> Import-Module $root\packages\fsm.buildrelease.*\tools\modules\BuildDeployModules -Force
Import-Module:未加载指定的模块'C:\ BuildAgent \ work \ 81eb7c2fdfcfc0af \ packages \ fsm.buildrelease。* \ tools \ modules \ BuildDeployModules',因为在任何模块目录中找不到有效的模块文件。 / p>
$fsmbrVersion = "1.1.1" # contains the current version of fsm.buildrelease
Write-Host "`nfsm.buildrelease version $fsmbrVersion `nCopyright ($([char]0x00A9)) Future State Mobile Inc. & Contributors`n"
Push-Location $psScriptRoot
. .\Add-HostsFileEntry.ps1
. .\Add-IISHttpVerb.ps1
. .\Add-IISMimeType.ps1
. .\Add-LoopbackFix.ps1
. .\ApplicationAdministration.ps1
. .\AppPoolAdministration.ps1
. .\Approve-Permissions.ps1
. .\Assert-PSVersion.ps1
. .\EntityFramework.ps1
. .\Expand-NugetPackage.ps1
. .\Expand-ZipFile.ps1
. .\Format-TaskNameToHost.ps1
. .\Get-EnvironmentSettings.ps1
. .\Grunt.ps1
. .\Helpers.ps1
. .\Install-WebApplication.ps1
. .\Invoke-Deployment.ps1
. .\Invoke-DeployOctopusNugetPackage.ps1
. .\Invoke-ElevatedCommand.ps1
. .\Invoke-ExternalCommand.ps1
. .\Invoke-Using.ps1
. .\MSBuild.ps1
. .\Nuget.ps1
. .\nUnit.ps1
. .\Set-IISAuthentication.ps1
. .\Set-IISCustomHeader.ps1
. .\SiteAdministration.ps1
. .\Specflow.ps1
. .\SqlHelpers.ps1
. .\Test-PathExtended.ps1
. .\Test-RunAsAdmin.ps1
. .\TextUtils.ps1
. .\Update-AssemblyVersions.ps1
. .\Update-JsonConfigFile.ps1
. .\Update-XmlConfigFile.ps1
. .\WindowsFeatures.ps1
. .\xUnit.ps1
Export-ModuleMember `
-Alias @(
'*') `
-Function @(
# Messages
DATA msgs {
convertfrom-stringdata @"
error_duplicate_step_name = Step {0} has already been defined.
error_must_supply_a_feature = You must supply at least one Windows Feature.
error_feature_set_invalid = The argument `"{0}`" does not belong to the set `"{1}`".
error_admin_required = You are required to 'Run as Administrator' when running this deployment.
error_loading_sql_file = Error loading '{0}'. {1}.
error_octopus_deploy_failed = Failed to deploy: {0}.
error_specflow_failed = Publishing specflow results for '{0}' failed.
error_coverage_failed = Running code coverage for '{0}' failed.
error_tests_failed = Running tests '{0}' failed.
error_msbuild_compile = Error compiling '{0}'.
wrn_full_permission = You have applied FULL permission to '{0}' for '{1}'. THIS IS DANGEROUS!
wrn_cant_find = Could not find {0} with the name: {0}.
msg_grant_permission = Granting {0} permissions to {1} for {2}.
msg_enabling_windows_feature = Enabling Windows Feature: `"{0}`".
msg_wasnt_found = `"{0}`" wasn't found.
msg_updated_to = Updated `"{0}`" to `"{1}`".
msg_updating_to = Updating `"{0}`" to `"{1}`".
msg_changing_to = Changing `"{0}`" to `"{1}`".
msg_overriding_to = Overriding node `"{0}`" with value `"{1}`".
msg_updating_assembly = Updating AssemblyVersion to '{0}'. Updating AssemblyFileVersion to '{1}'. Updating AssemblyInformationalVersion to '{2}'.
msg_not_updating = Not updating {0}, you must specify the '-updateIfFound' if you wish to update the {0} settings.
msg_custom_header = Setting custom header '{0}' on site '{1}' to value '{2}'.
msg_disable_anon_auth = Disabling Anonymous Authentication for '{0}'.
msg_web_app_success = Successfully deploy Web Application '{0}'.
msg_copying_content = Copying {0} content to {1}.
msg_use_machine_environment = Using config for machine {0} instead of the {1} environment.
msg_octopus_overrides = Checking for Octopus Overrides for environment '{0}'.
msg_teamcity_importdata = ##teamcity[importData type='{0}' tool='{1}' path='{2}']
msg_teamcity_buildstatus = ##teamcity[buildStatus text='{0}']
msg_teamcity_buildstatisticvalue = ##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key='{0}' value='{1}']
msg_add_loopback_fix = Adding loopback fix for '{0}'.
msg_add_mime_type = Adding mime type '{0}' for extension '{1}' to IIS site '{2}'.
msg_add_verb = Adding IIS Http Verb '{0}' to site '{1}'.
msg_add_host_entry = Adding host entry for '{0}' into the hosts file.
msg_validate_host_entry = Validating host entry for '{0} in the hosts file'
msg_loopback_note = note: we're not disabling the loopback check all together, we are simply adding '{0}' to an allowed list.
答案 0 :(得分:0)
问题与导入模块无关; powershell对于引导您解决问题并非常有帮助。在我将-VERBOSE
FullyQualifiedErrorId: ParameterAttributeArgumentNeedsToBeConstandOrScriptBlock
# Bad
# Good