来自C ++ / Objective-C背景,我试图学习如何正确有效地再现Javascript中的继承和封装模式。我已经做了大量的阅读(Crockford等),虽然有很多例子可以说明如何实现其中一个,但我在努力解决如何在不引入重大负面影响的情况下将它们结合起来。
var BaseClass = (function() {
function doThing() {
console.log("[%s] Base-class's 'doThing'", this.name);
function reportThing() {
console.log("[%s] Base-class's 'reportThing'", this.name);
return function(name) {
var self = Object.create({});
self.name = name;
self.doThing = doThing;
self.reportThing = reportThing;
return self;
var SubClass = (function(base) {
function extraThing() {
console.log("[%s] Sub-class's 'extraThing'", this.name);
function doThing() {
console.log("[%s] Sub-class's replacement 'doThing'", this.name);
return function(name) {
// Create an instance of the base object, passing our 'name' to it.
var self = Object.create(base(name));
// We need to bind the new method to replace the old
self.doThing = doThing;
self.extraThing = extraThing;
return self;
// Create an instance of the base class and call it's two methods
var base = BaseClass("Bert");
base.doThing(); // "[Bert] Base-class's 'doThing'"
base.reportThing(); // "[Bert] Base-class's 'reportThing'"
var other = BaseClass("Fred");
// Create an instance of the sub-class and call it's three methods (two from the base, one of it's own)
var sub = SubClass("Alfred");
sub.doThing(); // "[Alfred] Sub-class's replacement 'doThing'"
sub.extraThing(); // "[Alfred] Sub-class's 'extraThing'"
sub.reportThing(); // "[Alfred] Base-class's 'reportThing'"
Object.getPrototypeOf(oneInstance).reportThing = function() { ... }
otherInstance.reportThing() // Original version is still called
答案 0 :(得分:1)
function BaseClass(someParams)
// Setup the public properties, e.g.
this.name = someParams.name;
BaseClass.prototype.someMethod = function(){
// Do something with the public properties
function SubClass(someParams)
// Reuse the base class constructor
BaseClass.call(this, someParams);
// Keep initializing stuff that wasn't initialized by the base class
this.anotherProperty= someParams.anotherProperty;
// Copy the prototype from the BaseClass
SubClass.prototype = Object.create(BaseClass.prototype);
SubClass.prototype.constructor = SubClass;
// Start extending or overriding stuff
SubClass.prototype.someMethod = function(){
// In case you still wanna have the side effects of the original method
// This is opt-in code so it depends on your scenario.
BaseClass.prototype.someMethod.apply(this, arguments);
// Override the method here
取自: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Introduction_to_Object-Oriented_JavaScript
P.S。所有旧浏览器可能都不支持Object.create,但不要担心,此链接中有一个polyfill。 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/create
答案 1 :(得分:1)
这通常是我在JavaScript中处理继承和封装的方式。 defclass
var base = new BaseClass("Bert");
base.doThing(); // "Bert BaseClass doThing"
base.reportThing(); // "Bert BaseClass reportThing"
var sub = new SubClass("Alfred");
sub.doThing(); // "Alfred SubClass replacement doThing"
sub.extraThing(); // "Alfred SubClass extraThing"
sub.reportThing(); // "Alfred BaseClass reportThing"
var other = new SubClass("Fred");
SubClass.prototype.reportThing = function () {
console.log(this.name + " SubClass replacement reportThing");
other.reportThing(); // Fred SubClass replacement reportThing
function defclass(prototype) {
var constructor = prototype.constructor;
constructor.prototype = prototype;
return constructor;
function extend(constructor, keys) {
var prototype = Object.create(constructor.prototype);
for (var key in keys) prototype[key] = keys[key];
return defclass(prototype);
var BaseClass = defclass({
constructor: function (name) {
this.name = name;
doThing: function () {
console.log(this.name + " BaseClass doThing");
reportThing: function () {
console.log(this.name + " BaseClass reportThing");
var SubClass = extend(BaseClass, {
constructor: function (name) {
BaseClass.call(this, name);
doThing: function () {
console.log(this.name + " SubClass replacement doThing");
extraThing: function () {
console.log(this.name + " SubClass extraThing");
What are the downsides of defining functions on prototype this way?
答案 2 :(得分:0)
如果要保留原型链,则必须覆盖并使用.prototype: 例: 主类:
function BaseClass(){
BaseClass.prototype.doThing = function(){...}
function SubClass(){
SubClass.prototype= new BaseClass();
SubClass.prototype.extraThing = function(){};
现在,无论何时更改extraThing或doThing,它都会在任何地方被替换。 name属性可以作为公共变量访问(它不是静态的)。
function BaseClass(nameParam){
var name = nameParam;
var testObj = new BaseClass("test");
如果要将私有变量与可重写函数组合在一起,您可能会找到answer here。但是如果你能够重写有权访问私有变量的函数,它就不再是私有变量了。