pod spec lint失败

时间:2015-03-03 19:29:08

标签: ios swift cocoapods

我制作了一个Swift框架,我想为它制作一个CocoaPods 我已按照所有说明操作:

  • 创建了podspec文件,添加了版本标签,将其推送到github 当我运行pod lib lint时,它会通过但是当我运行pod spec lint时它会失败。


Pod::Spec.new do |s|

  s.name         = "Seru"
  s.version      = "0.0.3"
  s.summary      = "Seru is Simple Core Data stack"
  s.description  = <<-DESC
                   Seru is Swift framework for working wit Core Data. It setup your core data stack and 
                   gives you nica actions to work with it

  s.homepage     = "https://github.com/kostiakoval/Seru"
  s.license      = { :type => "MIT", :file => "LICENSE" }
  s.author             = { "Kostiantyn Koval" => "konstantin.koval1@gmail.com" }
  s.social_media_url   = "http://twitter.com/kostiakoval"

  s.platform     = :ios, "8.0"
  s.source       = { :git => "https://github.com/kostiakoval/Seru.git", :tag => s.version }

  s.source_files  = "Seru/Source", "Seru/Source/**/*.{swift}"
  s.requires_arc = true
  s.ios.vendored_frameworks = 'Carthage/Build/iOS/Sweet.framework'


它具有外部框架依赖性。我猜这是一个问题。 当我做pod speck lint时,它说我找不到外部框架

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

问题是CocoaPods不包含vendored_frameworks文件夹 要解决此问题,请指定使用preserve_paths将此文件夹包含在CocoaPod中。

s.preserve_paths = 'Carthage/Build/iOS/Sweet.framework'