
时间:2015-02-27 12:29:03

标签: macos applescript itunes




osascript iTunesToTrakt.applescript 1 apikey username sha1password



on run argv

    set interval to item 1 of argv as number
    set apiKey to item 2 of argv as string
    set username to item 3 of argv as string
    set pass to item 4 of argv as string
    set baseUrl to "http://api.trakt.tv/"
    set episodeUrl to baseUrl & "show/episode/seen/" & apiKey
    set movieUrl to baseUrl & "movie/seen/" & apiKey
    set currDate to current date
    set currDate to currDate - (interval * hours)
    set userPass to "{\"username\" : \"" & username & "\", \"password\" : \"" & pass & "\","
    set sendUrl to ""
    tell application "iTunes"
        set theLists to every playlist whose special kind is TV Shows or special kind is Movies
        repeat with theList in theLists
            set allTracks to (every track of theList whose played date > currDate)
            repeat with aTrack in allTracks
                set played to played date of aTrack
                set typeOfTrack to video kind of aTrack
                set theYear to year of aTrack
                if played > currDate then
                    if typeOfTrack = movie then
                        set sendUrl to movieUrl
                        set theMovieName to name of aTrack
                        set nrOfPlays to played count of aTrack
                        set lastPlayed to played date of aTrack
                        set lastPlayed to do shell script "date -j -f \"%A %d %B %Y %H:%M:%S\" \"" & lastPlayed & "\" +%s"
                        set sendData to userPass & "\"movies\" : [{\"title\" : \"" & theMovieName & "\", \"year\" : " & theYear & ", \"plays\" : " & nrOfPlays & ", \"last_played\" : " & lastPlayed & "}]"
                    else if typeOfTrack is TV show then
                        set sendUrl to episodeUrl
                        set theShow to show of aTrack
                        set theSeason to season number of aTrack
                        set theEpisode to episode number of aTrack
                        set sendData to userPass & "\"title\" : \"" & theShow & "\", \"year\" : " & theYear & ", \"episodes\" : [{ \"season\" : " & theSeason & ", \"episode\": " & theEpisode & "}]"

                    end if
                    set sendData to sendData & "}"

                    set cmd to "curl " & sendUrl & " -X POST --data '" & sendData & "' -H 'Content-type: application/json'"
                    tell me to do shell script cmd
                    return "No new movies or TV show episodes watched." as string
                end if
            end repeat
        end repeat
    end tell
end run



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