使用EntityManagerDecorator扩展Doctrine EntityManager会在UnitOfWork中留下错误的引用

时间:2015-02-27 18:03:08

标签: php symfony doctrine-orm entitymanager




public function getUnitOfWork()
    if ($this->unitOfWork === null) {
        $this->unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork($this);

    return $this->unitOfWork;


我正在寻找如何从prePersist MyEntityManagerDecorator而不是基座$eventArgs->getEntityManager()获取EntityManager。我想这样做而不直接继承 EntityManager。文档还说“你永远不应该尝试从EntityManager继承:继承不是EntityManager的有效扩展点。”


    public: false
    class: My\MultiTenantBundle\ORM\MyEntityManagerDecorator
    decorates: doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager
    arguments: [ "@my_multi_tenant_entity_manager.inner" ]


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1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


为了能够区分与租户实施关系的实体/从interfacemapped superclass扩展这些类。


 * `EntityManagerDecorator` exists since v2.4
class MultiTenantEntityManager extends EntityManagerDecorator {

    private $securityContext;

    public function __construct(EntityManagerInterface $entityManager, $securityContext) {
        $this->securityContext = $securityContext;

    public function persist($entity) {
        // set the tenant before persisting an entity
        if ($entity instanceof MultiTenantEntity) {
            $userId = $this->securityContext->getUserId();
            $tenant = $this->wrapped->find($userId,...);
        return $this->wrapped->persist($entity);