public class DVD implements Comparable<DVD>
int dvdNumber;
String dvdName;
int quantity;
double price;
*This constructor takes the dvdNumber as string, the dvdName as string, a quantity as integer, and a price as a double and sets the base values of the items(s) in inventory
public DVD(int number, String name, int quantity, double MSRP)
dvdNumber = number;
dvdName = name;
this.quantity = quantity;
price = MSRP;
// getdvdNumber: returns the identifier for the item
public int getdvdNumber()
return dvdNumber;
// setdvdNumber: sets the identifier for the item
public void setdvdNumber(int value)
dvdNumber = value;
// getdvdName: returns the item name for the item
public String getdvdName()
return dvdName;
// getQuantity: returns the quantity of dvds in stock
public int getQuantity()
return quantity;
// setQuantity: sets the number of dvds in stock
public void setQuantity(int value)
quantity = value;
// getPrice: returns the price for the dvd
public double getPrice()
return price;
// setPrice: sets the price for the dvd
public void setPrice(double value)
price = value;
// getInventoryValue: calculates the total value of the inventory for the item
public double getInventoryValue()
return getPrice() * getQuantity();
// toString returns the printout of the individual item for display to the screen
public String toString()
return String.format("\nInventory Info\n%s %s\n%s\t %s\n%s\t %d\n%s\t $%,.2f\n%s\t $%,.2f","Product Number: ", getdvdNumber(),
"Product Name: ", getdvdName(), "Units In Stock:", getQuantity(),
"Price per Unit:", getPrice(), "Total Inventory Value:", getInventoryValue());
public int compareTo(DVD other){
int last = this.dvdName.compareTo(other.dvdName);
return last == 0 ? this.dvdName.compareTo(other.dvdName) : last;
} // end class DVD
class DVD2 extends DVD {
private String dvdGenre;
public DVD2(int number, String name, String genre, int quantity, double price)
super(number, name, quantity, price);
dvdGenre = genre;
public String getdvdGenre()
return dvdGenre;
DVD p1 = new DVD2(1,"Forrest Gump","Drama",3,15.49);
DVD p2 = new DVD2(2,"Cast Away","Adventure",7,17.29);
DVD p3 = new DVD2(3,"The Interview","Comedy",9,19.99);
DVD p4 = new DVD2(4,"Fight Club","Drama",5,14.79);
DVD p5 = new DVD2(5,"Happy Gilmore","Comedy",16,9.29);
public double value() {
double value = getPrice() * getQuantity();
value = 0.05 * value;
return value;
} // end method value
@Override public String toString()
return String.format("\nInventory Info\n%s %s\n%s\t %s\n%s\t %d\n%s\t $%,.2f\n%s\t $%,.2f","Product Number: ", getdvdNumber(),
"Product Name: ", getdvdName(), "Genre: ", getdvdGenre(), "Units In Stock:", getQuantity(),
"Price per Unit:", getPrice(), "Total Inventory Value:", getInventoryValue());
} // end class DVD2