var socket;
// Gets called after the page's DOM is loaded
var loaded = function( event ) {
socket = new WebSocket( /* */ );
/* Here the WebSocket is set up */
// Gets called when the page is about to unload.
var beforeUnload = function( event ) {
// Ask for confirmation about closing the session (Firefox)
event.preventDefault( );
// Gets called after the user confirmed unloading the page (This is what should happen)
var afterUnloadConfirmation = function( event ) {
// Close the WebSocket connection
socket.close( );
// Register the events
document.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", loaded );
window.addEventListener( "beforeunload", beforeUnload );
/*something*/.addEventListener( /*after-beforeunload*/, afterUnloadConfirmation );
如您所见,目前无法调用 afterUnloadConfirmation()方法来正确关闭WebSocket连接。