
时间:2015-03-01 03:43:18

标签: excel excel-vba vba

我发现这适用于Excel范围,其结果是 array(n)表示法而不是数组(1,n)

Result = Application.Transpose(Application.Transpose(Worksheets(kSheet).Range("Y20:AC20")))


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)




如果将列加载到Variant类型的变量中,Variant将保存一个维度为(1 To NumRows, 1 To 1)的数组,其中每个元素的类型都由相应的单元格定义。

如果将一行加载到Variant类型的变量中,Variant将保存一个维度为(1 To 1, 1 To NumCols)的数组。

如果将矩形加载到Variant类型的变量中,Variant将保存一个维度为(1 To NumRows, 1 To NumCols)的数组。



您发现如果加载一行然后两次使用WorksheetFunction.Transpose,则会删除第一个维度。也就是说,维度从(1 To 1, 1 To NumCols)更改为(1 To NumCols)





下面的宏Timings演示了这种效果。时间来自我的2.1 GHz笔记本电脑;你的时间可能会有所不同,但我希望这些关系不会改变。另请注意,我显示的时间是10次运行宏的平均值。


Secs  Action
.165  Load (1 To 10000, 1 To 20)
.806  Worksheet Transpose to (1 To 20, 1 To 10000)
.220  Worksheet Transpose to (1 To 10000, 1 To 20)
.118  TransposeVar Transpose to (1 To 20, 1 To 10000)
.181  TransposeVar Transpose to (1 To 10000, 1 To 20)

.031  Load (1 To 20, 1 To 1)
.039  Transpose twice (1 To 20, 1 To 1)
.000  Load (1 To 1, 1 To 20)
.000  Transpose twice (1 To 20)




Option Explicit
Sub Timings()

  Dim CellValue1 As Variant
  Dim CellValue2 As Variant
  Dim CellValue3 As Variant
  Dim ColCrnt As Long
  Dim RowCrnt As Long
  Dim TimeStart As Single

  Debug.Print "Secs  Action"

  ' Load rectangle
  TimeStart = Timer
  CellValue1 = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:T10000")
  Debug.Print Format(Timer - TimeStart, ".000") & "  Load " & ArrayBounds(CellValue1)

  ' Load rectangle
  TimeStart = Timer
  CellValue2 = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:T10000")
  Debug.Print Format(Timer - TimeStart, ".000") & "  Load " & ArrayBounds(CellValue2)

  ' Transpose rectangle using WorksheetFunction.Transpose
  TimeStart = Timer
  CellValue2 = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(CellValue2)
  Debug.Print Format(Timer - TimeStart, ".000") & "  Worksheet Transpose to " & _

  ' Transpose rectangle using WorksheetFunction.Transpose back to original state
  TimeStart = Timer
  CellValue2 = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(CellValue2)
  Debug.Print Format(Timer - TimeStart, ".000") & "  Worksheet Transpose to " & _

  ' Check twice transposed array matches copy of original
  For RowCrnt = LBound(CellValue2, 1) To UBound(CellValue2, 1)
    For ColCrnt = LBound(CellValue2, 2) To UBound(CellValue2, 2)
      If CellValue1(RowCrnt, ColCrnt) <> CellValue1(RowCrnt, ColCrnt) Then
        Debug.Assert False
      End If

  ' Transpose rectangle using VBA function TransposeVar
  TimeStart = Timer
  Call TransposeVar(CellValue3, CellValue2)
  Debug.Print Format(Timer - TimeStart, ".000") & "  TransposeVar Transpose to " & _

  ' Transpose rectangle using VBA function TransposeVar  back to original state
  TimeStart = Timer
  Call TransposeVar(CellValue2, CellValue3)
  Debug.Print Format(Timer - TimeStart, ".000") & "  TransposeVar Transpose to " & _

  ' Check twice transposed array matches copy of original
  For RowCrnt = LBound(CellValue2, 1) To UBound(CellValue2, 1)
    For ColCrnt = LBound(CellValue2, 2) To UBound(CellValue2, 2)
      If CellValue1(RowCrnt, ColCrnt) <> CellValue1(RowCrnt, ColCrnt) Then
        Debug.Assert False
      End If

  ' Load column
  TimeStart = Timer
  CellValue1 = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A20")
  Debug.Print Format(Timer - TimeStart, ".000") & "  Load " & ArrayBounds(CellValue1)

  ' Transpose column twice with WorksheetFunction.Transpose
  TimeStart = Timer
  CellValue2 = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A20")))
  Debug.Print Format(Timer - TimeStart, ".000") & "  Transpose twice " & ArrayBounds(CellValue2)

  ' Load row
  TimeStart = Timer
  CellValue1 = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A20:T20")
  Debug.Print Format(Timer - TimeStart, ".000") & "  Load " & ArrayBounds(CellValue1)

  ' Transpose row twice with WorksheetFunction.Transpose. Column dimension is removed.
  TimeStart = Timer
  CellValue2 = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A20:T20")))
  Debug.Print Format(Timer - TimeStart, ".000") & "  Transpose twice " & ArrayBounds(CellValue2)

End Sub
Sub Test()

  Dim CellValue1 As Variant
  Dim CellValue2 As Variant
  Dim InxCrnt As Long

  ' Load column
  CellValue1 = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A20")
  Debug.Print "  CellValue1 " & ArrayBounds(CellValue1)
  ' Remove row dimension
  CellValue2 = RemoveUpperEqLowerDim(CellValue1)
  Debug.Print "  CellValue2 " & ArrayBounds(CellValue2)

  ' Check values match
  For InxCrnt = LBound(CellValue1, 1) To UBound(CellValue1, 1)
    If CellValue1(InxCrnt, 1) <> CellValue2(InxCrnt) Then
      Debug.Assert False
    End If

  ' Load row
  CellValue1 = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A20:T20")
  Debug.Print "  CellValue1 " & ArrayBounds(CellValue1)
  ' Remove column dimension
  CellValue2 = RemoveUpperEqLowerDim(CellValue1)
  Debug.Print "  CellValue2 " & ArrayBounds(CellValue2)

  ' Check values match
  For InxCrnt = LBound(CellValue1, 2) To UBound(CellValue1, 2)
    If CellValue1(1, InxCrnt) <> CellValue2(InxCrnt) Then
      Debug.Assert False
    End If

  Dim Inx1Crnt As Long
  Dim Inx2Crnt As Long

  ' Load rectangle
  CellValue1 = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:T30")
  Debug.Print "  CellValue1 " & ArrayBounds(CellValue1)
  ' CellValue2 becomes copy of CellValue1
  CellValue2 = RemoveUpperEqLowerDim(CellValue1)
  Debug.Print "  CellValue2 " & ArrayBounds(CellValue2)

  ' Check values match
  For Inx1Crnt = LBound(CellValue1, 1) To UBound(CellValue1, 1)
    For Inx2Crnt = LBound(CellValue1, 2) To UBound(CellValue1, 2)
      If CellValue1(Inx1Crnt, Inx2Crnt) <> CellValue2(Inx1Crnt, Inx2Crnt) Then
        Debug.Assert False
      End If

End Sub
Function ArrayBounds(ParamArray Tgt() As Variant) As String

  Dim InxDimCrnt As Long
  Dim InxDimMax As Long

  InxDimMax = NumDim(Tgt(0))
  ArrayBounds = "("
  For InxDimCrnt = 1 To InxDimMax
    If InxDimCrnt > 1 Then
      ArrayBounds = ArrayBounds & ", "
    End If
    ArrayBounds = ArrayBounds & LBound(Tgt(0), InxDimCrnt) & " To " & UBound(Tgt(0), InxDimCrnt)
  ArrayBounds = ArrayBounds & ")"

End Function
Public Function NumDim(ParamArray TestArray() As Variant) As Integer

  ' Returns the number of dimensions of TestArray.

  ' If there is an official way of determining the number of dimensions, I cannot find it.

  ' This routine tests for dimension 1, 2, 3 and so on until it get a failure.
  ' By trapping that failure it can determine the last test that did not fail.

  ' Coded June 2010. Documentation added July 2010.

  ' *  TestArray() is a ParamArray because it allows the passing of arrays of any type.
  ' *  The array to be tested in not TestArray but TestArray(LBound(TestArray)).
  ' *  The routine does not validate that TestArray(LBound(TestArray)) is an array.  If
  '    it is not an array, the routine return 0.
  ' *  The routine does not check for more than one parameter.  If the call was
  '    NumDim(MyArray1, MyArray2), it would ignore MyArray2.

  Dim TestDim                   As Integer
  Dim TestResult                As Integer

  On Error GoTo Finish

  TestDim = 1
  Do While True
    TestResult = LBound(TestArray(LBound(TestArray)), TestDim)
    TestDim = TestDim + 1


  NumDim = TestDim - 1

End Function
Function RemoveUpperEqLowerDim(Var As Variant) As Variant

  ' * Var must be a variant redimensioned to hold a 2D array
  ' * If the dimensions are (M To N, P To P) or (P to P, M to N), a variant
  '   will be returned with the dimension with equal lower and upper bounds
  '   removed.  That is the returned array has dimensions (M to N).
  ' * If neither dimension has equal lower and upper bounds, the original
  '   array will be returned.

  Dim NewVar As Variant
  Dim InxCrnt As Long

  If NumDim(Var) <> 2 Then
    ' There is no code to handle this situation
    Debug.Assert False
    RemoveUpperEqLowerDim = Var
    Exit Function
  End If

  If LBound(Var, 1) = UBound(Var, 1) Then
    ' The first dimension has equal bounds
    ReDim NewVar(LBound(Var, 2) To UBound(Var, 2))
    For InxCrnt = LBound(Var, 2) To UBound(Var, 2)
      NewVar(InxCrnt) = Var(LBound(Var, 2), InxCrnt)
    RemoveUpperEqLowerDim = NewVar
  ElseIf LBound(Var, 2) = UBound(Var, 2) Then
    ' The second dimension has equal bounds
    ReDim NewVar(LBound(Var, 1) To UBound(Var, 1))
    For InxCrnt = LBound(Var, 1) To UBound(Var, 1)
      NewVar(InxCrnt) = Var(InxCrnt, LBound(Var, 1))
    RemoveUpperEqLowerDim = NewVar
    ' Neither dimension has equal bounds
    RemoveUpperEqLowerDim = Var
  End If

End Function
Sub TransposeVar(ParamArray Tgt() As Variant)

  ' * Example call:  Call Transpose(Destination, Source)
  ' * Source must be a 2D array or a variant holding a 2D array.
  ' * Destination must be a variant.
  ' * On exit, Destination will contain the values from Source but with the
  '   dimensions reversed.

  ' * Tgt(0)  Destination
  ' * Tgt(1)  Source

  Dim ColCrnt As Long
  Dim RowCrnt As Long
  Dim Test() As String

  ' This call necessary because the following gives a syntax error:
  '    ReDim Tgt(0)(LBound(Tgt(1), 2) To UBound(Tgt(1), 2), _
  '                 LBound(Tgt(1), 1) To UBound(Tgt(1), 1))
  Call ReDimVar(Tgt(0), Tgt(1))

  For RowCrnt = LBound(Tgt(1), 1) To UBound(Tgt(1), 1)
    For ColCrnt = LBound(Tgt(1), 2) To UBound(Tgt(1), 2)
      Tgt(0)(ColCrnt, RowCrnt) = Tgt(1)(RowCrnt, ColCrnt)

End Sub
Sub ReDimVar(Destination As Variant, ParamArray Source() As Variant)

  ' * Source(0) must be a 2D array or a variant holding a 2D array
  ' * Redim Destination to match Source(0) but with the dimensions reversed

  ReDim Destination(LBound(Source(0), 2) To UBound(Source(0), 2), _
                    LBound(Source(0), 1) To UBound(Source(0), 1))

End Sub