
时间:2015-02-24 11:38:17

标签: sql vba ms-access access-vba


让我觉得这是一个时间问题的东西是当我重新加载包含子表单的表单时,属性状态现在都是TRUE ...奇怪。请参阅以下代码:

Private Sub supp_del_Click()
    Dim Msg As String
    Dim result As Integer
    Dim Title As String
    Dim dbrec As Recordset
    Dim checkDel As Variant
    Dim idCheck As Integer

    'Run the Error handler when an error occurs.'
On Error GoTo Errhandler

    Set dbrec = Me.supp_subform.Form.Recordset

    'delete record'
    'check existing selected record'
    If Not (dbrec.EOF And dbrec.BOF) Then
        'set msgbox text'
        Msg =   "Are you sure you want to delete this supplier?" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
                "ID: " & dbrec.Fields("supp_ID") & vbCrLf & _
                "Name: " & dbrec.Fields("supp_name") & vbCrLf & _
                "Map: " & dbrec.Fields("supp_map") & vbCrLf & _
                "Tax code: " & dbrec.Fields("tax_code") & vbCrLf & _
                "Department: " & dbrec.Fields("Department")
        Title = "Point of no return"

        result = MsgBox(Msg, vbYesNo, Title)

        'confirm delete'
        If result = vbYes Then
            idCheck = dbrec.Fields("supp_id")
            'delete now'
            CurrentDb.Execute "DELETE FROM suppliers " & _
                                " WHERE supp_ID=" & idCheck

            If DLookup("[supp_ID]", "[suppliers]", "supp_id=" & idCheck) Then
                'set msgbox text'
                Msg = "Cannot delete as the supplier has an invoice allocated to them."
                Title = "Cannot delete"
                result = MsgBox(Msg, vbOK, Title)
                'refresh data in list'
                'enable/disable buttons depending on if form list is empty'
                If Not (dbrec.EOF And dbrec.BOF) Then
                    Me.supp_subform.Enabled = True
                    Me.Supp_edit.Enabled = True
                    Me.supp_del.Enabled = True
                    Me.supp_subform.Enabled = False
                    Me.Supp_edit.Enabled = False
                    Me.supp_del.Enabled = False
                End If
            End If
        End If
    End If
    Exit Sub
    Select Case Err
        Case 3021 ' error '3021 'no current record - it think's there aren't any records'
            'select all records in suppliers'
            sqlstr = "SELECT supp_ID, supp_name, tax_code, supp_map, Department FROM suppliers;"
            Set dbrec = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sqlstr)
            'select first record and allocate to form fields'
            'set msgbox text'
            Msg =   "Are you sure you want to delete this supplier?" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
                    "ID: " & dbrec.Fields(0) & vbCrLf & _
                    "Name: " & dbrec.Fields(1) & vbCrLf & _
                    "Map: " & dbrec.Fields(3) & vbCrLf & _
                    "Tax code: " & dbrec.Fields(2) & vbCrLf & _
                    "Department: " & dbrec.Fields(4)
            Title = "Point of no return"

            result = MsgBox(Msg, vbYesNo, Title)
            'confirm delete'
            If result = vbYes Then
                idCheck = dbrec.Fields(0)
                'delete now'
                CurrentDb.Execute "DELETE FROM suppliers " & _
                                    " WHERE supp_ID=" & idCheck
                If DLookup("[supp_ID]", "[suppliers]", "supp_id=" & idCheck) Then
                    'set msgbox text'
                    Msg = "Cannot delete as the supplier has an invoice allocated to them."
                    Title = "Cannot delete"
                    result = MsgBox(Msg, vbOK, Title)
                    'refresh data in list'
                    Set dbrec = Me.supp_subform.Form.Recordset
                    If Not (dbrec.EOF And dbrec.BOF) Then
                        Me.supp_subform.Enabled = True
                        Me.Supp_edit.Enabled = True
                        Me.supp_del.Enabled = True
                        Me.supp_subform.Enabled = False
                        Me.Supp_edit.Enabled = False
                        Me.supp_del.Enabled = False
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        Case Else 'all other errors'
            Msg = "Error # " & Str(Err.Number) & " was generated by " _
                    & Err.Source & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & Err.Description
            MsgBox Msg, , "Error", Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext
    End Select
End Sub

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


CurrentDb.Execute ...


dbrec.Delete ' Delete the current record from the recordset




dbrec.MoveFirst ' Move to the top of the recordset for testing
If Not dbrec.EOF Then ... ' Recordset contains records