
时间:2015-02-23 13:19:38

标签: string matlab

我必须将字符串上的每个元音都改为大写或小写,这取决于它已经是什么..所以“UPPERCASE小写”变成“uPPeRCaSe lOwErcAsE”


str=  'UPPERCASE lowercase';
vow = 'aeiou';
vowm = 'AEIOU';

for k = 1:5

if str(str == vow(k))
str(str == vow(k))= vowm(k);
    if str(str == vowm(k))
        str(str == vowm(k))= vow(k);

预期产出:“uPPeRCaSe lOwErcAsE”

实际输出:“uPPERCASE lOwErCAsE”

我对matlab非常新,我有点失落。 我恭喜你的帮助

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


str = 'UPPERCASE lowercase';    %// original string
indl = ismember(str, 'aeiou');  %// locations of lowercase vowels
indu = ismember(str, 'AEIOU');  %// locations of uppercase vowels
str(indl) = upper(str(indl));   %// convert from lower to upper
str(indu) = lower(str(indu));   %// convert from upper to lower

答案 1 :(得分:3)

如问题中所列,我假设以下为输入 -

%// Inputs
str=  'UPPERCASE lowercase'
vow = 'aeiou'
vowm = 'AEIOU'


一种基于changem的方法,用于替换值 -

%// Create maps from input string to reflect changes from lower to upper
%// and vice versa
map1 = changem(str,vowm,vow)
map2 = changem(str,vow,vowm)

%// Find indices to be changed for lower to upper change and vice versa change
idx1 = find(map1~=str)
idx2 = find(map2~=str)

%// Selectively change input string based on the indices to be changed and maps
str(idx1) = map1(idx1)
str(idx2) = map2(idx2)


使用bsxfun -

%// Find indices to be changed for lower to upper change and vice versa change
[~,idx1] = find(bsxfun(@eq,str,vow'))
[~,idx2] = find(bsxfun(@eq,str,vowm'))

%// Selectively change input string based on the indices to be changed and maps
str(idx1) = str(idx1)-32
str(idx2) = str(idx2)+32

答案 2 :(得分:2)

您可以使用 regular expressions  同样。


str=  'UPPERCASE lowercase';
vow = '[aeiou]';
vowm = '[AEIOU]';

indl = regexp(str,vow);
indu = regexp(str,vowm);

str(indl) = upper(str(indl));
str(indu) = lower(str(indu));