
时间:2015-02-24 09:42:43

标签: macos safari applescript


on run argv
    set pid to item 1 of argv
    set fileLocation to item 2 of argv
    tell application "System Events"
        set theprocs to every process whose unix id is pid
        repeat with proc in theprocs
            set the frontmost of proc to true
            using terms from application "Safari"
                set theScript to "document.querySelector(\"input[name='fileField']\").click()"
                tell application "Safari" to do JavaScript theScript in current tab of first window
            end using terms from
            tell proc
                keystroke "G" using {command down, shift down}
                delay 2
                key code 51
                delay 2
                keystroke fileLocation
                delay 10
                key code 52
                delay 5
                key code 52
                delay 5
            end tell
        end repeat
    end tell

end run


我的问题来自do JavaScript来自:

tell application "Safari" to do JavaScript theScript in current tab of first window


我只想确保脚本针对给定的Safari PID运行。


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