我从C头文件生成wsdl文件,同时包含相似类型的结构。 使用soapcpp2,我能够生成包含重复complexTypes的wsdl文件,因为某些结构类似。有没有办法获得冗余的complexTypes?
因为当我使用wsdl2h生成C ++头文件时,它多次包含同一类的类定义,soapcpp2不喜欢它并抛出一些语义错误(由于重新定义了类)。
<complexType name="ArrayOfint">
<restriction base="SOAP-ENC:Array">
<element name="item" type="xsd:int" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" nillable="false"/>
<attribute ref="SOAP-ENC:arrayType" WSDL:arrayType="xsd:int[]"/>
在使用wsdl2h后的C ++标题中,
/// class ArrayOfint operations:
/// - soap_new_ArrayOfint(soap*) allocate
/// - soap_new_ArrayOfint(soap*, int num) allocate array
/// - soap_new_req_ArrayOfint(soap*, ...) allocate, set required members
/// - soap_new_set_ArrayOfint(soap*, ...) allocate, set all public members
/// - int soap_read_ArrayOfint(soap*, ArrayOfint*) deserialize from a stream
/// - int soap_write_ArrayOfint(soap, ArrayOfint*) serialize to a stream
/// SOAP encoded array of xs:int.
class ArrayOfint
{ public:
/// Pointer to array of int.
int *__ptritem ;
/// Size of the dynamic array.
int __size ;
/// Offset for partially transmitted arrays (uncomment only when required).
// int __offset ;
/// A handle to the soap struct that manages this instance (automatically set).
struct soap *soap ;