如你所见,它说:"会话总数:11,610"对于" Directo"资源。这是整个月的Dicember。但是,如果我更改日期:" 2014-12-01"为了查看dicember第一天的数据,条形图会发生变化,但工具提示会一直说:"会话总数:11,610&#34到" 2014-12-01" ; for" Directo"。
我认为这是我的" mysessions"函数fot工具提示部分,当daterangeInput改变时,它不识别数据的子集。但无法弄清楚。
我的服务器.R:###您可以在" dput()"中看到我的数据。最后。
Visitas_Por_Fuente <- read.csv("D:\\RCoursera\\Star- App3\\Visitas_Por_Fuente_Dic.csv") ## Call it from a CSV file, but you can see the dput() data at the end of the post.
Visitas_Por_Fuente$date <- as.Date(Visitas_Por_Fuente$date)
function(input, output, session){
myData <- reactive({
# Filter the data based on user selection month
date_seq <- seq(input$dates[1], input$dates[2], by = "day")
EvolucionVisitas <- filter(Visitas_Por_Fuente, date %in% date_seq)
############# Evolución de las visitas ##############################################
myvis <- reactive({
EvolucionVisitas <- myData()
mysessions <- function(x) {
if(is.null(x)) return(NULL)
# compute the total number of sessions of the "Fuente" type that is hovered over
total_sessions <- sum(EvolucionVisitas[EvolucionVisitas$Fuentes == x$Fuentes, "sessions"])
# format the value with prettyNum if you like:
paste0("Total number of Sessions:", " ",
prettyNum(total_sessions, big.mark=",",scientific=F))
outvis <-
EvolucionVisitas %>%
ggvis(~Fuentes, ~sessions) %>%
layer_bars(width = 0.8, fill = ~Fuentes) %>%
add_tooltip(mysessions ,"hover")
myvis %>% bind_shiny("EvolucionVisitas")
# Use a fluid Bootstrap layout
# Give the page a title
titlePanel("Visitas por fuente"),
# Generate a row with a sidebar
# Define the sidebar with one input
dateRangeInput("dates", label = h3("Date range"),
start = "2014-12-01", end = "2014-12-31")
tabPanel('Evolución de las visitas',
as.data.frame(structure(list(date = structure(c(1417410000, 1417410000, 1417410000,
1417410000, 1417410000, 1417410000, 1417496400, 1417496400, 1417496400,
1417496400, 1417496400, 1417496400, 1417496400, 1417582800, 1417582800,
1417582800, 1417582800, 1417582800, 1417582800, 1417582800, 1417669200,
1417669200, 1417669200, 1417669200, 1417669200, 1417669200, 1417669200,
1417755600, 1417755600, 1417755600, 1417755600, 1417755600, 1417755600,
1417842000, 1417842000, 1417842000, 1417842000, 1417842000, 1417842000,
1417842000, 1417928400, 1417928400, 1417928400, 1417928400, 1417928400,
1417928400, 1417928400, 1418014800, 1418014800, 1418014800, 1418014800,
1418014800, 1418014800, 1418014800, 1418101200, 1418101200, 1418101200,
1418101200, 1418101200, 1418101200, 1418101200, 1418187600, 1418187600,
1418187600, 1418187600, 1418187600, 1418187600, 1418187600, 1418274000,
1418274000, 1418274000, 1418274000, 1418274000, 1418274000, 1418274000,
1418360400, 1418360400, 1418360400, 1418360400, 1418360400, 1418360400,
1418360400, 1418446800, 1418446800, 1418446800, 1418446800, 1418446800,
1418446800, 1418446800, 1418533200, 1418533200, 1418533200, 1418533200,
1418533200, 1418533200, 1418533200, 1418619600, 1418619600, 1418619600,
1418619600, 1418619600, 1418619600, 1418619600, 1418706000, 1418706000,
1418706000, 1418706000, 1418706000, 1418706000, 1418706000, 1418792400,
1418792400, 1418792400, 1418792400, 1418792400, 1418792400, 1418792400,
1418878800, 1418878800, 1418878800, 1418878800, 1418878800, 1418878800,
1418878800, 1418965200, 1418965200, 1418965200, 1418965200, 1418965200,
1418965200, 1418965200, 1419051600, 1419051600, 1419051600, 1419051600,
1419051600, 1419051600, 1419051600, 1419138000, 1419138000, 1419138000,
1419138000, 1419138000, 1419138000, 1419224400, 1419224400, 1419224400,
1419224400, 1419224400, 1419224400, 1419224400, 1419310800, 1419310800,
1419310800, 1419310800, 1419310800, 1419310800, 1419397200, 1419397200,
1419397200, 1419397200, 1419397200, 1419397200, 1419397200, 1419483600,
1419483600, 1419483600, 1419483600, 1419483600, 1419483600, 1419483600,
1419570000, 1419570000, 1419570000, 1419570000, 1419570000, 1419570000,
1419656400, 1419656400, 1419656400, 1419656400, 1419656400, 1419656400,
1419742800, 1419742800, 1419742800, 1419742800, 1419742800, 1419742800,
1419742800, 1419829200, 1419829200, 1419829200, 1419829200, 1419829200,
1419829200, 1419915600, 1419915600, 1419915600, 1419915600, 1419915600,
1419915600, 1419915600, 1420002000, 1420002000, 1420002000, 1420002000,
1420002000), class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), tzone = "America/Lima"),
Fuentes = c("Adwords", "Directo", "Email", "Referencias",
"SEO", "Social Media", "Adwords", "Campañas", "Directo",
"Email", "Referencias", "SEO", "Social Media", "Adwords",
"Campañas", "Directo", "Email", "Referencias", "SEO", "Social Media",
"Adwords", "Campañas", "Directo", "Email", "Referencias",
"SEO", "Social Media", "Campañas", "Directo", "Email", "Referencias",
"SEO", "Social Media", "Adwords", "Campañas", "Directo",
"Email", "Referencias", "SEO", "Social Media", "Adwords",
"Campañas", "Directo", "Email", "Referencias", "SEO", "Social Media",
"Adwords", "Campañas", "Directo", "Email", "Referencias",
"SEO", "Social Media", "Adwords", "Campañas", "Directo",
"Email", "Referencias", "SEO", "Social Media", "Adwords",
"Campañas", "Directo", "Email", "Referencias", "SEO", "Social Media",
"Adwords", "Campañas", "Directo", "Email", "Referencias",
"SEO", "Social Media", "Adwords", "Campañas", "Directo",
"Email", "Referencias", "SEO", "Social Media", "Adwords",
"Campañas", "Directo", "Email", "Referencias", "SEO", "Social Media",
"Adwords", "Campañas", "Directo", "Email", "Referencias",
"SEO", "Social Media", "Adwords", "Campañas", "Directo",
"Email", "Referencias", "SEO", "Social Media", "Adwords",
"Campañas", "Directo", "Email", "Referencias", "SEO", "Social Media",
"Adwords", "Campañas", "Directo", "Email", "Referencias",
"SEO", "Social Media", "Adwords", "Campañas", "Directo",
"Email", "Referencias", "SEO", "Social Media", "Adwords",
"Campañas", "Directo", "Email", "Referencias", "SEO", "Social Media",
"Adwords", "Campañas", "Directo", "Email", "Referencias",
"SEO", "Social Media", "Campañas", "Directo", "Email", "Referencias",
"SEO", "Social Media", "Adwords", "Campañas", "Directo",
"Email", "Referencias", "SEO", "Social Media", "Campañas",
"Directo", "Email", "Referencias", "SEO", "Social Media",
"Adwords", "Campañas", "Directo", "Email", "Referencias",
"SEO", "Social Media", "Adwords", "Campañas", "Directo",
"Email", "Referencias", "SEO", "Social Media", "Campañas",
"Directo", "Email", "Referencias", "SEO", "Social Media",
"Campañas", "Directo", "Email", "Referencias", "SEO", "Social Media",
"Adwords", "Campañas", "Directo", "Email", "Referencias",
"SEO", "Social Media", "Campañas", "Directo", "Email", "Referencias",
"SEO", "Social Media", "Adwords", "Campañas", "Directo",
"Email", "Referencias", "SEO", "Social Media", "Directo",
"Email", "Referencias", "SEO", "Social Media"), sessions = c(10L,
326L, 18L, 527L, 999L, 52L, 3L, 7L, 324L, 19L, 498L, 933L,
44L, 5L, 12L, 363L, 15L, 546L, 1206L, 202L, 7L, 12L, 1122L,
27L, 1249L, 5168L, 607L, 17L, 432L, 22L, 527L, 1553L, 637L,
5L, 5L, 356L, 16L, 507L, 1901L, 487L, 4L, 8L, 312L, 30L,
500L, 1622L, 370L, 3L, 11L, 341L, 18L, 504L, 1312L, 352L,
2L, 13L, 1188L, 33L, 682L, 2008L, 1508L, 3L, 15L, 1086L,
36L, 646L, 2124L, 380L, 3L, 11L, 355L, 17L, 383L, 1054L,
236L, 2L, 9L, 321L, 15L, 370L, 1118L, 245L, 7L, 9L, 259L,
13L, 332L, 1261L, 230L, 3L, 7L, 539L, 9L, 626L, 2336L, 256L,
1L, 12L, 292L, 8L, 386L, 1070L, 220L, 1L, 12L, 278L, 9L,
393L, 1129L, 22L, 1L, 16L, 521L, 18L, 665L, 2400L, 20L, 1L,
13L, 204L, 7L, 258L, 789L, 11L, 2L, 12L, 253L, 6L, 277L,
803L, 9L, 1L, 4L, 262L, 8L, 324L, 960L, 9L, 3L, 442L, 15L,
516L, 1890L, 16L, 2L, 14L, 249L, 8L, 240L, 688L, 11L, 15L,
182L, 7L, 200L, 548L, 5L, 2L, 3L, 171L, 7L, 183L, 480L, 5L,
1L, 3L, 176L, 5L, 231L, 506L, 6L, 15L, 283L, 18L, 322L, 786L,
11L, 13L, 210L, 9L, 232L, 649L, 2L, 1L, 2L, 258L, 4L, 306L,
891L, 9L, 4L, 183L, 10L, 293L, 634L, 4L, 1L, 3L, 188L, 9L,
244L, 566L, 11L, 134L, 1L, 176L, 453L, 4L)), .Names = c("date",
"Fuentes", "sessions"), row.names = c(NA, -208L), class = c("grouped_df",
"tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"), vars = list(date), drop = TRUE))
答案 0 :(得分:1)