想要在dspace 4.x XMLUI中剪切侧边小平面的显示文本

时间:2015-03-02 12:52:57

标签: javascript xml xslt dspace

sidebarfacet of dspace 4.x XMLUI

在上文中," DDC主题" 下的项目显示' ::' ,如 - > " DEWEY DECIMAL CLASSIFICATION :: GENERALITIES :: Bibliography(1)" ,我想将其显示为 - > "参考书目(1)" 。 为此,我在文件 [dspace-install] /webapps/xmlui/static/js/discovery/search-control.js - >中编写了以下脚本。

function cutText(){
	  var headvalue =  $('div#aspect_discovery_Navigation_list_discovery ul li h2').innerHTML;

	  if(headvalue.match('DDC Subject')){
		var displaytext = $('#aspect_discovery_Navigation_list_discovery ul li ul li a').innerHTML;
		var y = displaytext.split("::");
			var display = y[y.len-1];

		$('#aspect_discovery_Navigation_list_discovery ul li ul li a').innerHTML = display;



采取 @ euler 的建议 现在我做了以下 - > 我已使用以下 - >

修改了 dspace.cfg 文件

choices.plugin.dc.subject.ddc = ddcE
choices.presentation.dc.subject.ddc = lookup
vocabulary.plugin.ddcE.hierarchy.store = false
vocabulary.plugin.ddcE.hierarchy.suggest = false
vocabulary.plugin.ddcE.delimiter = "::"

和" ddcE "在我的 input-forms.xml 文件中定义,如 - >

         <!-- An input-type of twobox MUST be marked as repeatable -->
         <label>Subject (From DDC)</label>
         <hint>Enter appropriate subject Division/Sub-division from DDC 23rd Edition(upto 3rd Summary)</hint>
         <required>You must enter at least one Division/Sub-division from DDC 23rd Edition(upto 3rd Summary)</required>


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

首先,您应该尝试修改dspace.cfg,查找行vocabulary.plugin._plugin_.hierarchy.store_plugin_是您启用的 DSpaceControlledVocabulary 的名称,例如srsc) 。默认值为true,取消注释并将值更改为false。



## demo: subject code autocomplete, using srsc as authority
## (DSpaceControlledVocabulary plugin must be enabled)
## Warning: when enabling this feature any controlled vocabulary configuration in the input-forms.xml for the metadata field will be overridden.
choices.plugin.dc.subject = srsc
choices.presentation.dc.subject = lookup
vocabulary.plugin.srsc.hierarchy.store = false
vocabulary.plugin.srsc.hierarchy.suggest = false
vocabulary.plugin.srsc.delimiter = "::"


authority.controlled.dc.subject = true添加到上述配置中。因此,在您的情况下,您应该添加authority.controlled.dc.subject.ddc = true

另一个选择是在您的discovery.xml中添加<property name="skipFirstNodeLevel" value="true"/>


<bean id="searchFilterSubject" class="org.dspace.discovery.configuration.HierarchicalSidebarFacetConfiguration">
<property name="indexFieldName" value="subject"/>
<property name="metadataFields">
<property name="sortOrder" value="COUNT"/>
<property name="splitter" value="::"/>
<property name="skipFirstNodeLevel" value="true"/>
