime_type = $metadata['mime_type'];

// now open a data stream of that mime type
// for example, for a jpeg file this would be "data://image/jpeg"
$stream = fopen('data://' .mime_type . ',','w+'); // w+ allows both writing and reading
$dropbox->getFile($file,$stream); // loads the file into the data stream
ftp_fput($ftp_connection,$remote_filename,$stream,FTP_BINARY); // send the stream to the ftp server

// now close everything