如何从单元格中提取所有数字,例如A1单元格包含:" AA59"我想公式提取59并忽略AA。我可以使用= if(右(A1),2)公式,但如果A1包含值AA5,那么它将选择最后两个字符(即A5),所以这是错误的?
答案 0 :(得分:2)
=MID(A1, MIN(INDEX(ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A1)))+((CODE(MID(A1,ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A1))),1))<48)+(CODE(MID(UPPER(A1),ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&LEN(A1))),1))>57))*1E+99,,)), 99)
之前用双一元(又名双减或 - )将文本转换为真数。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
必须使用 Ctrl + Shift + 输入输入
数组公式,而不仅仅是 Enter key。
答案 2 :(得分:0)
答案 3 :(得分:0)
; ==================================================================
; MikeOS -- The Mike Operating System kernel
; Copyright (C) 2006 - 2014 MikeOS Developers -- see doc/LICENSE.TXT
; ==================================================================
call os_clear_screen
mov si, version_msg
call os_print_string
mov si, help_text
call os_print_string
get_cmd: ; Main processing loop
mov di, input ; Clear input buffer each time
mov al, 0
mov cx, 256
rep stosb
mov di, command ; And single command buffer
mov cx, 32
rep stosb
mov si, prompt ; Main loop; prompt for input
call os_print_string
mov ax, input ; Get command string from user
call os_input_string
call os_print_newline
mov ax, input ; Remove trailing spaces
call os_string_chomp
mov si, input ; If just enter pressed, prompt again
cmp byte [si], 0
je get_cmd
mov si, input ; Separate out the individual command
mov al, ' '
call os_string_tokenize
mov word [param_list], di ; Store location of full parameters
mov si, input ; Store copy of command for later modifications
mov di, command
call os_string_copy
; First, let's check to see if it's an internal command...
mov ax, input
call os_string_uppercase
mov si, input
mov di, exit_string ; 'EXIT' entered?
call os_string_compare
jc near exit
mov di, help_string ; 'HELP' entered?
call os_string_compare
jc near print_help
mov di, cls_string ; 'CLS' entered?
call os_string_compare
jc near clear_screen
mov di, dir_string ; 'DIR' entered?
call os_string_compare
jc near list_directory
mov di, ver_string ; 'VER' entered?
call os_string_compare
jc near print_ver
mov di, time_string ; 'TIME' entered?
call os_string_compare
jc near print_time
mov di, date_string ; 'DATE' entered?
call os_string_compare
jc near print_date
mov di, cat_string ; 'CAT' entered?
call os_string_compare
jc near cat_file
mov di, del_string ; 'DEL' entered?
call os_string_compare
jc near del_file
mov di, copy_string ; 'COPY' entered?
call os_string_compare
jc near copy_file
mov di, ren_string ; 'REN' entered?
call os_string_compare
jc near ren_file
mov di, size_string ; 'SIZE' entered?
call os_string_compare
jc near size_file
mov di, serial_string ; 'SERIAL' entered?
call os_string_compare
jc near serial_file
; If the user hasn't entered any of the above commands, then we
; need to check for an executable file -- .BIN or .BAS, and the
; user may not have provided the extension
mov ax, command
call os_string_uppercase
call os_string_length
; If the user has entered, say, MEGACOOL.BIN, we want to find that .BIN
; bit, so we get the length of the command, go four characters back to
; the full stop, and start searching from there
mov si, command
add si, ax
sub si, 4
mov di, bin_extension ; Is there a .BIN extension?
call os_string_compare
jc bin_file
mov di, bas_extension ; Or is there a .BAS extension?
call os_string_compare
jc bas_file
jmp no_extension
mov ax, command
mov bx, 0
mov cx, 32768
call os_load_file
jc total_fail
mov si, command
mov di, kern_file_string
mov cx, 6
call os_string_strincmp
jc no_kernel_allowed
mov ax, 0 ; Clear all registers
mov bx, 0
mov cx, 0
mov dx, 0
mov word si, [param_list]
mov di, 0
call 32768 ; Call the external program
jmp get_cmd ; When program has finished, start again
mov ax, command
mov bx, 0
mov cx, 32768
call os_load_file
jc total_fail
mov ax, 32768
mov word si, [param_list]
call os_run_basic
jmp get_cmd
mov ax, command
call os_string_length
mov si, command
add si, ax
mov byte [si], '.'
mov byte [si+1], 'B'
mov byte [si+2], 'I'
mov byte [si+3], 'N'
mov byte [si+4], 0
mov ax, command
mov bx, 0
mov cx, 32768
call os_load_file
jc try_bas_ext
jmp execute_bin
mov ax, command
call os_string_length
mov si, command
add si, ax
sub si, 4
mov byte [si], '.'
mov byte [si+1], 'B'
mov byte [si+2], 'A'
mov byte [si+3], 'S'
mov byte [si+4], 0
jmp bas_file
mov si, invalid_msg
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
mov si, kern_warn_msg
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
mov si, help_text
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
call os_clear_screen
jmp get_cmd
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
mov bx, tmp_string
call os_get_time_string
mov si, bx
call os_print_string
call os_print_newline
jmp get_cmd
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
mov bx, tmp_string
call os_get_date_string
mov si, bx
call os_print_string
call os_print_newline
jmp get_cmd
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
mov si, version_msg
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
mov si, kern_warn_msg
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
mov cx, 0 ; Counter
mov ax, dirlist ; Get list of files on disk
call os_get_file_list
mov si, dirlist
mov ah, 0Eh ; BIOS teletype function
lodsb ; Start printing filenames
cmp al, 0 ; Quit if end of string
je .done
cmp al, ',' ; If comma in list string, don't print it
jne .nonewline
call os_print_newline ; But print a newline instead
jmp .repeat
int 10h
jmp .repeat
call os_print_newline
jmp get_cmd
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
mov word si, [param_list]
call os_string_parse
cmp ax, 0 ; Was a filename provided?
jne .filename_provided
mov si, nofilename_msg ; If not, show error message
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
call os_file_exists ; Check if file exists
jc .not_found
mov cx, 32768 ; Load file into second 32K
call os_load_file
mov word [file_size], bx
cmp bx, 0 ; Nothing in the file?
je get_cmd
mov si, 32768
mov ah, 0Eh ; int 10h teletype function
lodsb ; Get byte from loaded file
cmp al, 0Ah ; Move to start of line if we get a newline char
jne .not_newline
call os_get_cursor_pos
mov dl, 0
call os_move_cursor
int 10h ; Display it
dec bx ; Count down file size
cmp bx, 0 ; End of file?
jne .loop
jmp get_cmd
mov si, notfound_msg
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
mov word si, [param_list]
call os_string_parse
cmp ax, 0 ; Was a filename provided?
jne .filename_provided
mov si, nofilename_msg ; If not, show error message
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
call os_remove_file
jc .failure
mov si, .success_msg
call os_print_string
mov si, ax
call os_print_string
call os_print_newline
jmp get_cmd
mov si, .failure_msg
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
.success_msg db 'Deleted file: ', 0
.failure_msg db 'Could not delete file - does not exist or write protected', 13, 10, 0
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
mov word si, [param_list]
call os_string_parse
cmp ax, 0 ; Was a filename provided?
jne .filename_provided
mov si, nofilename_msg ; If not, show error message
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
call os_get_file_size
jc .failure
mov si, .size_msg
call os_print_string
mov ax, bx
call os_int_to_string
mov si, ax
call os_print_string
call os_print_newline
jmp get_cmd
mov si, notfound_msg
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
.size_msg db 'Size (in bytes) is: ', 0
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
mov word si, [param_list]
call os_string_parse
mov word [.tmp], bx
cmp bx, 0 ; Were two filenames provided?
jne .filename_provided
mov si, nofilename_msg ; If not, show error message
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
mov dx, ax ; Store first filename temporarily
mov ax, bx
call os_file_exists
jnc .already_exists
mov ax, dx
mov cx, 32768
call os_load_file
jc .load_fail
mov cx, bx
mov bx, 32768
mov word ax, [.tmp]
call os_write_file
jc .write_fail
mov si, .success_msg
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
mov si, notfound_msg
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
mov si, writefail_msg
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
mov si, exists_msg
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
.tmp dw 0
.success_msg db 'File copied successfully', 13, 10, 0
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
mov word si, [param_list]
call os_string_parse
cmp bx, 0 ; Were two filenames provided?
jne .filename_provided
mov si, nofilename_msg ; If not, show error message
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
mov cx, ax ; Store first filename temporarily
mov ax, bx ; Get destination
call os_file_exists ; Check to see if it exists
jnc .already_exists
mov ax, cx ; Get first filename back
call os_rename_file
jc .failure
mov si, .success_msg
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
mov si, exists_msg
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
mov si, .failure_msg
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
.success_msg db 'File renamed successfully', 13, 10, 0
.failure_msg db 'Operation failed - file not found or invalid filename', 13, 10, 0
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
mov ah, 2 ; Read disc sectors funtion
mov al, 1 ; numbers of sectors to read
mov ch, 0 ; track/cylinder number
mov cl, 1 ; sector number
mov dh, 0 ; head number
mov dl, 0 ; drive number (0=A, 80h = driv 0, 81h = drive 1)
mov bx, disk_buffer ; pointer to buffer
int 13h ; execute function; AH = status, AL = # of sectors read
jc .serial_error ; CF = 0 if successful; 1 is error
mov si, .serial_msg
call os_print_string
mov ax, [disk_buffer + 29h] ; print the first 2 bytes of the serial number
call os_print_4hex
mov si, .separator
call os_print_string
mov ax, [disk_buffer + 27h] ; print the second 2 bytes of serial number
call os_print_4hex
call os_print_newline
jmp .end
mov si, .error_msg
call os_print_string
jmp get_cmd
.separator db '_', 0
.serial_msg db 'The serial number is: ', 0
.error_msg db 'Error reading disk.', 13, 10, 0
.disk_buffer times 512 db 0
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------------------------------------------------------------
input times 256 db 0
command times 32 db 0
dirlist times 1024 db 0
tmp_string times 15 db 0
file_size dw 0
param_list dw 0
bin_extension db '.BIN', 0
bas_extension db '.BAS', 0
prompt db '> ', 0
help_text db 'Commands: DIR, COPY, REN, DEL, CAT, SIZE, CLS, HELP, TIME, DATE, VER, EXIT, SERIAL', 13, 10, 0
invalid_msg db 'No such command or program', 13, 10, 0
nofilename_msg db 'No filename or not enough filenames', 13, 10, 0
notfound_msg db 'File not found', 13, 10, 0
writefail_msg db 'Could not write file. Write protected or invalid filename?', 13, 10, 0
exists_msg db 'Target file already exists!', 13, 10, 0
version_msg db 'MikeOS ', MIKEOS_VER, 13, 10, 0
exit_string db 'EXIT', 0
help_string db 'HELP', 0
cls_string db 'CLS', 0
dir_string db 'DIR', 0
time_string db 'TIME', 0
date_string db 'DATE', 0
ver_string db 'VER', 0
cat_string db 'CAT', 0
del_string db 'DEL', 0
ren_string db 'REN', 0
copy_string db 'COPY', 0
size_string db 'SIZE', 0
serial_string db 'SERIAL', 0
kern_file_string db 'KERNEL', 0
kern_warn_msg db 'Cannot execute kernel file!', 13, 10, 0
; ==================================================================