
时间:2015-02-27 15:09:53

标签: powershell csv

Month, Name, First, Second, Third, Status
2015/01, 'Google', 02-02-2014, 03-02-2014, 03-02-2015, "Lost"
2015/01, 'Google', 03-01-2014,  03-01-2014, 03-02-2015, "Active"
2015/02, 'Google', 06-02-2013,  03-01-2014, N/A, "Lost"
2015/02, 'Yahoo', 07-02-2013,  06-01-2015, 03-02-2015, "Active"
2015/02, 'Google', 07-02-2013,  06-01-2015, 03-02-2015, "Lost" 
2015/02, 'Yahoo', 03-01-2014,  06-01-2015, N/A, "Active"
2015/02, 'Google', 06-01-2015,  06-01-2015, 03-02-2015, "Lost" 
2014/12, 'Yahoo', 03-01-2014,  06-01-2015, 03-02-2014, "Active"
2014/12, 'Google', 03-05-2014,  06-01-2015, N/A, "Active" 
2014/12, 'Yahoo', 06-01-2015,  06-01-2015, 03-02-2014, "Active"

Import-Csv "E:\foo.csv"  |
Where-Object {($_."Name" -eq "Google") `
-and ($_."Third" -gt (get-date).AddDays(-27).ToString("yyy-MM-dd") -or $_."C3 Date" -eq "N/A") `
-and # where month is last two months while Status is only Active ` 
-and # no current months (Feb) data/values of last years from First and Second column }

月份列值采用字符串格式。 (那里没问题)。其余的日期格式为dd-mm-yyyy(例如23-12-2014)


  1. 首先只选择Google记录。
  2. 然后仅选择第三列日期为当前日期的记录 月或不适用。
  3. 然后只记录Month值等于最近两个月的记录 并且同时状态应该是活动的。
  4. 最后,跳过当前月份(2月)值的记录 过去的一年(例如2014 / 02,2013 / 02,但不是2015/02)来自First和 第二栏。
  5. 我能写脚本,直到2步。输出匹配所需的数量 3和4步包含多个if条件/逻辑,我无法编写和理解。

    注意: foo.csv中的第2和第9条记录是我们正在寻找的确切记录,满足所有条件。

    修改 第9次记录更正 当我尝试使用Matt的代码时,我收到了以下错误:

    The operation '[System.Int32] - [System.DateTime]' is not defined.
    At line:8 char:29

    在我的文化信息中,我可以看到en-GB,但我希望它独立于文化。以前它是逻辑部分,我正在努力,但现在它的日期(格式和匹配)问题 我正在阅读过去2天的日期和时间格式。我尝试将yyyy改为yy或yyy,即使这会产生错误。仍然试图在有关日期问题的第二个条件下做到正确,但还没有运气。

    下面是POC代码,它只做了一些部分,但是我不能在这里控制日期格式,因为将来数据可能会在csv dd-mm-yyyy中改变为mm-dd-yy或其他内容。

    Import-Csv E:\foo.csv | 
    Select-Object @{Label="Third"; Expression={[datetime]$_.Third}} |
    Where-Object { $_.Third -gt [datetime]'01-03-2015' } |
    Format-Table -Auto

    此外,在将日期转换为日期时间格式时,是否有可能保留N / A?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

您最好将所有这些步骤拆分为单独的Where-Object,否则构建和调试此类语句将非常困难。这就是我所做的。问题是,当您说记录#2 #9 是您要查找的记录时,记录#9 会失败你的规则#3


然后只记录Month值等于最近两个月的记录   同时状态应为Active



2014/12,'Google',03-05-2014,06-01-2015,N / A,“Lost”

并且Status设置为Lost。因此,以下代码只显示#2 记录:

编辑:这是一个非常详细的脚本,它将处理您的CSV。将其另存为ProcessCSV.ps1并按以下方式运行:.\ProcessCSV -Path 'E:\foo.csv' -Verbose。它应该显示很多的调试数据,这将有助于诊断出现了什么问题。例如:

VERBOSE: Importing CSV's
VERBOSE: ==============================[ Processing record #1 ]==============================
VERBOSE: [Selecting only Google records]
VERBOSE: Name: Google
VERBOSE: Found Google record, returning: True
VERBOSE: [Selecting only those records where Third column date is of current month (3) in this year (2015) or N/A]
VERBOSE: Third column value is: 03/03/2015 00:00:00
VERBOSE: Third column value converted to date is: 3 марта 2015 г.
VERBOSE: Third column date is in current year (2015): 2015
VERBOSE: Third column date is in current month (3): 3, returning: True
VERBOSE: [Selecting records where Month value equals last two months and Status is Active]
VERBOSE: Status column value is: Lost
VERBOSE: Status column value is not equal to: Active, returning False


$DateFmt = @{
    # The year as a four-digit number
    # The month, from 01 through 12
    Month = 'yyyy/MM'

凭借自定义Select-Object的想法,对[DateTime] Matt 感到荣幸,这样做效果更好!


    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        if(!(Test-Path -LiteralPath $_ -PathType Leaf))
            throw "File doesn't exist: $_"

function Select-Data
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

        # Setup custom date formatting rules for input data
        # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/8kb3ddd4.aspx
        $DateFmt = @{
            # The year as a four-digit number
            # The month, from 01 through 12
            Month = 'yyyy/MM'

            # The day of the month, from 01 through 31
            # The month, from 01 through 12
            # The year as a four-digit number,
            First = 'dd-MM-yyyy'

            # The day of the month, from 01 through 31
            # The month, from 01 through 12
            # The year as a four-digit number,
            Second = 'dd-MM-yyyy'

            # The day of the month, from 01 through 31
            # The month, from 01 through 12
            # The year as a four-digit number,
            Third = 'dd-MM-yyyy'

        # Setup custom names
        $Source = @{
            Google = 'Google'
            Yahoo = 'Yahoo'

        # Setup custom statuses
        $Status = @{
            Lost = 'Lost'
            Active = 'Active'

        $Misc = @{
            NA = 'N/A'
            Culture = ([System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture)

        $Data |
            Select-Object @{Label = 'Month' ; Expression = {if($_.Month -eq $Misc.NA){$_.Month}else{[DateTime]::ParseExact($_.Month, $DateFmt.Month, $Misc.Culture)}}},
                @{Label = 'Name' ; Expression = {$_.Name.Trim("'")}},
                @{Label = 'First' ; Expression = {if($_.First -eq $Misc.NA){$_.First}else{[DateTime]::ParseExact($_.First, $DateFmt.First, $Misc.Culture)}}}, 
                @{Label = 'Second' ; Expression = {if($_.Second -eq $Misc.NA){$_.Second}else{[DateTime]::ParseExact($_.Second, $DateFmt.Second, $Misc.Culture)}}}, 
                @{Label = 'Third' ; Expression = {if($_.Third -eq $Misc.NA){$_.Third}else{[DateTime]::ParseExact($_.Third, $DateFmt.Third, $Misc.Culture)}}}, 
                Status |
            ForEach-Object {
                Write-Verbose ('=' * 30 + "[ Processing record #$i ]" + '=' * 30)
            } |
            Where-Object {
                Write-Verbose "[Selecting only $($Source.Google) records]"
                Write-Verbose "Name: $($_.Name)"
                if($_.Name -eq $Source.Google)
                    Write-Verbose "Found $($Source.Google) record, returning: $true"
                    return $true
                    Write-Verbose "Not found $($Source.Google) record, returning: $false"
                    return $false
            } |
            Where-Object {
                Write-Verbose "[Selecting only those records where Third column date is of current month ($((Get-Date).Month)) in this year ($((Get-Date).Year)) or $($Misc.NA)]"
                Write-Verbose "Third column value is: $($_.Third)"
                if($_.Third -eq $Misc.NA)
                    Write-Verbose "Third column value is equal to: $($Misc.NA), returning: $true"
                    return $true
                    Write-Verbose "Third column value converted to date is: $($_.Third.ToLongDateString())"
                    if($_.Third.Year -eq (Get-Date).Year)
                        Write-Verbose "Third column date is in current year ($((Get-Date).Year)): $($_.Third.Year)"
                        if($_.Third.Month -eq (Get-Date).Month)
                            Write-Verbose "Third column date is in current month ($((Get-Date).Month)): $($_.Third.Month), returning: $true"
                            return $true
                            Write-Verbose "Third column date is not in current month ($((Get-Date).Month)): $($_.Third.Month), returning: $false"
                            return $false
                         Write-Verbose "Third column date is not in current year ($((Get-Date).Year)): $($_.Third.Year), returning: $false"
                         return $false
            } |
            Where-Object {
                Write-Verbose '[Selecting records where Month value equals last two months and Status is Active]'
                Write-Verbose "Status column value is: $($_.Status)"
                if($_.Status -eq $Status.Active)
                    Write-Verbose "Status column value is equal to: $($Status.Active)"
                    if($_.Month -ge (Get-Date).AddMonths(-2))
                        Write-Verbose "Month column date is: $($_.Month.ToLongDateString()), looks like it less than 2 months old, returning $true"
                        return $true
                        Write-Verbose "Month column date is: $($_.Month.ToLongDateString()), looks like it more than 2 months old, returning $false"
                        return $false
                    Write-Verbose "Status column value is not equal to: $($Status.Active), returning $false"
                    return $false
            } |
            Where-Object {
                Write-Verbose '[Skip records for current month from past year in First and Second columns]'
                Write-Verbose "First column date is: $($_.First.ToLongDateString())"
                Write-Verbose "Second column date is: $($_.Second.ToLongDateString())"

                $ret = $_.First, $_.Second |
                    Where-Object {
                        if($_.Month -eq (Get-Date).Month)
                            Write-Verbose "Month of date $($_) is equal to current month: $((Get-Date).Month)"
                            if($_.Year -eq (Get-Date).Year)
                                Write-Verbose "Year of date $($_.ToLongDateString()) is equal to current year: $((Get-Date).Year), returning $true"
                                return $true
                                Write-Verbose "Year of date $($_.ToLongDateString()) is not equal to current year: $((Get-Date).Year), returning $false"
                                return $false
                            Write-Verbose "Month of date $($_.ToLongDateString()) is not equal to current month: $((Get-Date).Month), returning $true"
                            return $true
                if([array]$ret.Count -eq 2)
                    Write-Verbose "Both First and Second columns are not in current month from past years"
                    return $true
                    Write-Verbose "First or Second columns is in current month ($((Get-Date).Year)) from past year, returning $false"
                    return $false

# Import data and process data
Write-Verbose 'Importing CSV''s'
$Path |
    Import-Csv |
Write-Verbose 'All done'

答案 1 :(得分:1)



$culture = [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture
$today = Get-Date "02-27-2015"
Import-CSV c:\temp\foo.csv | Select-Object @{Label="Month";Expression={[datetime]$_.Month}},
        Name, @{Label="First";Expression={[datetime]::ParseExact($_.First,"dd-MM-yyyy",$culture)}},
        Status | 
    Where-Object {
        ($_.Name -eq "'Google'") -and      # Condition 1
        (!$_.Third -or (($_.Third).Month -eq $today.Month)) -and # Condition 2
        (($today.Month - $_.Month + (($today.Year - $_.Year) * 12)) -lt 3) -and # Condition 3.1
        ($_.Status -eq "Active") -and # Condition 3.2
        (!((($_.First).Month -eq $today.Month) -and (($_.First).Year -ne $today.Year))) -and # Condition 4.1
        (!((($_.Second).Month -eq $today.Month) -and (($_.Second).Year -ne $today.Year))) # Condition 4.2
    } | Select-Object @{L="Month";E={($_.Month).ToString("yyyy/MM")}},Name,
            @{L="Last";E={If($_.Third){($_.Third).ToString("dd-MM-yyyy")}Else{"N/A"}}},Status |
    Export-CSV "c:\temp\outputfile.csv" -NoTypeInformation



还有一个问题是我不知道你的数据时间格式是第一,第二和第三。我以为它是" dd-MM-yyyy"根据您的假设。如果这里有问题,请告诉我



要获得您期望的结果,我已将Get-Date更改为变量$today。出于测试目的,我将$today设置为2月27日。只需将$today = Get-Date更改为生产数据。我还更新了第四个条件的逻辑。如果现在有效,请告诉我。

最后还添加了另一个Select子句,将输出配置为输入。您将看到第三列是否为空" N / A"被放回文件中。


