使用Ceedling / Rake构建共享库和可执行文件

时间:2015-03-01 11:45:34

标签: makefile rake


但是,对于构建包含多个可执行文件或需要特定编译标志的项目,似乎ceedling不具备(或在此方面未记录)。您是否知道使用Rake / Ceedling构建共享库,配置LDFLAGS,CFLAGS以及具有多个目标的C项目的任何示例?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

示例项目blinky显示了编译更高级项目所需的操作。您可以通过运行ceedling example blinky来获取它。 project.yaml的内容如下:

# Notes:
# This is a fully tested project that demonstrates the use
# of a timer ISR to blink the on board LED of an Arduino UNO
  :use_exceptions: FALSE
  :use_test_preprocessor: TRUE
  :use_auxiliary_dependencies: TRUE
  :build_root: build
  :release_build: TRUE
  :test_file_prefix: test_
#You'll have to specify these
  - :mcu: atmega328p
  - :f_cpu: 16000000UL 
  - :serial_port: COM8  #change this to the serial port you are using!!!
  - :objcopy: avr-objcopy
  # Uncomment these lines if you are using windows and don't have these tools in your path
  # - :path:
    # - C:\mingw\bin
    # - C:\WinAVR-20100110\bin
    # - C:\WinAVR-20100110\utils\bin
    # - #{ENV['PATH']}
  :executable: .bin
  :output: blinky
    - +:test/**
    - -:test/support
    - src/**
    - test/support
  # in order to add common defines:
  #  1) remove the trailing [] from the :common: section
  #  2) add entries to the :common: section (e.g. :test: has TEST defined)
  :commmon: &common_defines []
    - *common_defines
    - TEST
    - *common_defines
    - TEST
    :executable: avr-gcc
      - ${1}
      - -DTARGET
      - -DF_CPU=#{ENV['F_CPU']}
      - -mmcu=#{ENV['MCU']}
      - -Iinclude/
      - -Wall
      - -Os
      - -c
      - -o ${2}
    :executable: avr-gcc
      - -mmcu=#{ENV['MCU']}
      - ${1}
      - -o ${2}.bin
  :mock_prefix: mock_
  :when_no_prototypes: :warn
  :enforce_strict_ordering: TRUE
    - :ignore
    uint8:    HEX8
    uint16:   HEX16
    uint32:   UINT32
    int8:     INT8
    bool:     UINT8
# Ceedling defaults to using gcc for compiling, linking, etc.
# As [:tools] is blank, gcc will be used (so long as it's in your system path)
# See documentation to configure a given toolchain for use
    - vendor/ceedling/plugins
    - stdout_pretty_tests_report
    - module_generator


还有github docs更深入地讨论这个问题,甚至可以通过以下方式展示:工具:选项中的某些设置如下所示:

示例[:tools] YAML blurbs

     :executable: compiler              #exists in system search path
     :name: 'acme test compiler'
        - -I"$”: COLLECTION_PATHS_TEST_TOOLCHAIN_INCLUDE               #expands to -I search paths
        - -I"$”: COLLECTION_PATHS_TEST_SUPPORT_SOURCE_INCLUDE_VENDOR   #expands to -I search paths
        - -D$: COLLECTION_TEST_DEFINES  #expands to all -D defined symbols
        - --network-license             #simple command line argument
        - -optimize-level 4             #simple command line argument
        - "#{`args.exe -m acme.prj`}"   #in-line ruby sub to shell out & build string of arguments
        - -c ${1}                       #source code input file (Ruby method call param list sub)
        - -o ${2}                       #object file output (Ruby method call param list sub)
     :executable: /programs/acme/bin/linker.exe    #absolute file path
     :name: 'acme test linker'
        - ${1}               #list of object files to link (Ruby method call param list sub)
        - -l$-lib:           #inline yaml array substitution to link in foo-lib and bar-lib
           - foo
           - bar
        - -o ${2}            #executable file output (Ruby method call param list sub)
     :executable: tools/bin/acme_simulator.exe  #relative file path to command line simulator
     :name: 'acme test fixture'
     :stderr_redirect: :win                     #inform Ceedling what model of $stderr capture to use
        - -mem large   #simple command line argument
        - -f "${1}"    #binary executable input file to simulator (Ruby method call param list sub)

前面示例[:tools] YAML blurbs

> compiler -I"/usr/include” -I”project/tests”
  -I"project/tests/support” -I”project/source” -I”project/include”
  -DTEST -DLONG_NAMES -network-license -optimize-level 4 arg-foo
  arg-bar arg-baz -c project/source/source.c -o