
时间:2015-02-16 14:43:41

标签: c# fullscreen directx-11 sharpdx


Corrupted SharpDX window 注意它是如何丢失一个图标,我的桌面背景和控制台闪耀。另外,我无法点击它,任何点击都会被重定向到底层窗口。即使在RenderLoop仍在运行时,将背景颜色清除为深蓝色,只会填充灰色和太小的区域。 (我可以通过任务栏按钮最大化损坏的窗口,以此作为用户解决此问题。只需调整大小无济于事。)


using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using SharpDX;
using SharpDX.Direct3D;
using SharpDX.Direct3D11;
using SharpDX.DXGI;
using SharpDX.Windows;

internal class Program
    private static RenderForm                _window;
    private static SharpDX.Direct3D11.Device _device;
    private static DeviceContext             _deviceContext;
    private static SwapChain                 _swapChain;
    private static RenderTargetView          _renderTargetView;

    private static bool Fullscreen
            return _window.IsFullscreen;
            // Do not resize multiple times by preventing the resized event.
            _window.UserResized -= _window_UserResized;

            _window.IsFullscreen = value;

            _swapChain.SetFullscreenState(_window.IsFullscreen, null);
            // Resize the window when returning to windowed mode to fit the most recent resolution.
            if (!_window.IsFullscreen)
                _window.ClientSize = _resolution;

            // Allow new resize events.
            _window.UserResized += _window_UserResized;

    private static Size _resolution;
    private static Size Resolution
            return _resolution;
            _resolution = value;
            Debug.WriteLine("Setting resolution: " + _resolution.ToString());

            // Do not resize multiple times by preventing the resized event.
            _window.UserResized -= _window_UserResized;

            // Resize the window in windowed mode.
            if (!_window.IsFullscreen)
                _window.ClientSize = _resolution;

            // Dispose existing objects.
            Utilities.Dispose(ref _renderTargetView);

            // Resize the back buffer.
            _swapChain.ResizeBuffers(0, _resolution.Width, _resolution.Height, Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm, SwapChainFlags.AllowModeSwitch);

            // Create the new and resized render target and set it.
            using (Texture2D backBuffer = _swapChain.GetBackBuffer<Texture2D>(0))
                _renderTargetView = new RenderTargetView(_device, backBuffer);

            // Resize the swap chain buffers to set the fullscreen resolution.
            ModeDescription bufferDescription = new ModeDescription()
                Width = _resolution.Width,
                Height = _resolution.Height,
                RefreshRate = new Rational(60, 1),
                Format = Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm
            _swapChain.ResizeTarget(ref bufferDescription);

            // Allow new resize events.
            _window.UserResized += _window_UserResized;

    private static void Main(string[] args)
        _window = new RenderForm();
        _window.KeyDown += _window_KeyDown;
        _window.IsFullscreen = true;

        // Set default resolution.
        _resolution = new Size(800, 600);

        // Describe the swap chain buffer mode.
        ModeDescription bufferDescription = new ModeDescription()
            Width = _resolution.Width,
            Height = _resolution.Height,
            RefreshRate = new Rational(60, 1),
            Format = Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm
        // Describe the swap chain.
        SwapChainDescription swapChainDescription = new SwapChainDescription()
            ModeDescription = bufferDescription,
            SampleDescription = new SampleDescription(1, 0),
            Usage = Usage.RenderTargetOutput,
            BufferCount = 1,
            OutputHandle = _window.Handle,
            IsWindowed = !_window.IsFullscreen,
            Flags = SwapChainFlags.AllowModeSwitch // Allows other fullscreen resolutions than native one.
        // Create the device with the swap chain.
        SharpDX.Direct3D11.Device.CreateWithSwapChain(DriverType.Hardware, DeviceCreationFlags.None, swapChainDescription, out _device, out _swapChain);
        _deviceContext = _device.ImmediateContext;

        // Set the resolution to run the code which resizes the internal buffers.
        Resolution = _resolution;

        _window.UserResized += _window_UserResized;
        RenderLoop.Run(_window, Loop);

    private static void Loop()
        _deviceContext.ClearRenderTargetView(_renderTargetView, new Color4(0.4f, 0.5f, 0.6f, 1f));
        _swapChain.Present(1, 0);

    private static void _window_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
        if (e.KeyCode == Keys.F)
            Fullscreen = !Fullscreen;

    private static void _window_UserResized(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Resolution = _window.ClientSize;




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private static void Main(string[] args)
    _window = new RenderForm();
    _window.KeyDown += _window_KeyDown;
    _window.IsFullscreen = true;
    _window.Show(); // Do not forget this or window styles may break

    // Set default resolution.
    _resolution = new Size(800, 600);

    // Describe the swap chain buffer mode.
    ModeDescription bufferDescription = new ModeDescription()
        Width = _resolution.Width,
        Height = _resolution.Height,
        RefreshRate = new Rational(60, 1),
        Format = Format.R8G8B8A8_UNorm
    // Describe the swap chain.
    SwapChainDescription swapChainDescription = new SwapChainDescription()
        ModeDescription = bufferDescription,
        SampleDescription = new SampleDescription(1, 0),
        Usage = Usage.RenderTargetOutput,
        BufferCount = 1,
        OutputHandle = _window.Handle,
        IsWindowed = !_fullscreen,
        Flags = SwapChainFlags.AllowModeSwitch // Allows other fullscreen resolutions than native one.
    // Create the device with the swap chain.
    SharpDX.Direct3D11.Device.CreateWithSwapChain(DriverType.Hardware, DeviceCreationFlags.None,
        swapChainDescription, out _device, out _swapChain);
    _deviceContext = _device.ImmediateContext;

    // Set the resolution to run the code which resizes the internal buffers.
    Resolution = _resolution;

    RenderLoop.Run(_window, Loop);