[0] => <tr><td>29/06/2015</td><td>19:35</td><td>12345 Column information</td><td>67899 Column information - 12</td><td>Rawling Spencer, Peter; Smith Johnson, Katherine</td><td>More information</td></tr>
[1] => <tr><td>12/09/2015</td><td>10:12</td><td>98545 Column information</td><td>67659 Column information - 32</td><td>Cattle Gamme, Mark</td><td>More information</td></tr>
[2] => <tr><td>11/02/2015</td><td>12:40</td><td>59675 Column information</td><td>94859 Column information - 11</td><td>Davis Miller, Patrick; Brown Moore,Stephan; Taylor Jones, Mary</td><td>More information</td></tr>
[3] => <tr><td>01/10/2015</td><td>20:12</td><td>69365 Column information</td><td>78464 Column information - 63</td><td>Willson Chowell, Adrianne; Jackson Bolwin, Stella</td><td>More information</td></tr>
如果月份是> 07,然后我希望在脚本名后面返回“1”,如果date是&lt; = 07那么将返回“2”。 完成!!
从第二列我得到第一个代码和破折号“ - ”之后的代码。如果此代码介于50和9之间,则需要对其进行转换,将第一个数字放在单位位置。然后十位可能为零。当数字为50或以上时,数字保持不变。如果它是9或更低,则必须在十位添加零。 完成!
scriptname 2 67899-12 Rawling
scriptname 2 67899-12 Smith
scriptname 1 67659-32 Cattle
scriptname 2 94859-11 Davis
scriptname 2 94859-11 Brown
scriptname 2 94859-11 Taylor
scriptname 1 78464-63 Willson
scriptname 1 78464-63 Jackson
foreach($nodup_filter as $filtered) {
/* regex */
$nodup_filtertoexec = preg_match('/\d{2}\/(\d{2})\/\d{4}.*?\d+\s.*?(\d+)\s.*?-\s(\d+).*?(?:.*?<td>){1}([a-zA-ZñÑ]+).*/m', $filtered, $matches);
/* regex end */
/* After dash "-" code management */
if (isset($matches[3])){
if (($matches[3]<50) && ($matches[3]>9)) {
$matches[3] = floor($matches[3]/10);
} else if ($matches[3]<10){
$matches[3] = str_pad($matches[3], "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
/* End after dash "-" code management */
/* Taking 1 or 2 by month number */
if($matches[1]<=7) {
} else{
/* End Taking 1 or 2 by month number code */
/* Building final variable */
$format = '%d %d-%02d %s';
$result = sprintf($format, $matches[1], $matches[2], $matches[3], $matches[4]);
echo 'scriptname '.$result.'<br>';
/* End building final variable */
$badresults[] = $filtered;
echo "<br><h2>Rows with some empty information : </h2><br>";
echo $tableinit;
foreach($badresults as $bad_results) echo $bad_results;
echo $tableend;
scriptname 67899-12 Rawling
scriptname 67659-32 Cattle
scriptname 94859-11 Davis
scriptname 78464-63 Willson
答案 0 :(得分:1)
foreach($arr as $a){
$a=str_replace(array('<tr>','</td>'),'',$a); //remove every <tr> and </td>
$x=explode('<td>',$a); //split in columns
//get month part of date, make int and compare
//just delete some parts of the string in column
$code=str_replace('Columninformation','',str_replace(' ','',$x[4]));
$n=explode(';',$x[5]); //split in names
foreach($n as $v){
//the replace is needed if only 1 surname exists
$names[]=str_replace(',','',strtok($v," "));
//loop all found names and create result array
foreach($names as $n){
$res[]='scriptname '.$month.' '.$code.' '.$n.'<br>';;