在Haskell中使用State monad进行广度优先搜索

时间:2015-02-17 23:34:25

标签: algorithm haskell state-monad breadth-first-search

最近,我已经从Stackoverflow中的Graph中提出了构建DFS树的问题,并且已经了解到可以使用State Monad简单地实现它。

DFS in haskell



Q = empty queue
T = empty Tree
mark all nodes except u as unvisited
while Q is nonempty do
u = deq(Q)
    for each vertex v ∈ Adj(u)
        if v is not visited 
        then add edge (u,v) to T
             Mark v as visited and enq(v)


  1. 队列中的队列
  3. 将该点的所有未访问邻居添加到当前树的子节点,队列和“已访问”列表
  5. 在队列
  6. 中重复此操作   



... =   evalState (bfs) ((Set.singleton start),[start])
    neighbors x = Map.findWithDefault [] x adj 
    bfs =do (vis,x:queue)<-get
             map (\neighbor ->
                  if (Set.member neighbor vis)
                  then put(vis,queue) 
                  else put ((Set.insert neighbor vis), queue++[neighbor]) >> (addToTree neighbor)
                 )  neighbors x
         while (length queue > 0)

我知道这个实现是非常错误的,但是这应该给出我认为BFS应该如何实现的简约观点。另外,我真的不知道如何规避使用while循环for do blocks。(即我应该使用递归算法来克服它,还是应该考虑完全不同的策略)


newtype Graph a = Graph (Map.Map a [a]) deriving (Ord, Eq, Show)
data Tree a = Tree a [Tree a] deriving (Ord, Eq, Show)

bfs :: (Ord a) => Graph a -> a -> Tree a
bfs (Graph adj) start = evalState (bfs') ((Set.singleton start),[start])
        bfs' = {-part where I don't know-}




编辑: 我想出了一些使用状态monad的算法,但是我陷入了无限循环。

bfs :: (Ord a) => Graph a -> a -> Tree a
bfs (Graph adj) start = evalState (bfs' (Graph adj) start) (Set.singleton start)

bfs' :: (Ord a) => Graph a -> a -> State (Set.Set a) (Tree a)
bfs' (Graph adj) point= do
                        vis <- get
                        let neighbors x = Map.findWithDefault [] x adj
                        let addableNeighbors (x:xs) =   if Set.member x vis
                                                        then addableNeighbors(xs)
                                                        else x:addableNeighbors(xs)
                        let addVisited (vis) (ns) = Set.union (vis) $ Set.fromList ns
                        let newVisited = addVisited vis $ addableNeighbors $ neighbors point
                        put newVisited
                        return (Tree point $ map (flip evalState newVisited) (map (bfs' (Graph adj)) $ addableNeighbors $ neighbors point))


bfs :: (Ord a) => Graph a -> a -> Graph a
bfs (Graph adj) start = evalState (bfs' (Graph adj) (Graph(Map.empty))  [start]) (Set.singleton start)

bfs':: (Ord a) => Graph a -> Graph a -> [a] -> State (Set.Set a) (Graph a)
bfs' _ (Graph ret) [] = return (Graph ret)
bfs' (Graph adj) (Graph ret) (p:points)= do
                                        vis <- get
                                        let neighbors x = Map.findWithDefault [] x adj
                                        let addableNeighbors ns
                                                | null ns = []
                                                | otherwise =   if Set.member (head ns) vis
                                                                then addableNeighbors(tail ns)
                                                                else (head ns):addableNeighbors(tail ns)
                                        let addVisited (v) (ns) = Set.union (v) $ Set.fromList ns
                                        let unVisited = addableNeighbors $ neighbors p
                                        let newVisited = addVisited vis unVisited
                                        let unionGraph (Graph g1) (Graph g2) = Graph (Map.union g1 g2)
                                        put newVisited
                                        bfs' (Graph adj) (unionGraph (Graph ret) (Graph (Map.singleton p unVisited))) (points ++ unVisited)

EDIT3:我已经为图形添加了转换功能。 EDIT2中的运行功能和EDIT3将产生BFS树。它不是计算时间最好的算法,但我相信对于像我这样的新手来说它是直观且容易理解的:)

graphToTree :: (Ord a) => Graph a -> a -> Tree a
graphToTree (Graph adj) point  = Tree point $ map (graphToTree (Graph adj)) $ neighbors point
    where neighbors x = Map.findWithDefault [] x adj

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:8)

将图表转换为Tree广度优先比简单searching the graph breadth-first要困难一些。如果您正在搜索图表,则只需要从单个分支返回。将图形转换为树时,结果需要包含多个分支的结果。

我们可以使用比Graph a更通用的类型来搜索或转换为树。我们可以使用函数a -> [a]搜索或转换为树。对于Graph,我们使用(Map.!) m函数,其中mMap。使用转置表进行搜索具有类似

breadthFirstSearchUnseen:: Ord r => (a -> r) -> -- how to compare `a`s 
                           (a -> Bool) ->       -- where to stop
                           (a -> [a]) ->        -- where you can go from an `a`
                           [a] ->               -- where to start
                           Maybe [a]


shortestPathTree :: Ord r => (a -> r) -> -- how to compare `a`s
                    (a -> l)             -- what label to put in the tree
                    (a -> [a]) ->        -- where you can go from an `a`
                    a ->                 -- where to start
                    Tree l


shortestPathTrees :: Ord r => (a -> r) -> -- how to compare `a`s
                     (a -> l)             -- what label to put in the tree
                     (a -> [a]) ->        -- where you can go from an `a`
                     [a] ->               -- where to start
                     [Tree l]



import Data.Sequence (viewl, ViewL (..), (><))
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Set as Set

breadthFirstSearchUnseen:: Ord r => (a -> r) -> (a -> Bool) -> (a -> [a]) -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
breadthFirstSearchUnseen repr p expand = combine Set.empty Seq.empty []
        combine seen queued ancestors unseen =
                (seen  `Set.union` (Set.fromList . map repr            $ unseen))
                (queued ><         (Seq.fromList . map ((,) ancestors) $ unseen))
        go seen queue =
            case viewl queue of
                EmptyL -> Nothing
                (ancestors, a) :< queued ->
                    if p a
                    then Just . reverse $ ancestors'
                    else combine seen queued ancestors' unseen
                        ancestors' = a:ancestors
                        unseen = filter (flip Set.notMember seen . repr) . expand $ a

上述搜索算法中维护的状态是下一个要访问的节点的Seq队列以及已经看到Set个节点。如果我们改为跟踪已经访问的节点,那么如果我们找到到同一深度的节点的多条路径,我们可以多次访问同一节点。在我写这个广度优先搜索的答案中有一个more complete explanation


import qualified Data.Map as Map

newtype Graph a = Graph (Map.Map a [a]) deriving (Ord, Eq, Show)

bfsGraph :: (Ord a) => Graph a -> (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
bfsGraph (Graph adj) test = breadthFirstSearchUnseen id test ((Map.!) adj)


import Data.Tree

bfsTrees :: (Ord a) => (a -> Bool) -> [Tree a] -> Maybe [a]
bfsTrees test = fmap (map rootLabel) . breadthFirstSearchUnseen rootLabel (test . rootLabel) subForest


建立广度优先的树a lot more difficult。幸运的是,Data.Tree已经提供了从monadic展开以广度优先顺序构建Tree的方法。广泛的第一顺序将负责排队,我们只需要跟踪我们已经看到的节点的状态。

unfoldTreeM_BF的类型为Monad m => (b -> m (a, [b])) -> b -> m (Tree a)m是我们的计算所在的Monadb是我们要基于的构建树的数据类型,a是标签的类型这棵树为了使用它来构建树,我们需要创建一个函数b -> m (a, [b])。我们要将a重命名为l以获取标签,将b重命名为a,这是我们用于节点的内容。我们需要制作一个a -> m (l, [a])。对于m,我们会使用State中的transformers monad来跟踪某个州;状态将是我们已经看到的代表Set的{​​{1}}个节点;我们将使用r monad。总的来说,我们需要提供一个函数State (Set.Set r)

a -> State (Set.Set r) (l, [a])


expandUnseen :: Ord r => (a -> r) -> (a -> l) -> (a -> [a]) -> a -> State (Set.Set r) (l, [a])
expandUnseen repr label expand a = do
    seen <- get
    let unseen = filter (flip Set.notMember seen . repr) . uniqueBy repr . expand $ a
    put . Set.union seen . Set.fromList . map repr $ unseen
    return (label a, unseen)

shortestPathTrees :: Ord r => (a -> r) -> (a -> l) -> (a -> [a]) -> [a] -> [Tree l] shortestPathTrees repr label expand = run . unfoldForestM_BF k . uniqueBy repr where run = flip evalState Set.empty k = expandUnseen repr label expand 是一个uniqueBy,它利用nubBy个实例代替Ord


我们可以根据我们的一般最短路径树构建来编写uniqueBy :: Ord r => (a -> r) -> [a] -> [a] uniqueBy repr = go Set.empty where go seen [] = [] go seen (x:xs) = if Set.member (repr x) seen then go seen xs else x:go (Set.insert (repr x) seen) xs s中的构建最短路径树


我们也可以将shortestPathsGraph :: Ord a => Graph a -> [a] -> [Tree a] shortestPathsGraph (Graph adj) = shortestPathTrees id id ((Map.!) adj) 过滤到Forest中的最短路径。


答案 1 :(得分:0)

我的解决方案基于逐级工作(与BFS相比),另请参阅this question and answer


诀窍在于,经过这种逐级遍历后,我们将在每个级别之后拥有已访问元素集。这与之前的列表相同,只是换了一个。因此,通过tying the knot,我们可以使用移位的输出作为过程的输入。

import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, catMaybes)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Tree

newtype Graph a = Graph (M.Map a [a])
    deriving (Ord, Eq, Show)

tagBfs :: (Ord a) => Graph a -> a -> Maybe (Tree a)
tagBfs (Graph g) s = let (t, sets) = runState (thread s) (S.empty : sets)
                      in t
    thread x = do
        sets@(s : subsets) <- get
        case M.lookup x g of
            Just vs | not (S.member x s) -> do
                -- recursively create sub-nodes and update the subsets list
                let (nodes, subsets') = runState
                                          (catMaybes `liftM` mapM thread vs) subsets
                -- put the new combined list of sets
                put (S.insert x s : subsets')
                -- .. and return the node
                return . Just $ Node x nodes
            _ -> return Nothing -- node not in the graph, or already visited

在以下示例中运行tagBfs example2 'b'

example2 :: Graph Char
example2 = Graph $ M.fromList
    [ ('a', ['b', 'c', 'd'])
    , ('b', ['a'])
    , ('c', [])
    , ('d', [])


Just (Node {rootLabel = 'b',
            subForest = [Node {rootLabel = 'a',
                               subForest = [Node {rootLabel = 'c',
                                                  subForest = []},
                                            Node {rootLabel = 'd',
                                                  subForest = []}