我正在尝试使用Visual Studio 2012在Windows中构建_pjsua C扩展。
我从这里下载了源代码 - http://www.pjsip.org/download.htm。
我安装了Python27,并将 C:\ Python27 \ include 和 C:\ Python27 \ libs 目录添加到项目 include 和库目录。
我按照此处的说明进行操作 - https://trac.pjsip.org/repos/wiki/Python_SIP/Build_Install。
在第1步:构建C扩展下的使用Visual Studio的Microsoft Windows 中,它说:
Visual Studio 2005:
1. Open pjproject-vs8.sln from the PJSIP distribution directory.
2. Select either Debug or Release from the build configuration
Note: the Python module does not support other build configurations.
3. In Visual Studio, right click python_pjsua project from the Solution Explorer panel, and select Build from the pop-up menu.
Note: the python_pjsua project is not built by default if you build the solution, hence it needs to be built manually by right-clicking and select Build from the pop-up menu.
4. The _pjsua.pyd Python module will be placed in pjsip-apps\lib directory.
or in case of debug, it will be _pjsua_d.pyd
pjsua error lnk1181 cannot open input file python24.lib
在 C:/ Python27 / libs 中我有 python27.lib 文件。
此C扩展是否仅适用于Python 2.4(python24)??
答案 0 :(得分:1)
不,不是这样。 你可以使用简单的黑客: 复制python27.lib 并将其重命名为python24.lib ,然后将其放入 C:/ Python27 / libs 文件夹。现在您可以构建扩展,然后在cmd python setup-vc.py install 命令中运行。
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