我正在尝试编写一些C#代码,这些代码将命名为磁盘上的.bmp。 为此,我一直关注维基百科页面:BMP File Format
所以我创建了2个包含标题的类。 首先是文件头:
class BMPFileHeader
public BMPFileHeader(Byte[] headerBytes)
// Position
int offset = 0;
// Read 2 byes
bfType = ((char)headerBytes[0]).ToString();
bfType += ((char)headerBytes[1]).ToString();
offset = offset + 2;
// Read 4 bytes to uint32
bfSize = BitConverter.ToUInt32(headerBytes, offset);
offset = offset + sizeof(UInt32);
// Read 2 bytes to uint16
bfReserved1 = BitConverter.ToUInt16(headerBytes, offset);
offset = offset + sizeof(UInt16);
// Read 2 bytes to uint16
bfReserved2 = BitConverter.ToUInt16(headerBytes, offset);
offset = offset + sizeof(UInt16);
// Read 4 bytes to uint32
bfOffBits = BitConverter.ToUInt32(headerBytes, offset);
offset = offset + sizeof(UInt32);
public string bfType; // Ascii characters "BM"
public UInt32 bfSize; // The size of file in bytes
public UInt16 bfReserved1; // Unused, must be zero
public UInt16 bfReserved2; // Same ^^
public UInt32 bfOffBits; // Pixel offset [ where pixel array starts ]
这似乎工作得很好。所以继续下一个标题,图像标题。 :
class BMPImageHeader
public BMPImageHeader(Byte[] headerBytes)
// Position
int offset = 0;
biSize = BitConverter.ToUInt32(headerBytes, offset);
offset = offset + sizeof(UInt32);
biWidth = BitConverter.ToUInt32(headerBytes, offset);
offset = offset + sizeof(UInt32);
biHeight = BitConverter.ToUInt32(headerBytes, offset);
offset = offset + sizeof(UInt32);
biPlanes = BitConverter.ToUInt16(headerBytes, offset);
offset = offset + sizeof(UInt16);
biBitCount = BitConverter.ToUInt16(headerBytes, offset);
offset = offset + sizeof(UInt16);
biCompression = BitConverter.ToUInt32(headerBytes, offset);
offset = offset + sizeof(UInt32);
biSizeImage = BitConverter.ToUInt32(headerBytes, offset);
offset = offset + sizeof(UInt32);
XPelsPerMeter = BitConverter.ToUInt32(headerBytes, offset);
offset = offset + sizeof(UInt32);
YPelsPerMeter = BitConverter.ToUInt32(headerBytes, offset);
offset = offset + sizeof(UInt32);
biClrUsed = BitConverter.ToUInt32(headerBytes, offset);
offset = offset + sizeof(UInt32);
biClrImportant = BitConverter.ToUInt32(headerBytes, offset);
offset = offset + sizeof(UInt32);
public UInt32 biSize; // Size of header, must be least 40
public UInt32 biWidth; // Image width in pixels
public UInt32 biHeight; // Image height in pixels
public UInt16 biPlanes; // Must be 1
public UInt16 biBitCount; // Bits per pixels.. 1..4..8..16..32
public UInt32 biCompression; // 0 No compression
public UInt32 biSizeImage; // Image size, may be zer for uncompressed
public UInt32 XPelsPerMeter; // Preferred resolution in pixels per meter
public UInt32 YPelsPerMeter; // Same ^^
public UInt32 biClrUsed; // Number color map entries
public UInt32 biClrImportant; // Number of significant colors
这似乎也有效..所以现在我有一些关于disp的重要信息 铺设那张照片。
biBitCount = bits per pixel
biHeight = height in pixel
biWidth = width in pixel
bfOffBit = Pixel array offset
所以我认为这是一个聪明的人。 我会开始将它们复制到我创建的包含3个字节的结构2D数组中。红色,绿色和蓝色。 因此,将所有其余文件读取到缓冲区。并在时间上运行该缓冲区3个字节,并添加一个由3个字节组成的像素。
public ImageManipulation(string _name, string _imageLocation)
// Set name
Name = _name;
// Initialize classes
//fHeader = new BMPFileHeader();
//iHeader = new BMPImageHeader();
if (File.Exists(_imageLocation))
int offset = 0;
Byte[] fsBuffer;
FileStream fs = File.Open(_imageLocation, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
// Start by reading file header..
fsBuffer = new Byte[14]; // size 40 bytes
fs.Read(fsBuffer, 0, 14);
fHeader = new BMPFileHeader(fsBuffer);
// Then image header, 40 bytes
fsBuffer = new Byte[40];
fs.Read(fsBuffer, 0, 40);
iHeader = new BMPImageHeader(fsBuffer);
// Apply pixels
Pixels = new RGBPixel[iHeader.biHeight, iHeader.biWidth];
// How many bytes per pixel
int bpi = iHeader.biBitCount/8;
// Read pixel array
long totalBytes = iHeader.biWidth*iHeader.biHeight*bpi;
if (totalBytes == iHeader.biSizeImage) ;
if (iHeader.biSizeImage == ( fHeader.bfSize - (iHeader.biSize + 14))) ;
// Create butter, read data
fsBuffer = new Byte[iHeader.biWidth*iHeader.biHeight*bpi];
fs.Read(fsBuffer, 0, (int)fHeader.bfOffBits);
int RowSize = ((iHeader.biBitCount *(int) iHeader.biWidth + 31) / 32) * 4;
int x, y;
x = y = 0;
long i;
int lcounter = 0;
// This reads 3 bytes a time
for (i = 0; i < totalBytes; i = i + 3)
// Read 3 bytes
Pixels[ (iHeader.biHeight-1) - y, x].RED = fsBuffer[i];
Pixels[ (iHeader.biHeight-1) - y, x].GREEN = fsBuffer[i + 1];
Pixels[ (iHeader.biHeight-1) - y, x].BLUE = fsBuffer[i + 2];
// Update position in array
if (x == iHeader.biWidth)
x = 0;
由于 感谢任何帮助
答案 0 :(得分:2)
在您引用的维基百科文章中,这是在"Pixel Storage"标题下解决的。
byte[] buffer = ...;
for (int y = 0, ibRow = 0; y < height; y++, ibRow += stride)
for (int x = 0, ibPixel = ibRow; x < width; x++, ibPixel += 3)
byte red = buffer[ibPixel],
green = buffer[ibPixel + 1],
blue = buffer[ibPixel + 2];
// do something with pixel data
当然,您必须查看位图标头信息,以正确确定实际的每像素位数(在这种情况下为每像素3个字节,因此为ibPixel += 3
所有这一切,还有一个问题,为什么你要试图实现这一点。 .NET已经有各种类,允许您从文件加载位图图像,甚至可以在需要时访问原始像素数据。为什么重新发明轮子?
如果仅仅作为学术练习,那很好,但如果这是真实世界的代码,我强烈建议从.NET中现有的位图支持类开始。如果你需要直接访问像素数据,你仍然需要关注像实际的像素格式,步幅等等,但是位图支持类提供了比尝试直接解释文件数据本身更方便的访问权限。 ,并且在任何情况下都为您提供了一个完全可用的图像对象。
答案 1 :(得分:0)