虽然我(并且对于这个项目仍然是)仅限于.NET 3.5,但我已经成功使用了表达树的DLR版本。这是在Apache License 2.0版下发布的。
这增加了对所有(可能是一些或多或少,但可能不是).NET 4.0+表达式的支持,例如BlockExpression
The source code can be found on GitHub.
链需要调用。在.NET 4.0+中,我只是使用Expression.Block
来实现这一点,但是,我只能在这个项目中使用.NET 3.5。
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Reflection;
class Program
struct Complex
public float Real;
public float Imaginary;
// Passed to all processing functions
class ProcessContext
public ConsoleColor CurrentColor;
// Process functions. Write to console as example.
static void processString(ProcessContext ctx, string s)
{ Console.ForegroundColor = ctx.CurrentColor; Console.WriteLine("String: " + s); }
static void processAltString(ProcessContext ctx, string s)
{ Console.ForegroundColor = ctx.CurrentColor; Console.WriteLine("AltString: " + s); }
static void processInt(ProcessContext ctx, int i)
{ Console.ForegroundColor = ctx.CurrentColor; Console.WriteLine("Int32: " + i); }
static void processComplex(ProcessContext ctx, Complex c)
{ Console.ForegroundColor = ctx.CurrentColor; Console.WriteLine("Complex: " + c.Real + " + " + c.Imaginary + "i"); }
// Using delegates to access MethodInfo, just to simplify example.
static readonly MethodInfo _processString = new Action<ProcessContext, string>(processString).Method;
static readonly MethodInfo _processAltString = new Action<ProcessContext, string>(processAltString).Method;
static readonly MethodInfo _processInt = new Action<ProcessContext, int>(processInt).Method;
static readonly MethodInfo _processComplex = new Action<ProcessContext, Complex>(processComplex).Method;
static void Main(string[] args)
var methodNet40 = genNet40();
var methodNet35 = genNet35();
var ctx = new ProcessContext();
ctx.CurrentColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
methodNet40(ctx, "string1", "string2", 101, new Complex { Real = 5f, Imaginary = 10f });
methodNet35(ctx, "string1", "string2", 101, new Complex { Real = 5f, Imaginary = 10f });
// Both work and print in red:
// String: string1
// AltString: string2
// Int32: 101
// Complex: 5 + 10i
static void commonSetup(out ParameterExpression pCtx, out ParameterExpression[] parameters, out Expression[] processMethods)
pCtx = Expression.Parameter(typeof(ProcessContext), "pCtx");
// Hard-coded for simplicity. In the actual code these are reflected.
parameters = new ParameterExpression[]
// Two strings, just to indicate that the process method
// can be different between the same types.
Expression.Parameter(typeof(string), "pString"),
Expression.Parameter(typeof(string), "pAltString"),
Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "pInt32"),
Expression.Parameter(typeof(Complex), "pComplex")
// Again hard-coded. In the actual code these are also reflected.
processMethods = new Expression[]
Expression.Call(_processString, pCtx, parameters[0]),
Expression.Call(_processAltString, pCtx, parameters[1]),
Expression.Call(_processInt, pCtx, parameters[2]),
Expression.Call(_processComplex, pCtx, parameters[3]),
static Action<ProcessContext, string, string, int, Complex> genNet40()
ParameterExpression pCtx;
ParameterExpression[] parameters;
Expression[] processMethods;
commonSetup(out pCtx, out parameters, out processMethods);
// What I'd do in .NET 4.0+
var lambdaParams = new ParameterExpression[parameters.Length + 1]; // Add ctx
lambdaParams[0] = pCtx;
Array.Copy(parameters, 0, lambdaParams, 1, parameters.Length);
var method = Expression.Lambda<Action<ProcessContext, string, string, int, Complex>>(
return method;
static Action<ProcessContext, string, string, int, Complex> genNet35()
ParameterExpression pCtx;
ParameterExpression[] parameters;
Expression[] processMethods;
commonSetup(out pCtx, out parameters, out processMethods);
// Due to the lack of the Block expression, the only way I found to execute
// a method and pass the Expressions as its parameters. The problem however is
// that the processing methods return void, it can therefore not be passed as
// a parameter to an object.
// The only functional way I found, by generating a method for each call,
// then passing that as an argument to a generic Action<T> invoker with
// parameter T that returns null. A super dirty probably inefficient hack.
// Get reference to the invoke helper
MethodInfo invokeHelper =
typeof(Program).GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
.Single(x => x.Name == "invokeHelper" && x.IsGenericMethodDefinition);
// Route each processMethod through invokeHelper<T>
for (int i = 0; i < processMethods.Length; i++)
// Get some references
ParameterExpression param = parameters[i];
Expression process = processMethods[i];
// Compile the old process to Action<T>
Type delegateType = typeof(Action<,>).MakeGenericType(pCtx.Type, param.Type);
Delegate compiledProcess = Expression.Lambda(delegateType, process, pCtx, param).Compile();
// Create a new expression that routes the Action<T> through invokeHelper<T>
processMethods[i] = Expression.Call(
Expression.Constant(compiledProcess, delegateType),
pCtx, param);
// Now processMethods execute and then return null, so we can use it as parameter
// for any function. Get the MethodInfo through a delegate.
MethodInfo call2Helper = new Func<object, object, object>(Program.call2Helper).Method;
// Start with the last call
Expression lambdaBody = Expression.Call(call2Helper,
processMethods[processMethods.Length - 1],
Expression.Constant(null, typeof(object)));
// Then add all the previous calls
for (int i = processMethods.Length - 2; i >= 0; i--)
lambdaBody = Expression.Call(call2Helper,
var lambdaParams = new ParameterExpression[parameters.Length + 1]; // Add ctx
lambdaParams[0] = pCtx;
Array.Copy(parameters, 0, lambdaParams, 1, parameters.Length);
var method = Expression.Lambda<Action<ProcessContext, string, string, int, Complex>>(
return method;
static object invokeHelper<T>(Action<ProcessContext, T> method, ProcessContext ctx, T parameter)
method(ctx, parameter);
return null;
static object call2Helper(object p1, object p2) { return null; }
答案 0 :(得分:5)
//TODO come up with a better name
public class Foo
private static void InvokeAll(Action[] actions)
foreach (var action in actions)
public static Expression Block(IEnumerable<Expression> expressions)
var invokeMethod = typeof(Foo).GetMethod("InvokeAll",
BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
var actions = expressions.Select(e => Expression.Lambda<Action>(e))
var arrayOfActions = Expression.NewArrayInit(typeof(Action), actions);
return Expression.Call(invokeMethod, arrayOfActions);
答案 1 :(得分:0)
static object Dummy(object o1, object o2, object o3, ...) { return null; }
Dummy(func1(), func2(), func3());
然后应该 Dummy