
时间:2015-03-03 14:51:06

标签: java

请问我的代码有什么问题。这是一种迭代方法:给定贷款的每月付款支付本金和利息。每月利息通过乘以月利率和余额(剩余本金)计算得出。 因此,本月支付的本金是每月支付减去 每月利息。编写一个程序,让用户输入贷款金额,年数和利率,并显示贷款的摊还计划。  但是,我一直只是为了计算每月的付款而获得NaN。如下所示:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Amortization {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//create Scanner 
Scanner s = new  Scanner(;
//prompt Users  for  input
System.out.print("Enter loan Amount:");
int  loanAmount = s.nextInt();
System.out.print("Enter numberof Years:");
int numberYear =s.nextInt();
System.out.print("Enter Annual Interest Rate:");
int annualRate = s.nextInt();

double monthlyrate= annualRate/1200;
double monthlyPayment = loanAmount*monthlyrate/(1 -1/Math.pow(1+monthlyrate,numberYear*12));


// TODO code application logic here


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

我刚刚编写了类似问题的代码。我与你分享我的解决方案。 我从

public class LoanAmortizationSchedule {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

        // Prompt the user for loan amount, number of years and annual interest rate

        System.out.print("Loan Amount: ");
        double loanAmount = sc.nextDouble();

        System.out.print("Number of Years: ");
        int numYears = sc.nextInt();

        System.out.print("Annual Interest Rate (in %): ");
        double annualInterestRate = sc.nextDouble();

        System.out.println();  // Insert a new line

        // Print the amortization schedule

        printAmortizationSchedule(loanAmount, annualInterestRate, numYears);

     * Prints amortization schedule for all months.
     * @param principal - the total amount of the loan
     * @param annualInterestRate in percent
     * @param numYears
    public static void printAmortizationSchedule(double principal, double annualInterestRate,
                                                 int numYears) {
        double interestPaid, principalPaid, newBalance;
        double monthlyInterestRate, monthlyPayment;
        int month;
        int numMonths = numYears * 12;

        // Output monthly payment and total payment
        monthlyInterestRate = annualInterestRate / 12;
        monthlyPayment      = monthlyPayment(principal, monthlyInterestRate, numYears);
        System.out.format("Monthly Payment: %8.2f%n", monthlyPayment);
        System.out.format("Total Payment:   %8.2f%n", monthlyPayment * numYears * 12);

        // Print the table header

        for (month = 1; month <= numMonths; month++) {
            // Compute amount paid and new balance for each payment period
            interestPaid  = principal      * (monthlyInterestRate / 100);
            principalPaid = monthlyPayment - interestPaid;
            newBalance    = principal      - principalPaid;

            // Output the data item
            printScheduleItem(month, interestPaid, principalPaid, newBalance);

            // Update the balance
            principal = newBalance;

     * @param loanAmount
     * @param monthlyInterestRate in percent
     * @param numberOfYears
     * @return the amount of the monthly payment of the loan
    static double monthlyPayment(double loanAmount, double monthlyInterestRate, int numberOfYears) {
        monthlyInterestRate /= 100;  // e.g. 5% => 0.05
        return loanAmount * monthlyInterestRate /
                ( 1 - 1 / Math.pow(1 + monthlyInterestRate, numberOfYears * 12) );

     * Prints a table data of the amortization schedule as a table row.
    private static void printScheduleItem(int month, double interestPaid,
                                          double principalPaid, double newBalance) {
            month, interestPaid, principalPaid, newBalance);

     * Prints the table header for the amortization schedule.
    private static void printTableHeader() {
        System.out.println("\nAmortization schedule");
        for(int i = 0; i < 40; i++) {  // Draw a line
            "Payment#", "Interest", "Principal", "Balance");
            "", "paid", "paid", "");

答案 1 :(得分:1)



int loanAmount=s.nextInt();
s.nextLine();//to read the return key.

