
时间:2015-02-19 04:35:57

标签: haskell dynamic

假设我有一个Data.Dynamic.Dynamic对象,它包装了一个IO动作(对于某些可能未知的IO a来说,类型为a。我觉得我应该能够执行此IO操作并获得其结果,包含在Dynamic(其类型为a)中。有没有标准的库函数可以做到这一点? (类似于dynApply,但是对于IO动作性能而不是函数应用程序。)


dynPerform :: Dynamic -> Maybe IO Dynamic 
dynPerform (Dynamic typ act)
   = if (typeRepTyCon typ) /= ioTyCon then Nothing else Just $
       do result <- (unsafeCoerce act :: IO Any)
          return Just . Dynamic (head $ typeRepArgs typ) $ result

exampleIOAction = putChar
typeOfIOAction  = typeOf exampleIOAction
ioTyCon         = typeRepTyCon typeOfIOAction

但显然这是使用了几个不安全的操作,所以我宁愿从库中取出它。 (事实上​​,由于Data.Dynamic.Dynamic类型的不透明性,我所写的不会在Data.Dynamic之外工作。)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)




freshKey :: IO Key
save :: Key -> Dynamic -> IO ()
load :: Key -> IO (Maybe Dynamic)


-- do not export the internals of PhantomKey
data PhantomKey a = PhantomKey {
  getKey :: Key
  getThread :: Async ()

-- This is how your user acquires phantom keys;
-- their phantom type is tied to the type of the input action
schedule :: Typeable a => Int -> IO a -> IO (PhantomKey a)
schedule microseconds m = do
  k <- freshKey
  let go = do
        threadDelay microseconds
        a <- m
        save k (toDyn a)
  thread <- async go
  return $ PhantomKey k thread

unschedule :: PhantomKey a -> IO ()
unschedule pk = cancel (getThread pk)

-- This is how your user uses phantom keys;
-- notice the function result type is tied to the phantom key type
peekLatest :: PhantomKey a -> IO (Maybe a)
peekLatest pk = load (getKey pk) >>= \md -> case md of
  Nothing -> return Nothing -- Nothing stored at this key (yet?)
  Just dyn -> case fromDynamic dyn of
    Nothing -> return Nothing -- mismatched data type stored at this key
                              -- hitting this branch is probably a bug
    Just a -> return (Just a)


refreshFoo :: IO Foo

main = do
  fooKey <- schedule 1000000 refreshFoo
  -- fooKey :: PhantomKey Foo
  mfoo <- peekLatest fooKey
  -- mfoo :: Maybe Foo


  • 您的图书馆正在接受用户IO操作,并在任意时间点执行
  • 您的图书馆正在通过动态blob保存您的用户数据
  • 您的图书馆正在通过动态blob
  • 加载您的用户数据


在我看来,如果你将知道的内容放入动态blob中的IO动作,那么你在类型系统中丢失了关于那个东西的信息在您应该使用所述类型信息的上下文中。 TypeRep可以让你在值级别输入信息,但是(据我所知)不能将这些信息重新映射到类型级别。