
时间:2015-02-16 06:28:16

标签: batch-file batch-processing


我看过这篇文章,但由于以下原因,它没有帮助:How to delete blank lines from multiple files in a directory: *文件已重命名 *文件必须与.bat文件位于同一目录中



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@echo off
    setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion

    rem There are some problems with references to batch files
    rem that are called with quotes. To avoid the problems, a
    rem subroutine is used to retrieve the information of 
    rem current batch file 

    call :getBatchFileFullPath batch

    rem From the full path of the batch file, retrieve the 
    rem folder where it is stored 

    for %%a in ("%batch%") do set "folder=%%~dpa"

    rem We will use a temporary file to store the valid 
    rem lines while removing the empty ones.

    set "tempFile=%folder%\~%random%%random%%random%"

    rem For each file in the batch folder, if the file is 
    rem not the batch file itself

    for %%a in ("%folder%\*") do if /i not "%%~fa"=="%batch%" (

        rem Now %%a holds a reference to the file being processed
        rem We will use %%~fa to get the full path of file.

        rem Use findstr to read the file, and retrieve the
        rem lines that 
        rem    /v         do not match
        rem    /r         the regular expression
        rem    /c:"^$"    start of line followed by end of line
        rem and send the output to the temporary file

        findstr /v /r /c:"^$" "%%~fa" > "%tempFile%"

        rem Once we have the valid lines into the temporary 
        rem file, rename the temporary file as the input file
        move /y "%tempFile%" "%%~fa" >nul 

    rem End - Leave the batch file before reaching the subroutine 
    exit /b 

rem Subrotutine used to retrieve batch file information.
rem First argument (%1) will be set to the name of a variable 
rem that will hold the full path to the current batch file.

:getBatchFileFullPath returnVar
    set "%~1=%~f0"
    goto :eof


@echo off
    setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion

    call :getBatchFileFullPath batch
    for %%a in ("%batch%") do set "folder=%%~dpa"
    set "tempFile=%folder%\~%random%%random%%random%"

    for %%a in ("%folder%\*") do if /i not "%%~fa"=="%batch%" (
        findstr /v /r /c:"^$" "%%~fa" > "%tempFile%"
        move /y "%tempFile%" "%%~fa" >nul 
    exit /b 

:getBatchFileFullPath returnVar
    set "%~1=%~f0"
    goto :eof