
时间:2015-02-19 18:44:44

标签: haskell monads predicate


until :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> a -> a


Monad m => (a -> m b)


  (_, (Just stdout), _, _) <- createProcess (proc "task" (args fl)){ std_out = CreatePipe }
  let readH :: IO [Either String Task] -> IO [Either String Task]
      readH l = do eof <- hIsEOF stdout
                   if eof
                     then l
                     else do line <- hGetLine stdout
                             l' <- l
                             readH.return $ (eitherDecodeStrict' line) : l'
  out <- readH $ return []


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

你可以定义一个&#34; monadic直到&#34;自己发挥作用,例如

untilM :: Monad m => (a -> m Bool) -> (a -> m a) -> a -> m a
untilM p f = go
    go x = do r <- p x
              if r
                then return x
                else do a <- f x
                        go a


untilM :: Monad m => m Bool -> (a -> m a) -> a -> m a
untilM p f = go
    go x = do r <- p
              if r
                then return x
                else do a <- f x
                        go a


untilM :: Monad m => m Bool -> m a -> m ()
untilM p f = do r <- p
                if r
                  then return ()
                  else do f
                          untilM p f

答案 1 :(得分:3)


let readH :: IO [Either String Task] -> IO [Either String Task]
    readH l = do eof <- hIsEOF stdout
                 if eof
                   then l
                   else do line <- hGetLine stdout
                           l' <- l
                           readH.return $ (eitherDecodeStrict' line) : l'
out <- readH $ return []

首先,我想指出多余的return。在此代码中,如果没有附带的readH,则永远不会致电returnreadH的参数实际上可以通过简单地删除不必要的返回来实现。请注意,我们必须在return l分支上添加then,而不再需要在else分支上“执行”l' <- l

let readH :: [Either String Task] -> IO [Either String Task]
    readH l = do eof <- hIsEOF stdout
                 if eof
                   then return l
                   else do line <- hGetLine stdout
                           readH $ (eitherDecodeStrict' line) : l
out <- readH []


let -- how to check the stop condition
    condition :: IO Bool
    condition = hIsEOF stdout
let -- what IO to do at each iteration
    takeOneStep :: IO ByteString
    takeOneStep = hGetLine stdout
let -- what pure work to do at each iteration
    pureTransform :: ByteString -> Either String Task
    pureTransform = eitherDecodeStrict'

let readH :: [Either String Task] -> IO [Either String Task]
    readH theRest = do
      isDone <- condition
      if isDone
        then return theRest
        else do
          raw <- takeOneStep
          readH (pureTransform raw : theRest)

out <- readH []



let -- how to check the stop condition
    condition :: IO Bool
    condition = hIsEOF stdout
let -- what IO to do at each iteration
    takeOneStep :: IO (Eiter String Task)
    takeOneStep = do
      line <- hGetLine stdout
      return (eitherDecodeStrict' line)

let readH :: [Either String Task] -> IO [Either String Task]
    readH theRest = do
      isDone <- condition
      if isDone
        then return theRest
        else do
          thisStep <- takeOneStep
          readH (thisStep : theRest)

out <- readH []


untilIO :: IO Bool -> IO (Either String Task) -> [Either String Task] -> IO [Either String Task]
untilIO condition takeOneStep theRest = do
  isDone <- condition
  if isDone
    then return theRest
    else do
      thisStep <- takeOneStep
      untilIO (thisStep : theRest)

请注意,此实现的组合子不必限制为Either String Task;它适用于任何类型a,而不是Either String Task

untilIO :: IO Bool -> IO a -> [a] -> IO [a]

请注意,实现的组合器甚至不必限制为IO。它适用于任何Monad m而不是IO

untilM :: Monad m => m Bool -> m a -> [a] -> m [a]



untilM :: m Bool -> m a -> m [a]


(_, (Just stdout), _, _) <- createProcess (proc "task" (args fl)){ std_out = CreatePipe }
out <- untilM (hIsEof stdout) $ do
  line <- hGetLine stdout
  return (eitherDecodeStrict' line)


如果你交换参数顺序,那么你最终得到的东西几乎相当于Control.Monad.Loops.untilM。请注意,与我们的解决方案不同,Control.Monad.Loops.untilM(恼人地!)总是在检查条件之前执行操作,因此如果您可能正在处理空文件,则在这种情况下使用它并不十分安全。他们显然希望你使用untilM infix,这使它看起来像do-while,因此翻转的参数和“body then condition”无意义。

(do ...
) `untilM` someCondition