
时间:2015-03-04 16:06:47

标签: count sql-server-2012 sum distinct

我在创建查询时遇到一些问题,应该显示部门的各种统计数据 - 案例数量(新的,活动的,关闭的,中止的),预测的目标数和实际数(数量和价值数),不平衡案例数和金额。

下面给出了我需要的好照片的部分代码。 “u”表是一个CTE,我从四个表(案例,用户,备注和付款)中转储联接。



性能不是问题 - 每天都需要统计数据,因此我可以将其排队在午夜运行,但代码会在重复时快速膨胀,而且我不确定它是否真的与众不同,但我必须要有某种排序我可以开始将它与原始数据进行比较之前查询的最终版本。


DECLARE @StartExDate datetime 
DECLARE @EndExDate datetime
declare @ThisWeekNow int = 0

SET @StartExDate =
SET @EndExDate =
(SELECT tt.team, tt.target, m.client, m.case, m.Created, m.AC_Manager, m.Casetype,
m.Supervisor, m.CAc_Balance, m.OAc_Balance, m.DAc_Balance,m.Notes, m.termsSent,
m.TermsRec, m.Complete, n.Note, clt.Costs, clt.VAT, clt.Type, us.UserCode, us.Manager
    from users us
    inner join tt
    on tt.team = us.Manager
    inner join m
    on us.Usercode = m.Ac_Manager
    inner join n
    ON m.client = n.client and m.Case = n.case
    inner join clt
    on m.Client = clt.Client_Code and m.case = clt.case_No
    where m.Created > '2014-03-01 00:00:000'
Select distinct
    ,(Select count(*) from users us where Us.Manager = tt.team) as 'Team Target'
    ,(Select count(distinct u.Client+cast(u.case as varchar)) 
      from u where tt.team = u.Manager and
      Complete = 0 and u.Created > @StartExDate and u.Created < @EndExDate
     ) as 'New'
    ,(Select count(distinct u.Client+cast(u.Case as varchar))
      from u where tt.team = u.Manager and Complete = 0) as ' All Live'
    ,(Select count(distinct u.Client+cast(u.Case as varchar))
      from u where tt.team = u.Manager and Complete = 0
             and u.TC_Received is not null) as 'Unsigned'
    ,(Select a - n from
        (Select count(distinct u.Client+cast(u.Case as varchar))
         from u where tt.team = u.Manager and Complete = 0) as a
        ,(Select count(distinct u.Client+cast(u.Case as varchar))
          from u where tt.team = u.Manager and Complete = 0 
          and u.TC_Received is not null) as n
     ) x    ) as 'Worked'
    ,(Select tt.target - (Select a - n from 
        (Select count(distinct u.Client+cast(u.Case as varchar)) 
         from u where tt.team = u.Manager and Complete = 0) as a
       ,(Select count(distinct u.Client+cast(u.Case as varchar))
        from u where tt.team = u.Manager and Complete = 0 
                and u.TC_Rec is not null) as n
       ) x ) p  ) as 'Free capacity'
    ,(Select count(distinct u.Client+cast(u.Case as varchar))
      from u
      where tt.team = u.Manager and Complete = 0
      and patindex('%Signed%',u.note) > 0 ) as 'Signed'
    ,(Select (SUM(u.costs)+SUM(u.VAT)) 
      from u 
      where tt.team = u.Manager and u.Complete = 0
      and patindex('%Signed%',u.note) > 0  and u.TC_Received  is not null
     ) as 'Actual Income'
    ,(Select count(distinct u.Client+cast(u.Case as varchar)) 
      from u where tt.team = u.Manager and Complete = 0
       and patindex('%Aborted%',u.note) > 0 ) as 'Aborts'
    ,(Select count(distinct u.Client+cast(u.Case as varchar))
      from u where tt.team = u.Manager and Complete = 1 ) as 'Completions'
    ,(Select count(distinct u.Client+cast(u.Case as varchar))
      from u where tt.team = u.Manager and Complete = 1 and u.OAc_Balance > 0
     ) as 'Office Balances'
    ,(Select sum (distinct u.OAc_Balance)
      from u where tt.team = u.Manager and Complete = 1 ) as 'OB Amount'
    ,(Select count(distinct u.Client+cast(u.Case as varchar))
      from u where tt.team = u.Manager and Complete = 1 and u.CAc_Balance > 0
    ) as 'Client Balances'
    ,(Select sum (distinct u.CAc_Balance)
      from u where tt.team = u.Manager and Complete = 1) as 'CB Amount'
from tt
join u
on tt.Team = u.Manager
group by tt.Team, tt.Target, u.Usercode
order by tt.Team


Team|Target|Team Members|New| All Live|Unsigned|Worked|Free Capacity|Signed|Actual Income|Aborts|Completions|Office Balances|OB Amount|Client Balances|CB Amount|
AAA |   360|           8|  2|      247|     223|    24|          336|    71|      85434.6|     4|        165|             22|  1340.84|             87|205777.58|
BBB |   420|           9|  3|      536|     437|    99|          321|   162|    185089.42|     4|        698|             74|   7293.2|            310|942835.87|
CCC |   420|           7|  0|      439|     355|    84|          336|   116|     178517.4|     6|        498|             64|   8604.2|            264|109842.76|
DDD |   420|           9|  0|      725|     290|   435|          -15|   189|      61415.2|     7|        591|             64|  7580.54|            256|569165.07|
EEE |   420|           6|  1|      423|     302|   121|          299|   100|    105229.38|     2|        606|             42|  7679.66|            382|126168.31|
FFF |   420|           8|  1|      498|     450|    48|          372|   123|    124665.68|     3|        367|             36|   3947.7|            257| 93294.52|
GGG |   420|           8|  2|      467|     406|    61|          359|   105|     119822.4|    97|        356|             43|  2143.68|            140|215389.32|
HHH |     1|           1|  0|      186|     150|    36|          -35|    65|        82878|     0|         81|             22|   2255.2|             84|  6863.74|
III |   360|           7|  1|      527|     454|    73|          287|   158|    165513.58|     6|        417|             42|  3242.08|            160|102729.61|





我不知道发布U样本是否是一个好主意,因为它是四个表的连接......所以 - 大 - 样本至少要有几百行。消除数据是一种痛苦。

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