在Python 2.7中应用折扣并显示折扣率

时间:2015-03-05 05:18:45

标签: python rate discount


user_people = int(raw_input("Welcome to Ramirez Airlines!  How many people will be flying?"))
user_seating = str(raw_input("Perfect!  Now what type of seating would your party prefer?"))
user_luggage = int(raw_input("Thanks.  Now for your luggage, how many bags would you like to check in?"))
user_frequent = str(raw_input("Got it.  Is anyone in your party a frequent flyer with us?"))
user_continue = str(raw_input("Your reservation was submitted successfully.  Would you like to do another?"))
luggage_total = user_luggage * 50

import time
print time.strftime("Date and time confirmation: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

seats_total = 0

if user_seating == 'economy':
    seats_total = user_people * 916
    print ('The total amount for your seats is: $'),seats_total

elif user_seating == 'business':
    seats_total = user_people * 2650
    print ('The total amount for your seats is: $'),seats_total

    print ('The total amount for your seats is: $'),user_people * 5180

print ('The total amount of your luggage is: $'),luggage_total

print ('Your subtotal for your seats and luggage is $'), luggage_total + seats_total

discount_amount = 0
discount_rate = 0.10

if user_frequent == 'yes':
    before_discount = luggage_total + seats_total
    after_discount = before_discount * discount_rate
    discount_amount = before_discount - after_discount
    print discount_amount

    print ('Sorry, the discount only applies to frequent flyers!')


Discount amount of 1738.8



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

您有多个错误。首先,在第一个else的{​​{1}}中,您计算if,因此以下计算会崩溃 - 您只需执行



print ('The total amount for your seats is: $'),user_people * 5180

(括号没用,但它们没有受伤,所以我让它们成为: - )。


seat_total = user_people * 5180
print ('The total amount for your seats is: $'), seat_total

你明确地说非常,用折扣用户支付定价的十分之一 - 然后你在Q中抱怨它! - )

再一次,显而易见的是(对于人类在线间阅读 - 当然不是计算机:-),这与你的形成鲜明对比,你实际上意味着什么是:

discount_rate = 0.10

if user_frequent == 'yes':
    before_discount = luggage_total + seats_total
    after_discount = before_discount * discount_rate
    discount_amount = before_discount - after_discount