
时间:2015-02-18 21:20:25

标签: javascript html css firefox internet-explorer-8


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  <h1>Welcome to VS Art!</h1>
  <p>Vincent Slate is a graphic artist in Phoenix, Arizona who specializes in logo design, web design,
    <br>clothing and merchandise design and 3D visual design. Proficient in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, 3ds Max
    <br>and many other software programs, Vincent's creative approach to the world of digital art has no limits. <a href="http://www.vslateart.com/biography.html">READ MORE...</a>

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  <p><strong>Starkweather Roofing, Inc. Logo:</strong> This logo was designed for Starkweather Roofing, one of the leading commercial roofing companies in Phoenix, Arizona. This logo was displayed on a banner at Chase Field, Home of the Arizona Diamondbacks
    in 2013! For more information on Starkweather Roofing, Please visit: <em><a href="http://www.starkweatherroofing.com/">Starkweather Roofing Official Website</a>
    <h1>Official Trail of Painted Ponies Artist</h1>

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    <a class="fancybox" rel="group" href="http://www.vslateart.com/images/the-nights-watch.jpg">
      <img src="http://www.vslateart.com/images/the-nights-watch.jpg" width="500" height="500" alt="The Nights Watch">
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      <img src="http://www.vslateart.com/images/Process-back-cropped.jpg" width="475" height="250" alt="The Nights Watch-Back">
    <p>Vincent Slate became an Official <em>The Trail of Painted Ponies</em> Artist with his design, <em>"The Night's Watch."</em> This "Painted Pony" design won Third Place in the online voting for the <em>Magical Art Competition</em>, hosted by The Trail of
      Painted Ponies. It was then specifically selected to be made into a figurine.
      <em>"The Night's Watch"</em> will be crafted into a figurine and released in Fall 2015, available on shelves near you! For more information on <em>The Trail of Painted Ponies</em> and their design competitions, please click on the following link:
      <em><a href="http://www.trailofpaintedponies.com/">The Trail of Painted Ponies Official Website</a></p></em>

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- vslateart 31分钟前

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