
时间:2015-03-06 09:49:14

标签: c# openssl diffie-hellman

我正在尝试使用openssl在Linux(客户端)和使用Mentalis DiffieHellman C#包的Win 7(服务器端)之间实现Diffie-Hellman密钥共享(从http://www.mentalis.org下载)

客户端:     DH * client_key = DH_new();

int rc = DH_generate_parameters_ex(client_key, 1024, DH_GENERATOR_2, NULL);

rc = DH_generate_key(client_key) code:

// Example of the client->pub_key (128 bytes):


int generated_key_length = BN_num_bytes(client_key->pub_key);

unsigned char *share_key = (unsigned char *)calloc(DH_size(client_key));

// Share the client public key to the server

char *pub_key_string = BN_bn2hex(client_key->pub_key);

// Example of the server_pubkey (128 bytes):

rc = DH_compute_key(share_key, server_pubkey, client_key):

// Example of the computed share_key (128 bytes):



// **End of Client side code!**

**Server side (C#) code:**

using Org.Mentalis.Security.Cryptography;

// Create a new DH instance
DiffieHellman dhServer = new DiffieHellmanManaged();

// Generate the public key of the first DH instance
byte[] server_pubkey = dhServer.CreateKeyExchange();
// And, hex encode server_pubkey and send it to the client side

// Decode the hex-encoded client_pubkey to get the share_key
byte[] sharedKey = dhServer.DecryptKeyExchange(client_pubkey); 

// **End of Server side code!**

基于上面的实现,我从未成功获取计算的share_keys(一个来自客户端, 而另一个来自服务器端)相同!我错过了什么或做错了什么?


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