错误13无法将“SpreadsheetEngine \ bin \ Debug \ SpreadsheetEngine.dll”复制到“bin \ Debug \ SpreadsheetEngine.dll”。超过重试次数10.失败。“
错误14无法将文件“SpreadsheetEngine \ bin \ Debug \ SpreadsheetEngine.dll”复制到“bin \ Debug \ SpreadsheetEngine.dll”。该进程无法访问文件'bin \ Debug \ SpreadsheetEngine.dll',因为它正由另一个进程使用。“
namespace SpreadsheetEngine
public abstract class Cell : INotifyPropertyChanged
private int RowIndex;
private int ColumnIndex;
protected string Text;
protected string Value;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
//implement property changed notification
protected void OnPropertyChanged(string name)
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged;
if (handler != null)
handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name));
//Text property is a getter and setter for member variable
public string CellText
{ return this.Text; }
if (Text != value)
this.Text = value;
//Value property is a string that represents the "evaluated" value.
public string CellValue
get { return Value; }
abstract internal void SetValue(string value);
//cell constructor sets column and row indices
public Cell(int row_index, int column_index)
RowIndex = row_index;
ColumnIndex = column_index;
//getters for row and column indices
public int Row
get { return RowIndex; }
public int Column
get { return Column; }
//this class inherits from cell so that we can instantiate and set value from inside
public class RealCell : Cell
//constructor calls the base class constructor
public RealCell(int row_index, int column_index):base(row_index, column_index)
//this is how we'll set the value property from the spreadsheet
override internal void SetValue(string new_value)
Value = new_value;
public class Spreadsheet
public int num_rows;
public int num_columns;
public RealCell[,] CellArray;
public int ColumnCount()
return num_columns;
public int RowCount()
return num_rows;
//constructor with 2d array to hold cell objects
public Spreadsheet(int rows, int columns)
num_rows = rows;
num_columns = columns;
RealCell[,] cell_array = new RealCell[num_rows, num_columns];
//give all of the cells in our spreadsheet proper row and column indices
for(int row = 1; row <= num_rows; row++)
//potential off by one error here at num_columns?
for(char column = 'A'; column <= 'A' + num_columns; columns++)
RealCell cell = new RealCell(row, column);
cell_array[row - 1, column - 65] = cell;
CellArray = cell_array;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler CellPropertyChanged;
//implement property changed notification
//TODO: implement CellPropertyChanged event
protected void OnPropertyChanged(Cell cell, string name)
PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = CellPropertyChanged;
if (handler == null)
handler(cell, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name));
void handler(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
RealCell cell = sender as RealCell;
string text = cell.CellText;
if (text[0] != '=')
cell.SetValue(text.Substring(1, text.Length));
OnPropertyChanged(sender as Cell, "Cell Value");
//function returns RealCell object
public RealCell get_cell(int row_index, int column_index)
if (row_index > num_rows || column_index > num_columns)
//there is no such cell. return null.
return null;
return CellArray[row_index - 1, column_index - 65];
答案 0 :(得分:0)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
所以我想出了导致这个问题的原因。 当我试图运行我的代码时,我注意到我的笔记本电脑风扇发疯,我的电池寿命很糟糕。打开我的任务管理器后,即使在我关闭Visual Studio之后,我也看到我的程序仍在运行。 结果我在这里有一个无限循环:
for(char column = 'A'; column <= 'A' + num_columns; columns++)
RealCell cell = new RealCell(row, column);
cell_array[row - 1, column - 65] = cell;