从命令行添加Azure Application Insights状态监视器

时间:2015-02-28 19:10:39

标签: azure azure-application-insights


我在使用Cloud Service Webroles部署的Azure上的VM上托管了一些站点。

有没有人看过从代码或命令行安装状态监视器的示例?目标是自动将IIS站点添加到Azure App Insight,而无需登录到远程桌面,如上面的链接所示。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

我们也遇到了这个问题并编写了一个脚本,该脚本应插入the existing method for installing VS Online App Insights

if(${env:InstalledStatusMonitor} -eq 1)
    Write-Host "Status monitor has already been installed on this machine by this script" -ForegroundColor Green

Write-Host "Using chocolatey to install the Web Platform Installer ..."  -ForegroundColor Green
iex ((new-object net.webclient).downloadstring('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))
cinst webpi -y
Stop-Process -Name WebPlatformInstaller

Write-Host "Using Web Platform Installer to install Status Monitor ..." -ForegroundColor Green
&"$env:ProgramFiles\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\WebpiCmd.exe" /Install /AcceptEula /Products:ApplicationInsightsStatusMonitor

Write-Host "Adding app pool account to the 'Performance Monitor Users' local group" -ForegroundColor Green
$group = "Performance Monitor Users"
$user = "Network Service"
$computer = $(Get-WmiObject Win32_Computersystem).name
$de = [ADSI]"WinNT://$computer/$group,group" 
Write-Host "Waiting 30 seconds for Status Monitor to finish its install ..." -ForegroundColor Green
Start-Sleep -Seconds 30

Write-Host "Stop-Starting services to enable tracing..." -ForegroundColor Green
# For some reason, even though Status Monitor calls "iisreset.exe /restart"
# calling it here leaves IIS and website stopped.
&iisreset.exe /restart

Write-Host "waiting a few seconds..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
Write-Host "starting..." -ForegroundColor Yellow

Start-Service -Name W3SVC
Get-WebApplication | Select ApplicationPool -Unique | %{ Start-WebAppPool $_.applicationPool }
Get-Website | Start-Website
Write-Host "started" -ForegroundColor Yellow

Write-Host "Cleaning up running applications" -ForegroundColor Green
Stop-Process -Name Microsoft.Diagnostics.Agent.StatusMonitor

Write-Host "Setting environment variable to indicate status monitor has been installed" -ForegroundColor Green
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("InstalledStatusMonitor", "1", "Machine")

Write-Host "Installation complete" -ForegroundColor Green

I wrote a blog post about it here,如果我们遇到问题并且忘记更新此帖子,您应该可以在那里看到更新。


感谢pksorensen提供直接链接,看起来这就是Web平台安装程序从中下载软件包的地方。我已经完成了更多工作,现在有一个完全自动化的流程。 I have a sample repository available here with a working project.This commit should describe what you need to do to your own web project to get Status Monitor working on a Web Role.

There is a post by Sergey Kanzhelev,表示应该可以对工作人员角色执行此操作。


1。 ServiceDefinition.csdef中




      <Task commandLine="Role_Start\Bootstrap.bat" executionContext="elevated" taskType="simple">
          <Variable name="EMULATED">
            <RoleInstanceValue xpath="/RoleEnvironment/Deployment/@emulated" />

2。 WebProject / Role_Start / Bootstrap.bat


:: The basis for this script is described here
:: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/visualstudioalm/archive/2014/04/16/new-agent-for-application-insights-available.aspx
:: The scripts can be downloaded directly from
:: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=329971

@echo off

:: Do not attempt to install the agent on an emulated environment
if "%EMULATED%"=="true" goto :EndOfScript

:: Set appropriate execution policy on the host machine
set ExecutionPolicyLevel=RemoteSigned
for /F "usebackq" %%i in (`powershell -noprofile -command "Get-ExecutionPolicy"`) do (
    set ExecutionPolicy=%%i
    if /I "%%i"=="Unrestricted" goto :AllIsWell
    if /I "%%i"=="RemoteSigned" goto :AllIsWell
    Powershell.exe -NoProfile -Command "Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned" < NUL >> NUL 2>> NUL


Powershell.exe -NoProfile -Command "& '%~dp0InstallStatusMonitor.ps1'" < NUL  >> NUL 2>> NUL
echo "done" >"%ROLEROOT%\startup.task.done.sem"


exit 0

3。 WebProject / Role_Start / InstallStatusMonitor.ps1


# The basis for this script is described here
# http://blogs.msdn.com/b/visualstudioalm/archive/2014/04/16/new-agent-for-application-insights-available.aspx
# The scripts can be downloaded directly from
# http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=329971

$downloadUrl = "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=512247&clcid=0x409"

# Variables
$rootDir = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$downloadPath = Join-Path $rootDir "ApplicationInsightsAgent.msi"

# Functions
# Infrastructure functions
function TryV1
        [ScriptBlock] $Command = $(throw "The parameter -Command is required."),
        [ScriptBlock] $Catch   = { throw $_ },
        [ScriptBlock] $Finally = { }

    & {
        $local:ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"

                & {
                    trap { throw $_ }
                    & $Finally

                throw $_

            $_ | & { & $Catch }

        & $Command

    & {
        trap { throw $_ }
        & $Finally

function Retry
    param (
        [ScriptBlock] $RetryCommand

    for ($attempts=0; $attempts -lt 5; $attempts++)
        TryV1 {

            & $RetryCommand

        } -Catch {

            if($attempts -lt 4)
                Log-Message "Attempt:$attempts Exception Occured. Sleeping and Retrying..."
                Log-Message $_
                Log-Message $_.InvocationInfo.PositionMessage
                Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
                throw $_


function Log-Message
        [string] $message

    $logString = ("{0}: {1}" -f (Get-Date), $message)
    $unifiedStartupInfoLogPath = Join-Path $rootDir "ApmAgentInstall.log"
    Add-Content $unifiedStartupInfoLogPath $logString
    Write-Host $logString -ForegroundColor Green

function Log-Error
        [string] $message
    $logString =  ("{0}: {1}" -f (Get-Date), $message)
    $unifiedStartupErrorLogPath = Join-Path $rootDir "ApmAgentInstallError.log"
    Add-Content $unifiedStartupInfoLogPath $logString
    Write-Host $logString -ForegroundColor Red

# Functions
# Operations functions
function Get-AppInsightsInstallationStatus(){

    if(${env:InstalledStatusMonitor} -eq 1)
        return $true
        return $false

function Download-StatusMonitor
    Retry {

        $wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
        $wc.DownloadFile($downloadUrl, $downloadPath)

function Install-StatusMonitor(){
    $logPath = Join-Path $rootDir "StatusMonitorInstall.log"
    &$downloadPath /quiet /passive /log $logPath
    Log-Message "Waiting 30 seconds for Status Monitor to finish its install ..."
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 30

function Grant-LoggingPermissionToAppPool(){
    $groupName = "Performance Monitor Users"
    $user = "Network Service"
    $group = [ADSI]"WinNT://./$groupName,group"
    if(($group.PSBase.Invoke('Members') | %{$_.GetType().InvokeMember('Name', 'GetProperty', $null, $_, $null)}) -contains $user)
        Log-Message "'$user' is already a member of '$groupName', don't need to do anything"
        Log-Message "'$user' is now a member of '$groupName'"

function Restart-IISOnAzureWebRole(){
    # For some reason, even though Status Monitor calls "iisreset.exe /restart"
    # calling it here leaves IIS and website stopped.
    &iisreset.exe /restart

    Log-Message "waiting a few seconds..."
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
    Log-Message "starting..."

    Start-Service -Name W3SVC
    Get-WebApplication | Select ApplicationPool -Unique | %{ Start-WebAppPool $_.applicationPool }
    Get-Website | Start-Website
    Log-Message "started"

# Main body
Log-Message "Starting Status Monitor installation"

Log-Message "Downloading component..."

Log-Message "Installing component..."

Log-Message "Adding app pool account to the 'Performance Monitor Users' local group"

Log-Message "Stop-Starting services to enable tracing..."

Log-Message "Completed installation successfully"


如果您需要能够添加自定义属性以进行跟踪,例如能够根据角色名称或角色实例区分依赖关系,则需要在文档中描述之前进入Application Insights pipleline。


using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.DataContracts;
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime;

namespace Utilities
    public class AppInsightsCurrentRoleIdAsTagInitializer : Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensibility.IContextInitializer
        public void Initialize(TelemetryContext context)
            context.Properties["Greenfinch - RoleName"] = RoleEnvironment.CurrentRoleInstance.Role.Name;
            context.Properties["Greenfinch - RoleInstanceId"] = InstanceId;

        private string InstanceId
                var instanceId = Regex.Match(RoleEnvironment.CurrentRoleInstance.Id, "\\d+$", RegexOptions.Compiled).Value;
                return string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(instanceId)
                    ? "unable to get instance id"
                    : instanceId;


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ApplicationInsights xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/ApplicationInsights/2013/Settings" schemaVersion="2014-05-30">




    <Add Type="Utilities.AppInsightsCurrentRoleIdAsTagInitializer, Utilities" />

