
时间:2015-02-24 10:38:18

标签: f# sequence

我需要为一个序列的每个元素调用一个函数,目前我已经尝试过了 Seq.iter和Seq.map但它们分别返回单位和' a - >' c而不是我需要的Json。


Seq.iter (fun _ (a,b,c,d) -> iterateThroughMySequnce a b c d ()) sequence
Seq.fold (fun _ (a,b,c,d) -> iterateThroughMySequnce a b c d ()) sequence



open Newtonsoft.Json.Linq

type Json =
    | JObj of Json seq
    | JProp of string * Json
    | JArr of Json seq
    | JVal of obj

let (!!) (o: obj) = JVal o

let rec toJson = function
    | JVal v -> new JValue(v) :> JToken
    | JProp(name, (JProp(_) as v)) -> new JProperty(name, new JObject(toJson v)) :> JToken
    | JProp(name, v) -> new JProperty(name, toJson v) :> JToken
    | JArr items -> new JArray(items |> Seq.map toJson) :> JToken
    | JObj props -> new JObject(props |> Seq.map toJson) :> JToken

let sequence = seq { yield "USD", 12.36M, 156.32M, 18.23M
                     yield "JPY", 13.36M, 564.32M, 17.23M 
                     yield "GBP", 14.36M, 516.32M, 120.23M }

let iterateThroughMySequnce a b c d () =
    JObj [JProp("CurrencyCode", !! a);
          JProp("TotalPerCurrencyBeforeExchange", !! b); 
          JProp("ExchangeRate", !! c);
          JProp("TotalPerCurrencyAfterExchange", !! d)];

let k =
    JObj [
        JProp("InvoiceNumber", !! "13456789");
        JProp("InvoiceDate", !! "21/12/2015");
        JProp("InvoiceCurrency", !! "USD");
        JProp("InvoiceProfitMargin", !! 2.3);
        JProp("InvoicePaymentCurrencyToEuroExchangeRate", !! 0.8658745M);
        JProp("InvoicePeroid", !! "01/01/2015 00:00:00 - 01/02/2015 23:59:59");
                JArr [
                    //Something like this
                    Seq.iter (fun (a,b,c,d) -> iterateThroughMySequnce a b c d ()) sequence
        JProp("TransactionForPeroid", !! 254584.00M);
        JProp("InvoicingAmountWithProfitMarginApplied", !! 8452.01M);
        JProp("InvoicingAmountWithProfitMarginAppliedInEuro", !! 7851.28);

let json = toJson k 

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)


        JArr (Seq.map (fun (a,b,c,d) -> iterateThroughMySequnce a b c d ()) sequence)


let formatItemAsJson (a,b,c,d) =
  JObj [JProp("CurrencyCode", !! a);
        JProp("TotalPerCurrencyBeforeExchange", !! b); 
        JProp("ExchangeRate", !! c);
        JProp("TotalPerCurrencyAfterExchange", !! d)];

// Later in the main part of code
JProp("Transaction", JArr (Seq.map iterateThroughMySequnce sequence))

除此之外,F#数据库还带有JsonValue类型(请参阅the API reference),它实现了您在此处所做的一些事情 - 它可以让您构建&格式化JSON(并解析它)。