
时间:2015-02-25 22:44:19

标签: java arrays sorting


public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
int[] enrollments = new int [100]; 
int count;                        
int  FullClass;                  
double ClassPercentage;          

return count (number of data items)
count = CreateArray(enrollments);
System.out.println (count );

FullClass = AddValues (enrollments);
System.out.println (FullClass)
ClassPercentage= FullClass/count;
System.out.print(ClassPercentage +"% of classes are full");

}//end main 

 * @param classSizes
public static int CreateArray(int[] classSizes) throws Exception{

int count = 0;

File enrollments = new File("enrollments.txt");
Scanner infile = new Scanner (enrollments);

while (infile.hasNextInt()){
      classSizes[count] = infile.nextInt();
      count++}//end while
return count;   //number of items in an array

} // end CreateArray

 * @throws java.lang.Exception
public static int AddValues (int[] enrollments) throws Exception{
int number = 0;
int countOf36s = 0;

while (infile.hasNextInt()) {
      number = infile.next();
      classSizes[count] = number;
      if(number>=36) {
return countOf36s;  

}// end AddValues
}//end main

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



    import java.util.*;
    import java.io.*;

    public class Test { //Name this to your actual class name
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
            int[] enrollments = new int [100]; //assuming not more than 100 numbers in the text file
            int count;       //count of all the numbers in text file                 
            int  FullClass;   //count of numbers whose value is >=36               
            double ClassPercentage;
            count = CreateArray(enrollments);
            System.out.println (count);

            FullClass = AddValues (enrollments);
            System.out.println (FullClass);
            ClassPercentage= FullClass/count;
            System.out.print(ClassPercentage +"% of classes are full");

//Method to read all the numbers from the text file and store them in the array
        public static int CreateArray(int[] classSizes) throws Exception {
            int count = 0;
            File enrollments = new File("enrollments.txt"); //path should be correct or else you get an exception.
            Scanner infile = new Scanner (enrollments);
            while (infile.hasNextInt()) {
                classSizes[count] = infile.nextInt();
            return count;   //number of items in an array

//Method to read numbers from the array and store the count of numbers >=36
        public static int AddValues (int[] enrollments) throws Exception{
            int number = 0;
            int countOf36s = 0;
            for(int i=0; i<enrollments.length; i++) {
                number = enrollments[i];
                if(number>=36) {
            return countOf36s;  

答案 1 :(得分:0)

您的代码表明您可能误解了一些概念和风格。正如你在评论中所说,你是新手,想要一些指导以及问题的答案 - 这就是:


  1. 方法名称和变量名称按惯例编写,以小写字母开头,然后以驼峰形式开头。这与以大写字母和驼峰大小写开头的类形成对比。坚持这些约定使代码更易于阅读和维护。 full list of conventions is published - 此评论特别指naming conventions

  2. 同样,by convention关闭大括号会在关闭循环或if-else阻止时放在单独的行上。

  3. throws Exception 非常通用 - 通常会尽可能地限制您的代码实际抛出的异常 - 在您的情况下throws FileNotFoundException应该这就是ScannerFile可以在运行时抛出的内容。这种特异性对于将来使用任何代码的任何代码都很有用。

  4. 物质

    1. 您正在创建具有100个成员的阵列。然后调用CreateArray从文件中读取文件,同时该文件中包含更多整数。您的代码不知道有多少 - 我们称之为N。如果N <= 100(有100个或更少的整数),那很好,您的数组将从0填充到N-1。但是,这种方法容易引起混淆 - 无论从文件中读取多少值,数组的长度都将为100,因此您必须跟踪count返回的CreateArray

      如果N > 100您遇到问题 - 文件读取代码将继续运行,尝试将数字添加到超出其最大索引的数组中,您将收到运行时错误(索引超出范围)


    2. 查看有多少动态长度
    3. 您的original version AddValues第二次调用CreateArray,即使您传入已包含从文件中读取的值的数组。这是低效的,因为它再次执行所有文件I / O.这个小例子不是问题,但你应该避免重复。

    4. 主要问题。 As per prudhvi您正在检查文件中的整数对36,而不是每个值。你可以按照答案中的建议纠正这个问题。

    5. 你做ClassPercentage= FullClass/count;虽然ClassPercentage是双重的,但在某种程度上反直觉 - because both the variables on the Right Hand Side (RHS) are int, you will have an int returned from the division总是向下舍入为零。为了使其正常工作 - 您必须更改(cast)RHS上的一个变量,以便在分割前加倍,例如ClassPercentage= ((double)FullClass)/count;

    6. 如果您继续使用数组而不是ArrayList,请注意将它们传递给方法时会发生什么。您正在通过引用传递,这意味着如果您在方法中更改数组的元素,则从该方法返回时它将保持更改。

    7. 在您的new version

         classSizes[count] = number;
         if(number>=36) {


      number = classSizes[count];
      if(number>=36) {

      也就是说,在编写赋值顺序等于是非常重要的,因此a = b 不等同于 b = a

    8. 代码

      清理版代码 - 观察以上所有内容(我希望):

      import java.io.File;
      import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
      import java.util.ArrayList;
      import java.util.Scanner;
      public class ClassCounter
          public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException
              int count;
              int fullClass;
              double classPercentage;
              ArrayList<Integer> enrollments = createArray();
              count = enrollments.size();
              fullClass = addValues(enrollments);
              classPercentage = fullClass / count;
              System.out.print(classPercentage + "% of classes are full");
           * scans file "enrollments.txt", which must contain a list of integers, and
           * returns an ArrayList populated with those integers.
           * @throws FileNotFoundException
          public static ArrayList<Integer> createArray() throws FileNotFoundException
              ArrayList<Integer> listToReturn = new ArrayList<Integer>();
              File enrollments = new File("enrollments.txt");
              Scanner infile = new Scanner(enrollments);
              while (infile.hasNextInt())
              return listToReturn;   
           * returns the number of cases where enrollments >= 36 from the list of 
           * all enrollments
           * @param enrollments - the list of enrollments in each class
           * @throws FileNotFoundException
          public static int addValues(ArrayList<Integer> enrollments)
              int number = 0;
              int countOf36s = 0;
              int i = 0;
              while (i < enrollments.size())
                  number = enrollments.get(i);
                  if (number >= 36)
              return countOf36s;