C ++是否有标准的编译时类型容器?

时间:2015-02-27 16:30:33

标签: c++

This question得到Nim的回答,其中提及boost::mpl::map。)

标准C ++中是否有可以容纳类型的编译时容器?


compiler::vector foo{char, short, long, long long};

template <int N>
void bar(foo[N] param){/*do something and return foo[N]*/}

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

在c ++ 11中,您可以使用std :: tuple :(免责声明:未测试)

#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
std::tuple<char, short, long, long long> foo;

// reference type
template <int N>
void bar(decltype(std::get<N>(foo)) param){...}

// value type
template <int N>
void bar(std::remove_reference<decltype(std::get<N>(foo))>::type param)



答案 1 :(得分:3)

作为类型容器,标准为您提供std::tuple和 - 如bogdan所评论 - 您可以使用std::tuple_element访问类型元素。

using foo = std::tuple<char, short&, const long&&, long long>;

template <int N>
typename std::tuple_element<N,foo>::type bar(){/*...*/}


/// We want a metafunction to accept an index N into our type list LIST
template <unsigned N, typename LIST> struct

/// Specialization for the case where N==0
template <template <typename ...> class LIST_T,typename T,typename...ELMS> struct
tuple_element<0,LIST_T<T,ELMS...>> {
    using type = T; // just take the first type from the list

template <unsigned N, template <typename ...> class LIST_T,typename T,typename...ELMS> struct
tuple_element<N,LIST_T<T,ELMS...>> {
    /// fallback for N>0: delegate the result type recursively until N->0
    using type = typename tuple_element<N-1,LIST_T<ELMS...>>::type;

// create a convenience wrapper for the template
template <unsigned N, typename LIST> using
type_at = typename tuple_element<N, LIST>::type;


using foo = std::tuple<char, short&, const long&&, long long>;

您可以使用type_at<N, foo>轻松访问它的元素:

static_assert(std::is_same< type_at<0,foo>, char>::value,"error");
static_assert(std::is_same< type_at<1,foo>, short&>::value,"error");
static_assert(std::is_same< type_at<2,foo>, const long&&>::value,"error");
static_assert(std::is_same< type_at<3,foo>, long long>::value,"error");

template <int N>
type_at<N,foo> bar(){/*...*/}

答案 2 :(得分:0)


tuple foo<char&, short&, long&, long long&>;

template <int N>
void bar(tuple_element_t<N, decltype(foo)> param){}


template <int N>
void bar(tuple_element_t<N, tuple<char&, short&, long&, long long&>> param){}