
时间:2015-02-25 14:46:16

标签: f#


open System.Net
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Xml.Linq
open System

type IpRanges = {ipStart: IPAddress; ipEnd: IPAddress; subnet: IPAddress; mask: IPAddress}

type System.String with
    member s1.isEqual(s2: string) =
        System.String.Equals(s1, s2, System.StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)

let xname name = XName.Get name
let xattr (elem: XElement) (name:string) = elem.Attribute(xname name).Value

let loc (filename:string) (location:string) = 
    query {
        for doc in XDocument.Load(filename).Descendants(xname "location") do
        where ((xattr doc "name").isEqual(location))
        select doc

let extractAddr (doc:seq<XElement>) = 
    let mutable startAddr:IPAddress = null
    let mutable endAddr:IPAddress = null
    let mutable subnet:IPAddress = null

    let list:List<IpRanges> = new List<IpRanges>()

    //let mutable mask = ""

    let parseIP (addr:string) = IPAddress.Parse addr 

    for e in doc do
        match e.Name.LocalName with
         | "start" -> startAddr <- parseIP e.Value
         | "end" -> endAddr <- parseIP e.Value
         | "subnet" -> subnet <- parseIP e.Value
         | "mask" -> list.Add({ipStart = startAddr; ipEnd = endAddr; subnet = subnet; mask = parseIP(e.Value)}) |> ignore
         | _ -> ()

    // Return list

let main argv = 

    let location = (loc ("C:\Temp\file.xml") "location").Descendants(xname "range").Descendants()
                    |> extractAddr

    //let list = extractAddr location

    Console.ReadLine() |> ignore
    0 // return an integer exit code


let list:List<IpRanges> = new List<IpRanges>()

为空为什么? 通过调试按预期工作,除了

| "mask" -> list.Add({ipStart = startAddr; ipEnd = endAddr; subnet = subnet; mask = parseIP(e.Value)}) |> ignore

不会添加到列表中。 Xml结构

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <location name="test">




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

XML中没有“mask”元素,因此这种模式永远不会匹配。 另外,我会将extractAddr函数更改为更像“XML结构证明”(如果没有名称为elmname的元素,则不会抛出异常):

let parseRangeElement (range: XElement) elmname = 
    let e = range.Element(xname elmname)
    if  e <> null then 
        match IPAddress.TryParse(e.Value) with
        | true, ip -> ip
        | _ -> null
    else null

let extractAddr (doc:seq<XElement>) =
    |> Seq.map (fun rngelm -> 
                    ipStart = parseRangeElement rngelm "start"
                    ipEnd = parseRangeElement rngelm "end" 
                    subnet = parseRangeElement rngelm "subnet" 
                    mask = parseRangeElement rngelm "gateway"
    |> List.ofSeq // if you really need list

let main argv = 

    let location = (loc (xml) "test").Descendants(xname "range") 
                    |> extractAddr

    Console.ReadLine() |> ignore
    0 // return an integer exit code