
时间:2010-05-20 20:45:20

标签: c# dictionary



Dictionary< CompositeKey , MyClass > MyClassListIndex = Dictionary< CompositeKey , MyClass >();
//Populate dictionary with items from the List<MyClass> MyClassList
MyClass aMyClass = Dicitonary[(keyTripletHere)];


9 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:94)


var myClassIndex = new Dictionary<Tuple<int, bool, string>, MyClass>();
//Populate dictionary with items from the List<MyClass> MyClassList
foreach (var myObj in myClassList)
    myClassIndex.Add(Tuple.Create(myObj.MyInt, myObj.MyBool, myObj.MyString), myObj);
MyClass myObj = myClassIndex[Tuple.Create(4, true, "t")];


var myClassIndex = myClassList.ToDictionary(myObj => Tuple.Create(myObj.MyInt, myObj.MyBool, myObj.MyString));
MyClass myObj = myClassIndex[Tuple.Create(4, true, "t")];


如果要在复合键中包含许多属性,则元组类型名称可能会变得很长,但您可以通过创建自己的类派生来自Tuple&lt; ...&gt;来缩短名称。

** 2017年编辑 **


Tuple<int, bool, string>类型变为(int, bool, string),值Tuple.Create(4, true, "t")变为(4, true, "t")


答案 1 :(得分:21)


class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        DateTime firstTimestamp = DateTime.Now;
        DateTime secondTimestamp = firstTimestamp.AddDays(1);

        /* begin composite key dictionary populate */
        Dictionary<CompositeKey, string> compositeKeyDictionary = new Dictionary<CompositeKey, string>();

        CompositeKey compositeKey1 = new CompositeKey();
        compositeKey1.Int1 = 11;
        compositeKey1.Int2 = 304;
        compositeKey1.DateTime = firstTimestamp;

        compositeKeyDictionary[compositeKey1] = "FirstObject";

        CompositeKey compositeKey2 = new CompositeKey();
        compositeKey2.Int1 = 12;
        compositeKey2.Int2 = 9852;
        compositeKey2.DateTime = secondTimestamp;

        compositeKeyDictionary[compositeKey2] = "SecondObject";
        /* end composite key dictionary populate */

        /* begin composite key dictionary lookup */
        CompositeKey compositeKeyLookup1 = new CompositeKey();
        compositeKeyLookup1.Int1 = 11;
        compositeKeyLookup1.Int2 = 304;
        compositeKeyLookup1.DateTime = firstTimestamp;


        CompositeKey compositeKeyLookup2 = new CompositeKey();
        compositeKeyLookup2.Int1 = 12;
        compositeKeyLookup2.Int2 = 9852;
        compositeKeyLookup2.DateTime = secondTimestamp;

        /* end composite key dictionary lookup */

    struct CompositeKey
        public int Int1 { get; set; }
        public int Int2 { get; set; }
        public DateTime DateTime { get; set; }

        public override int GetHashCode()
            return Int1.GetHashCode() ^ Int2.GetHashCode() ^ DateTime.GetHashCode();

        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            if (obj is CompositeKey)
                CompositeKey compositeKey = (CompositeKey)obj;

                return ((this.Int1 == compositeKey.Int1) &&
                        (this.Int2 == compositeKey.Int2) &&
                        (this.DateTime == compositeKey.DateTime));

            return false;



答案 2 :(得分:13)

Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, Dictionary<DateTime, MyClass>>>怎么样?


MyClass item = MyData[8][23923][date];

答案 3 :(得分:11)


struct CompositeKey
  public int value1;
  public int value2;
  public DateTime value3;

获取哈希码的链接: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.valuetype.gethashcode.aspx

答案 4 :(得分:6)

现在VS2017 / C#7已经问世,最好的答案是使用ValueTuple:

// declare:
Dictionary<(string, string, int), MyClass) index;

// populate:
foreach (var m in myClassList) {
  index[(m.Name, m.Path, m.JobId)] = m;

// retrieve:
var aMyClass = index[("foo", "bar", 15)];

我选择使用匿名ValueTuple (string, string, int)声明字典。但我可以给他们起名字(string name, string path, int id)


// Perf from https://gist.github.com/ljw1004/61bc96700d0b03c17cf83dbb51437a69
//              Tuple ValueTuple KeyValuePair
//  Allocation:  160   100        110
//    Argument:   75    80         80    
//      Return:   75   210        210
//        Load:  160   170        320
// GetHashCode:  820   420       2700
//      Equals:  280   470       6800

答案 5 :(得分:4)


  1. 按照凯文的建议并编写一个可作为关键字的结构。请务必使用此结构实现IEquatable<TKey>并覆盖其EqualsGetHashCode方法*。

  2. 编写一个内部使用嵌套字典的类。例如:TripleKeyDictionary<TKey1, TKey2, TKey3, TValue> ...此类内部会有Dictionary<TKey1, Dictionary<TKey2, Dictionary<TKey3, TValue>>>类型的成员,并会公开this[TKey1 k1, TKey2 k2, TKey3 k3]ContainsKeys(TKey1 k1, TKey2 k2, TKey3 k3)等方法。

  3. *关于是否需要覆盖Equals方法的说法是正确的:虽然结构的Equals方法默认情况下会比较每个成员的值,但它是通过使用反射来实现的 - 这本身就需要性能成本 - 因此是一种非常合适的实现方式,可用作字典中的键(在我看来,无论如何)。根据{{​​3}}上的MSDN文档:


    默认执行   Equals方法使用反射   比较相应的字段   obj和这个例子。覆盖   等于特定类型的方法   提高方法的性能   并且更接近地代表了这个概念   类型的平等。

答案 6 :(得分:3)

如果密钥是该类的一部分,则使用KeyedCollection 它是一个字典,其中键是从对象派生的 在封面下它是词典
不必重复键和值中的键 为什么键中的键与值不一样 不必在内存中复制相同的信息。

KeyedCollection Class


    using System.Collections.ObjectModel;

    namespace IntIntKeyedCollection
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                Int32Int32DateO iid1 = new Int32Int32DateO(0, 1, new DateTime(2007, 6, 1, 8, 30, 52));
                Int32Int32DateO iid2 = new Int32Int32DateO(0, 1, new DateTime(2007, 6, 1, 8, 30, 52));
                if (iid1 == iid2) Console.WriteLine("same");
                if (iid1.Equals(iid2)) Console.WriteLine("equals");
                // that are equal but not the same I don't override = so I have both features

                Int32Int32DateCollection int32Int32DateCollection = new Int32Int32DateCollection();
                // dont't have to repeat the key like Dictionary
                int32Int32DateCollection.Add(new Int32Int32DateO(0, 0, new DateTime(2008, 5, 1, 8, 30, 52)));
                int32Int32DateCollection.Add(new Int32Int32DateO(0, 1, new DateTime(2008, 6, 1, 8, 30, 52)));
                //this would thow a duplicate key error
                //this would thow a duplicate key error
                //int32Int32DateCollection.Add(new Int32Int32DateO(0, 1, new DateTime(2008, 6, 1, 8, 30, 52)));
                // reference by ordinal postion (note the is not the long key)
                // reference by index
                Console.WriteLine(int32Int32DateCollection[0, 1, new DateTime(2008, 6, 1, 8, 30, 52)].GetHashCode().ToString());
                foreach (Int32Int32DateO iio in int32Int32DateCollection)
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("HashCode {0} Int1 {1} Int2 {2} DateTime {3}", iio.GetHashCode(), iio.Int1, iio.Int2, iio.Date1));
                Console.WriteLine("sorted by date");
                foreach (Int32Int32DateO iio in int32Int32DateCollection.OrderBy(x => x.Date1).ThenBy(x => x.Int1).ThenBy(x => x.Int2))
                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("HashCode {0} Int1 {1} Int2 {2} DateTime {3}", iio.GetHashCode(), iio.Int1, iio.Int2, iio.Date1));
            public class Int32Int32DateCollection : KeyedCollection<Int32Int32DateS, Int32Int32DateO>
                // This parameterless constructor calls the base class constructor 
                // that specifies a dictionary threshold of 0, so that the internal 
                // dictionary is created as soon as an item is added to the  
                // collection. 
                public Int32Int32DateCollection() : base(null, 0) { }

                // This is the only method that absolutely must be overridden, 
                // because without it the KeyedCollection cannot extract the 
                // keys from the items.  
                protected override Int32Int32DateS GetKeyForItem(Int32Int32DateO item)
                    // In this example, the key is the part number. 
                    return item.Int32Int32Date;

                //  indexer 
                public Int32Int32DateO this[Int32 Int1, Int32 Int2, DateTime Date1]
                    get { return this[new Int32Int32DateS(Int1, Int2, Date1)]; }

            public struct Int32Int32DateS
            {   // required as KeyCollection Key must be a single item
                // but you don't really need to interact with Int32Int32DateS directly
                public readonly Int32 Int1, Int2;
                public readonly DateTime Date1;
                public Int32Int32DateS(Int32 int1, Int32 int2, DateTime date1)
                { this.Int1 = int1; this.Int2 = int2; this.Date1 = date1; }
            public class Int32Int32DateO : Object
                // implement other properties
                public Int32Int32DateS Int32Int32Date { get; private set; }
                public Int32 Int1 { get { return Int32Int32Date.Int1; } }
                public Int32 Int2 { get { return Int32Int32Date.Int2; } }
                public DateTime Date1 { get { return Int32Int32Date.Date1; } }

                public override bool Equals(Object obj)
                    //Check for null and compare run-time types.
                    if (obj == null || !(obj is Int32Int32DateO)) return false;
                    Int32Int32DateO item = (Int32Int32DateO)obj;
                    return (this.Int32Int32Date.Int1 == item.Int32Int32Date.Int1 &&
                            this.Int32Int32Date.Int2 == item.Int32Int32Date.Int2 &&
                            this.Int32Int32Date.Date1 == item.Int32Int32Date.Date1);
                public override int GetHashCode()
                    return (((Int64)Int32Int32Date.Int1 << 32) + Int32Int32Date.Int2).GetHashCode() ^ Int32Int32Date.GetHashCode();
                public Int32Int32DateO(Int32 Int1, Int32 Int2, DateTime Date1)
                    Int32Int32DateS int32Int32Date = new Int32Int32DateS(Int1, Int2, Date1);
                    this.Int32Int32Date = int32Int32Date;




答案 7 :(得分:2)

我可以建议一个替代方案 - 一个匿名对象。它与我们在具有多个键的GroupBy LINQ方法中使用的相同。

var dictionary = new Dictionary<object, string> ();
dictionary[new { a = 1, b = 2 }] = "value";

它可能看起来很奇怪,但我已经对Tuple.GetHashCode和新的{a = 1,b = 2} .GetHashCode方法进行了基准测试,并且我的机器上的匿名对象在.NET 4.5.1上获胜:

对象 - 1000次循环中10000次调用的89,1732 ms

元组 - 在1000个周期内进行10000次呼叫的738,4475 ms

答案 8 :(得分:0)
