
时间:2015-02-25 17:43:09

标签: jquery jqgrid


   var removeSubgridIcon = function () {
            var $this = $(this),
                idPrefix = $this.jqGrid("getGridParam", "idPrefix");
            $this.find(">tbody>tr.jqgrow>td.ui-sgcollapsed").filter(function () {
                var rowData = $this.jqGrid("getLocalRow",
                                           $.jgrid.stripPref(idPrefix, $(this).closest("tr.jqgrow").attr("id")));
                return rowData.subgrid === null;

        var isHasSubrids = function (data) {

            if (data == null) { return false; }
                var l = data.length, i;
                for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
                    if (data[i].subgrid !== null) {
                        return true;


            datatype: 'local',
            data: records,
            colNames: ['ContractId', 'Description', 'Status', 'Classification', 'Start Date', 'End Date', 'Cancel Date'], // #PF - add opp id column later
            colModel: [
                { name: 'contractid', width: 100, fixed: true },
                // #PFG - 3/17/2014 - LATER { name: 'opportunity', index: 'opportunity', width: 100, fixed: true }, 
                { name: 'description', width: 200, fixed: true },
                { name: 'status', autowidth: true, align: 'center' },
                { name: 'classification', align: 'center' },
                { name: 'startdate', align: 'center' },
                { name: 'enddate', align: 'center' },
                { name: 'canceldate', align: 'center' }
            gridview: true,
            idPrefix: "m",
            rownumbers: true,
            autoencode: true,
            viewrecords: true,
            sortname: 'contractid',
            sortorder: 'desc',
            height: '100%',
            subGrid: isHasSubrids(records),
            loadComplete: function () {
            subGridRowExpanded: function (subgridDivId1, rowId1) {
                var $subgrid1 = $("<table id='" + subgridDivId1 + "_t'></table>"),
                    localRowData1 = $(this).jqGrid("getLocalRow", rowId1);
                $subgrid1.appendTo("#" + $.jgrid.jqID(subgridDivId1));
                    datatype: 'local',
                    data: localRowData1.subgrid,
                    colNames: ['ContractLineId', 'Item Name', 'Start Date', 'End Date', 'Cancel Date', 'Description', 'Vendor Name', 'IsShipped'],
                    colModel: [
                        { name: "contractlineid", width: 130, key: true, fixed: true },
                        { name: "itemname", fixed: true, align: 'center' },
                        { name: "startdate", fixed: true, align: 'center' },
                        { name: "enddate", fixed: true, align: 'center' },
                        { name: "canceldate", fixed: true, align: 'center' },
                        { name: "description", width: 330, fixed: true, align: 'center' },
                        { name: "vendorname", fixed: true, align: 'center' },
                        { name: "isshipped", fixed: true, align: 'center' }
                    gridview: true,
                    idPrefix: "s" + rowId1 + "_",
                    rowNum: 300,
                    rownumbers: true,
                    autoencode: true,
                    sortname: 'contractlineid',
                    sortorder: "desc",
                    height: "100%",
                    //loadComplete: removeSubgridIcon,
                    subGrid: isHasSubrids(localRowData1.subgrid),
                    subGridOptions: {
                        "plusicon": "ui-icon-triangle-1-e",
                        "minusicon": "ui-icon-triangle-1-s",
                        "openicon": "ui-icon-arrowreturn-1-e",
                        // load the subgrid data only once
                        // and the just show/hide
                        "reloadOnExpand": false,
                        // select the row when the expand column is clicked
                        "selectOnExpand": true
                    subGridRowExpanded: function (subgridDivId2, rowId2) {
                        // Sub grid2 holding product details
                        var $subgrid2 = $("<table id='" + subgridDivId2 + "_t'></table>"),
                            localRowData2 = $(this).jqGrid("getLocalRow", rowId2);
                        $subgrid2.appendTo("#" + $.jgrid.jqID(subgridDivId2));
                            datatype: 'local',
                            data: localRowData2.subgrid,
                            colNames: ['ProductId', 'Name', 'Description'],
                            colModel: [
                                { name: "productid", key: true, fixed: true, align: 'center' },
                                { name: "name", fixed: true, align: 'center' },
                                { name: "description", width: 500, fixed: true, align: 'center' }
                            gridview: true,
                            autowidth: true,
                            idPrefix: "s" + rowId1 + "_" + rowId2 + "_",
                            rownumbers: true,
                            autoencode: true,
                            sortname: 'productid',
                            sortorder: "desc",
                            height: '100%',
                            subGrid: isHasSubrids(localRowData2.subgrid),
                            subGridOptions: {
                                "plusicon": "ui-icon-triangle-1-e",
                                "minusicon": "ui-icon-triangle-1-s",
                                "openicon": "ui-icon-arrowreturn-1-e",
                                // load the subgrid data only once
                                // and the just show/hide
                                "reloadOnExpand": false,
                                // select the row when the expand column is clicked
                                "selectOnExpand": true
                            //loadComplete: removeSubgridIcon

            // set grid width
        $gridName.setGridWidth($('#account-page').width() - 15, true);
    } else {
        $('#account-contract-content').html('No records exists.');


localRowData1 = $(this).jqGrid(“getLocalRow”,rowId1);

localRowData1没有获取任何子网格行 subGrid:isHasSubrids(localRowData1.subgrid)这里localRowData1.subgrid返回NULL


  |  -0:Object
  |   |
  |   |     -0:Object
  |   |      |
  |   |      |
  |   |       Description:
  |   |       Name:
  |   |       Prouductid:
  |   |
  |   |      1:Object
  |   | 
  |   |      2:Object
  |   |        
  |   |      3:Object
  |   |
  |   |
  |   |
  |    canceldate:
  |    contractlineid:
  |    Description:
  |    EndDate:
  |    Isshipped:
  |   +1:Object
  |   +2:Object
  |   +3:Object




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

使用addRowData向网格填充数据是非常糟糕的选择。这不仅是最慢的方式。您使用addRowData多次i + 1作为rowid。如果您这样做,则key中定义的colModel属性将被忽略。而不是使用值1,2,3 ...。如果使用subgids你会有很多id重复,这是邪恶的。


即使您使用对应于数据本机表示的正确id值,您仍可以在不同子网格中或主网格与某些子网格之间具有id重复项。因此,严格建议为每个网格和每个子网格使用唯一的idPrefix 。有关详细信息,请参阅the answerthis one
