
时间:2015-02-19 09:24:41

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  <title>Get Involved | Rock Solid</title>
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        <li><a href="about.html">&nbsp;ABOUT US&nbsp;</a></li>
        <li><a href="get-involved.html">&nbsp;&nbsp;GET INVOLVED&nbsp;&nbsp;</a></li>
        <li><a href="employment.html">&nbsp;EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES&nbsp;&nbsp;</a></li> 
        <li><li><a href="contact.html">&nbsp;CONTACT&nbsp;</a></li>
        <li><li><a href="https://gator4062.hostgator.com:2083/" class="rightedge">&nbsp;&nbsp;LOGIN&nbsp;&nbsp;</a></li>
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    <br />
<font size="4" style="font-weight:900"><font style="text-align:left">GET INVOLVED</font></font>
    <br />
    <br />
Since our services are free of charge to youth, we encourage the members and organizations in the community to support us in our cause of "Empowering an educational revolution". Below are the main ways that you can support our cause and make a difference.

<div id="leftcol">
    <br />
    <font color="#3366CC" font size="4"><font style="font-weight:bold">Become A Volunteer</font></font>
    <br />
    <br />
Volunteers play a major and vital role in the mission of Rock Solid. From clerical work to mentoring to serving on the Board of Directors, our volunteers do it all! There is always so much to do and our volunteers enjoy a sense of fulfillment as their role plays a huge part in the execution of our mission.
<br />
<br /> 
<a href="employment.html"><font color="#0000FF">Click here</font></a></a>&nbsp;to become a volunteer.</a>
<br />
<br /> 
    <hr style=" border: 1px dashed #999; width:300px;" />
<br />
    <font color="#3366CC" font size="4"><font style="font-weight:bold">Become A Sponsor</font></font>
    <br />
    <br />   
We have an excellent sponsorship program whereby you can sponsor a child/children for an entire year. This sponsorship grants the child membership into the Learning Academy, Mentoring Program and Sports Program, and covers any other expenses (i.e. field-trips, workshops, etc.). You can also become a program sponsor or community center sponsor.
<br />
<br /> 
<a href="#"><font color="#0000FF">Click here</font></a>&nbsp;to become a sponsor now!</a>
<br />
<br /> 
<font style="font-weight:bold">Download:&nbsp;&nbsp;</font><a href="images/RSCF Brochure 2014.pdf"><font color="#0000FF">Sponsorship Brochure</font></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#"><font color="#0000FF">Sponsorship Form</font></a>
<br /> 
<font color="#FFFFFF">Download:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="images/RSCF Donor Recognition Chart rev1-13 FINAL.pdf"><font color="#0000FF">Donor/Sponsor Recognition Chart</font></a>
<br />
<br /> 
<br /> 

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<div id="rightcol">
    <br />
    <font color="#3366CC" font size="4"><font style="font-weight:bold">Become A Community Partner</font></font>
    <br />
    <br />
Partnering with Rock Solid is an opportunity for different organizations to join, enhance, and expand our cause of creating an educational revolution. As a community partner, you can participate in any level of involvement from fundraising to developing an outreach program for your organization in your community.<br />
<br /> 
To become a community partner please contact us at info@rocksolidcommunity.org and be sure to include your full contact information and your business's information.
<br />
<br /> 
    <hr style=" border: 1px dashed #999; width:300px;" />
<br />
    <font color="#3366CC" font size="4"><font style="font-weight:bold">Donate Today</font></font>
    <br />
    <br />   
No matter the size of your donation, we will gladly use it to advance our mission of "Empowering an educational revolution". We also welcome in-kind donations. At Rock Solid, every gift matters and we look forward to partnering up with you!
<br />
<br /> 
<a href="#"><font color="#0000FF">Click here</font></a>&nbsp;to donate now!</a>
<br />
<br /> 
<font style="font-weight:bold">Download:&nbsp;&nbsp;</font><a href="images/RSCF Brochure 2014.pdf"><font color="#0000FF">Donation Brochure</font></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#"><font color="#0000FF">Donation Form</font></a>
<br /> 
<font color="#FFFFFF">Download:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="images/RSCF Donor Recognition Chart rev1-13 FINAL.pdf"><font color="#0000FF">Donor/Sponsor Recognition Chart</font></a>
<br />
<br /> 
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<div id="rightcol2">
    <br />
    <font color="#3366CC" font size="4"><font style="font-weight:bold">Become A Community Partner</font></font>
    <br />
    <br />
Partnering with Rock Solid is an opportunity for different organizations to join, enhance, and expand our cause of creating an educational revolution. As a community partner, you can participate in any level of involvement from fundraising to developing an outreach program for your organization in your community.<br />
<br /> 
To become a community partner please contact us at info@rocksolidcommunity.org and be sure to include your full contact information and your business's information.
<br />
<br /> 
    <hr style=" border: 1px dashed #999; width:300px;" />
<br />
    <font color="#3366CC" font size="4"><font style="font-weight:bold">Donate Today</font></font>
    <br />
    <br />   
No matter the size of your donation, we will gladly use it to advance our mission of "Empowering an educational revolution". We also welcome in-kind donations. At Rock Solid, every gift matters and we look forward to partnering up with you!
<br />
<br /> 
<a href="#"><font color="#0000FF">Click here</font></a>&nbsp;to donate now!</a>
<br />
<br /> 
<font style="font-weight:bold">Download:&nbsp;&nbsp;</font><a href="images/RSCF Brochure 2014.pdf"><font color="#0000FF">Donation Brochure</font></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#"><font color="#0000FF">Donation Form</font></a>
<br /> 
<font color="#FFFFFF">Download:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="images/RSCF Donor Recognition Chart rev1-13 FINAL.pdf"><font color="#0000FF">Donor/Sponsor Recognition Chart</font></a>
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    <a href="terms-of-use.html">Terms of Use</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="privacy-policy.html">Privacy Policy</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="website-feedback.html">Website Feedback</a>
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        <li><font style="font-weight:900"><a href="about.html">ABOUT &nbsp;US</a></font></li>
        <li>&nbsp;&nbsp;Our Mission and Vision</li>
        <li>&nbsp;&nbsp;Our People</li>
        <li>&nbsp;&nbsp;Our Outreach and Programs</li>
        <li>&nbsp;&nbsp;Our Community Partners</li>
                <li><font style="font-weight:900"><a href="get-involved.html">GET &nbsp;INVOLVED</a></font></li>

        <li>&nbsp;&nbsp;Become A Volunteer</li>
        <li>&nbsp;&nbsp;Become A Sponsor</li>
        <li>&nbsp;&nbsp;Become A Community Partner</li>
        <li>&nbsp;&nbsp;Donate Today</li>
                <li><font style="font-weight:900"><a href="employment.html">EMPLOYMENT &nbsp;OPPORTUNITIES</a></font></li>
        <li><font style="font-weight:900"><a href="contact.html">CONTACT</a></font></li>
                <li><font style="font-weight:900"><a href="https://gator4062.hostgator.com:2083/">LOGIN</a></font></li>
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    <br />  
    Copyright © 2014     Rock Solid Community Foundation.     All rights reserved.
    <br />
    <br />
    RSCF is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to "empower an educational revolution throughout the South Los Angeles community and beyond..."
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